Chapter 19 - An Encounter

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Midoriya Household same time as the last chapter.

"CLASS 1-B!!!!! 1-B!!!!" Hisashi shouted. "How the fuck is my daughter in a class of second-grade rejects!!" He angrily shouted at his daughter.

"Dad, calm down, I can always ask the management for a transfer to Class 1-A." Izumi said, trying to calm her father down.

"CALM DOWN!!!!" Hisashi shouted as he walked towards the girl. "How is it that you, who trained for most of your life wasn't able to get into Class 1-A!!!!"

Izumi stayed quiet not knowing how to answer the question.

Angered further by the silence, Hisashi slaps the girl. "Answer me, Izumi. How is it that someone like you couldn't get into class A? Even that stupid quirkless brother of yours got into Class A!!!"

"I-I d-don't kn-know dad!" Izumi answered.

"Go to your room, I need to make a call, and don't you dare disturb me." Hisashi told her as he walked out of the house. Izumi walked into her room and sat on her bed, crying into her knees blaming Izuku for her misery.

Inko came in later that day to see Hisashi missing and Izumi asleep in her room with dried tears on her face. "What did Hisashi do this time?" She thought out loud.

"D-Dad didn't do anything. It's all that Deku's fault." Izumi muttered, alerting Inko.

"I didn't know you were awake, Izumi." She told her daughter. "So, I was your day?"

"Well, it was good till dad got to know I was in class 1-B." Izumi told her.

"Well, im just happy that both my kids got into UA." Inko said, trying to hug Izumi only for the girl to push her mother away.

"You're just happy because your precious Izuku got into class 1-A. I got into class 1-B like a worthless freak!" Izumi shouted.

"Izumi, I don't care what you're father told you, just know that I'd love you just the same even if you weren't able to get into UA alright." Inko told her, hugging the girl. "And I want you to at least try and speak to your brother in school alright, be a little nice to him. It might feel difficult, impossible even but try. For me."

Izumi didn't respond as she continued to hug her mother, slowly falling asleep. As Inko put her daughter's head back on the pillow, she sighed once more.

'I really need to do something about Hisashi. This is getting out of hand now.' She thought to herself. 'First, he stops acknowledging Izuku's presence, then he trains Izumi so hard that she getting stronger and becoming number one is the only thing she can think about. Then there's also him kicking Izuku out of the house for trying to protect me and now this.' She thought as she moved a few strands of hair out of Izumi's hair out of her face and got up to leave.

We skip to the most eventful morning; it was the first day of UA for the new first year students and Izuku had woken up fashionably late.

"I'M LATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" he shouted as he ran down the stairs, well, technically floated down with his quirk.

"No using your quirk in the house, kid." Toshi told him. "And you're not late, you set your alarm earlier, if anything you're on time, it's just 6 am. You can still pick up Young Uraraka and catch that 6:45 train as you planned."

"Oh." Izuku said, landing softly on the sofa.

"How many times have I told you, do not stand on that sofa, it's expensive Italian leather!" Toshi shouted.

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