Chapter 8 - Reunion

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The next day.

Inko Midoriya was completing basic household chores and getting stuff ready for lunch when the doorbell rang. She stops her work and washes her hands, wiping them on the apron and goes to open the door.

Inko opens the door and sees Gran Torino standing there. "Uncle Sohariko!!!" Inko shouted, grabbing the old man and hugging him. "It's been so long, it's nice to see you!" she says, placing him down. "Please come in. there is so much I need to tell you." She said, inviting the old man in.

"Nice to meet you too, you little gremlin." Gran Torino greeted her. "Anyway, where that idiot husband of yours?"

"He's in the shower, he should be out in sometime." Inko responded.

"And what about your kids?"

"Izuku's still asleep and Izumi's out with her stupid boyfriend." Inko answered frowning at the mention of Katsuki.

"Good, because there was something, I wanted to ask you specifically." GT told her, in a slight whisper.

"Is this about Izuku's training with his quirk?" Inko whispered to the old man for him to nod in agreement. "Do whatever you have to do to train him, if you want to take him away from here, do it. Just do whatever it takes to help him achieve his dreams." She told the man.

Gran Torino simply nods. "Toshi wanted him to be the next one." GT told her.

"You mean, the 9th user?" Inko asked him.

"Yeah, though I have my doubts as to if he will accept it." GT responded. "His new quirk is rather powerful so I'm not sure if he will accept."

"Uncle, I'll be honest with you, I haven't been able to support him while he grew up. I haven't been able to help him and be there for him when he needed me." she sobbed a bit.

"It's alright, kid. Not everyone's perfect. It's nice to see that you are trying to make things right." Gran Torino tells her. "And that was why I came to you, if you don't mind, I'll be taking Izuku till the UA entrance exams."

"Whose going where?" Hisashi asked, walking out of the master bedroom. "Nice to see your old man."

"Nice to see you too, Hisashi." GT greeted him with a fake smile.

"So, whose going where?" the flame hero asked once more.

"Oh nothing, I just wanted my grandkids to spend some time with me, I could show them places I loved to visit."

"As fun as that sounds, Izumi needs to train so I'll have to say no to that for now. As it is, she spends too much time with that boyfriend of hers." Hisashi told him.

"What about Izuku?" GT asked, Hisashi stiffened at the mention of Izuku, and glared at Inko before looking at the old man. "You wouldn't mind if I took him off your hands for the time being, would you?"

"Sure, take him wherever. I don't care." Hisashi responded.

"Alright, so how does tomorrow sound?" GT asked them. "I'll come and pick him up tomorrow at 10."

"Do whatever you want old man." Hisashi said as he went into the kitchen for a snack.

"Alright then, Inko, I'll see you tomorrow at 10." GT told the green-haired woman as he got up to leave. "Bye, and please let Izuku know of this."

"I will. Bye, uncle." Inko told him as he left the household. She turned back to go to the kitchen when Hisashi grabbed her hand.

"How did that old man know about the quirkless little brat?" he asked him.

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