Chapter 15 - Taking the Flight Home

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Izuku walked out of the examination grounds carrying Ochako in his arms, bridal style.

"Right, any ideas?" Izuku asks the people who lived in his house rent-free.

"Fly to her house, it's fast and effective." Emma suggested.

"I need a hero's permission for that, we have laws now if you've forgotten Emma." Izuku tells her.

"Then ask a hero, All Might should work." Scott told him. "Also, douchebag alert, 7 o'clock."

"Why do they have to come here now?" Izuku muttered under his breath as he continued to walk, heading to the Main Building, looking for All Might. He knew that the hero was somewhere in the school.

"Oi, Deku!" Izumi's voice shouted from behind. Izuku ignored her and continued to walk, taking a sharp left, entering the building.

"Deku you better stop right there. You have some explaining to do." Katsumi shouted slightly agitated.

Izuku stopped in his tracks. "I don't have to explain anything, especially not to assholes like you," Izuku said in an emotionless voice before he continued into the building.

"You think you can show us up in front of all the students and get away with it!" Katsuki shouted, running at Izuku.

"I don't think so, I know so. Because one wrong move and you shatter your dreams, Bitch-suki." Izuku responded, continuing to walk.

"What did you say!!!!" Katsuki shouted.

"Leave. Before you do something that would ruin your life." Izuku said.

"I'll leave when we're done here, Deku!" Katsuki shouted, grabbing Izuku's shoulder.

"I said Leave!!!!" Izuku shouted, with 6 voices overlapping.

Katsuki and the rest of the group took a step back, shocked at Izuku's morphed voice. 'What the hell was that!' All 5 of the thought at the same time. Izuku shrugged off Katsuki's hand off his shoulder and walked up the stairs to the first floor, walking to a door till he hears a familiar voice.

"Mr. Yagi?" Izuku knocked at a door that said 'Principal'.

"Unfortunately, Mr. Yagi isn't here, kid." A voice said.

"It's okay, Nezu. He knows." All Might replied reverting to his normal self. "You can come in, Izuku."

"Hello sir, I'm Izuku Shimura and the sleeping beauty is Ochako Uraraka." Izuku introduced himself and Ochako to Nezu.

"You look oddly familiar, boy. Are you somehow related to the Midoriya family?" Nezu asked, studying Izuku. Izuku glances at Toshinori, who simply nods.

"Unfortunately, sir." Izuku replied.

"And why would that be unfortunate?" Nezu asked him.

"Many reasons sir, but I'm sure Mr. Yagi can explain those to you. Right now, I really need to drop Ochako home and get some rest myself." Izuku responded.

"Understandable, it is not every day that you take on the kraken." Nezu said, referring to the 0-pointer. "You can go home, for now. But I'd like to talk to you about your powers and your relation to the Midoriya family, you are quite the enigma, Mr. Shimura."

"Thank you, sir, and Mr. Yagi, I was hoping I could use my quirk to get home, I don't think my arms will be able to take the strain of carrying Ochako if I use the train." Izuku told the blond man.

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