Chapter 21 - Physical Assessments

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"Alright then, everyone wear your gym uniforms and get outside. Since Mr. Bakugou and Mr. Midoriya-" He got cut off by Izuku.

"Don't use that name again. It's Izuku Shimura." He said looking (aka glaring) at Aizawa. "You might want to change it in your systems as well."

"Mr. Shimura have decided that we're taking the hard road, we'll be having a small test today." He corrected himself and walked out of the class.

Soon all members of class 1-A were out in the open grounds of UA, standing in small groups or alone. Izuku stood with Ochako and was busy conversing with Emma and the others in his mindscape.

"Normally first years are expected to attend the orientation ceremony on the first day, but because of two overly energetic people in your class, you will be having a test today." Aizawa explained. "You will be doing a few rather basic physical assessment tests, only this time you will be using your quirks, and everything is turned up to 11."

"What does that mean sir?" Ida, the blue-haired boy asked.

Aizawa grinned like a sadist and a maniac. "What it means is that you will be pushing yourself to the extreme during these tests."

"If we can use your quirks then it should be easy." A black-haired boy with weird elbows muttered just loud enough for it to reach Aizawa.

This comment made Aizawa grin even more. "Easy you say huh? Then why don't we raise the stakes a bit? Two people, the ones that perform the worst in these tests shall be expelled from the class. We have two extra in this class anyway."

The class was shocked. "But sir, this isn't fair!!! We just got here!" A pink-skinned girl exclaimed.

"Fair?" Aizawa said. "You think life is fair? You think natural disasters are fair? That villains are fair? Nothing in life is fair, the faster you learn this, the better for all of you. Now, Mr. Bakugou. Front and centre."

Katsuki walked up to the teacher with a cocky grin on his face.

"Softball toss, from that circle with this ball. Use your quirk as you like." He said as he gave the boy a ball and walked away.

Katsuki walks to the center of the circle and gets ready for the toss. He takes a stance similar to that of a baseball pitcher and throws the ball, using his quirk at the last second to blast it away. Aizawa looked at the phone he had, watching as the numbers on the screen increased rapidly before slowing down and coming to a halt.

"730.80 meters not bad. Now get back in line." Aizawa told him. "Now that you've seen a demo, we'll start with the first test."

The class performed a series of rather extreme tests, each leaving most of them exhausted. The students did a 50 Meter Dash, Standing Long Jump, and grip strength test were done once per student then Repeated Side Steps, Seated toe touches, Sit-Ups, Pull-Ups and Push-ups till their body gave out, and finally, an endurance run.

Izuku was easily able to maintain himself well above the class average in the tests and managed to be one of the last 2 that were still running during the endurance run, the other being an onyx haired girl, who had created a cycle for herself.

Aizawa stood on the sidelines making small notes on his device about every student. It was around the 40th round when Izuku quit running causing Momo to stop around after as well.

"Alright, now all of you line up, we'll be doing a softball throw next." Aizawa said as he tossed one ball to each student. "Mr. Kaminari you're up first."

A blond-haired boy with a black lightning shaped streak walked to the circle and threw the ball. He was soon followed by the rest of the class. While most got average scores, a few managed to stand out here too. 

Shoto and Shoko were able to beat Katsuki's score with their ice, Yaoyorozu, the onyx haired girl from before, created a mini canon and shot the ball, falling short of Katsuki's score by about 15 meters. 

Katsumi was able to beat her brother's score by adding centrifugal force and a much larger explosion to the mix of her throw. Ochako was able to get an infinity by simply negating the gravity on the ball and tossing it lightly into the air.

When Izuku's turn came walked to the circle and paused as Aizawa called his name.

"Shimura, when will you stop holding back?" He asked.

"Holding back?"

"I've seen your records, you were able to defeat the 0-pointer behemoth with ease, you can easily reach Mach 1.5 speeds with ease, yes Hawks told us about that little outing you had after the entrance exam, and you were able to defeat Mirio Togata is a spar. Should I continue?" Aizawa glared at Izuku.

"No need, but I should warn you, I don't really have much control over my powers." Izuku closed his eyes and let his powers grow. Izuku's body started to float a bit as he was covered in a yellow aura. His Phoenix Shield activating, glowing with a yellow aura. 

"And Shimura, no telekinesis, anything else goes." Aizawa told him as he wore his goggles to shield his eyes from the light Izuku was emitting.

Collecting some power in his right hand, he launched the ball with the help of a psionic laser beam, sending it out of orbit.

"Another infinity." Aizawa stated.

"Not exactly." Izuku commented, powering down. "Ochako's ball is probably in just outside of Earth's atmosphere, not anywhere beyond that, since the toss didn't have much power behind it. The ball I threw is probably on a crash course to the sun or some unlucky asteroid that happens to encounter the ball."

"And you know this because?"

"Psionic energy. The ball is being led by that and I can sense it."

Aizawa rubbed his temples in annoyance. "Alright, here are the results. See them and get back to class."

Aizawa showed a projection of the results to the class. Izuku sat comfortably at the second position behind Yaoyorozu. Ochako sat at the 13th position and was rather happy about it.

The class was waiting for Aizawa to announce the names of the three unlucky students when Aizawa looked that them confused. "Why are you still here? I said go back to class."

The students continued to stand there quietly when Aizawa had a realization. "Oh right, about the expulsion. It was a logical ruse to get you all to perform better. It served its purpose for most of you." He said glaring at Izuku who was lost in his own thoughts. "Now off you go to class, the syllabus is kept on my desk take one and then do whatever you want for the rest of the day."

As the students walked back to their class, Aizawa called for Izuku and Katsuki.

"Bakugou and Shimura, I want both of you in the principal's office after today's last bell."

"Yes, sir/ tch! Alright." Izuku and Bakugou answer/scoffed.

"Now get back to class." 

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