Chapter 16 - Meeting the Urarakas

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Izuku knocks on the door to Ochako's House, and he had probably run out of the little luck he had, because he was greeted by Ochako's father.

The two don't exchange a single word, as Ochako's father let's Izuku into the house and guides him to Ochako's room.

Izuku pulls the sheets of Ochako's bed with his telekinesis and places Ochako on it, pulling the covers as he left the room. He did close the door behind him, letting the girl sleep in peace.

"So, explain young man." The man orders. "Who are you, how do you know my Ochako and why was she sleeping in your arms like that."

"My name's Izuku Shimura, I know Ochako from 10 months ago, from the Sludge villain incident and she was asleep in my arms because she was too tired to move on her own after the entrance exam." Izuku explained.

"I'll need more than that young man." The man said, glaring at Izuku.

"Maruki, who's there?" A female voice asked the man.

"Just some boy that brought Ochako home." He told her.

"Does this boy have a name?" the woman asked as she finally came into view. The woman was no doubt Ochako's mother, she had the same hair, eyes, and even the permanent blush on the cheeks as Ochako.

"Izuku Shimura, ma'am." Izuku answered.

"You wouldn't be the man that saved Ochako 10 months ago, would you? The one that was formerly the son of Blaze?" The woman asked.

"Yes ma'am." Izuku said.

"Well, it's finally nice to meet you, I'm Kurumi and that's Maruki." The woman told him. "We've heard a lot about you, so what brings you here?"

"Well, Ochako got hurt during the exams and after Recovery Girl healed her, she sorts of dozed off, so I flew her here and that's the gist of it." He told them.

"Well thank you for helping her, today and all those months ago." Kurumi told him.

"No need to thank me, ma'am, I am aiming to be a hero after all." Izuku responded.

"You know, Ochako was right about you, you really are hard to read." Maruki said, laughing as he slapped Izuku's back. "I knew who you were the moment you came in. I was just trying to get a read on you."

"I can't show emotions because my emotions are directly connected to my quirk." Izuku explained. "I should probably leave, Mr. Yagi will be worried if I don't show up soon."

"Alright, and just so you know, you're free to come home anytime you want." Maruki told him as he got up to leave.

"I'll keep that in mind sir." Izuku said as he waved them goodbye and took off for home.

"So that's the boy that ochako likes, nice kid." Kurumi said.

"What happened to him is really sad, I mean-" Maruki was about to continue when the couple heard some footsteps.

"Mom!!! Dad!!! How did I get here?" Ochako asked.

"Oh... well Izuku brought you here." Kurumi told her.

"He was carrying you in his arms and let me add, you didn't see to wanna let go." Maruki teased. Ochako's face turned red like a strawberry at the comment.

"Maruki, don't tease the girl, she just woke up. So ochako how was the exam?" Kurumi asked.

"It was okay, I guess. I managed to get 50 points before my leg got caught in the rubble." She told them.

"That's great, darling. I'm sure you'll pass. What say we have some celebratory Mochi?" Maruki asked the girl.

"MOCHI!!!!!!" Ochako shouted happily.

"I'll take that as a yes, now, why don't you go take a shower, and then we can eat them together." Maruki told her.

Sometime later, Ochako came down, wearing a fresh set of clothes and sat at the dining table waiting for her dad to get the Mochi.

"So ochako, tell us more about Izuku." Kurumi said as she sat next to her daughter.

"Well, I've told you most of what he's told me though I do feel that he was keeping some stuff from me, but I don't mind. Given what he had to go through I can understand why he is so secretive about stuff." Ochako told her mother.

"Hmm. You were right, it's hard to understand whether he's happy or sad or whatever." Maruki said as he placed the Mochi on the table.

"Well, that's most of the time, but you sort of get used to it once you spend time with him. Though I saw he lost his cool earlier today, before the exams. He had reached earlier and was waiting for me when he met his former bullies. They were trying to push him around and Izuku did what he usually does and didn't retaliate. I had to save him from falling once." Ochako told them, giggling a bit. "And then things got a little out of hand. One of them, I think it was Katsumi or something said some stuff about me, really inappropriate stuff and Izuku somehow lost it, he grabbed the girl's throat and literally lifted her up in the air. I did calm him down, but I think it scared them enough to not trouble us again."

"Looks like he has his head in the right place." Maruki commented. "Though I wouldn't agree with the violent approach."

"Oh really, I know 5 people from our college that would say otherwise." Kurumi remarked, snickering.

"Those guys had it coming, and you know it." Maruki remarked. The small family continued to talk with the 2 adults telling ochako more about their younger days.

We now shift our focus to Izuku, who had just reached home.

"Young man you're in trouble." Yagi told him, raising his right eyebrow.

"If this is about me breaking the Mach 1 barrier, Hawks was with me and he allowed me to do it." Izuku said, raising his hand up in surrender.

"You did what!!" Yagi exclaimed.

"I just dug my own grave, didn't I?" Izuku said.

"Probably but I was talking about the little skirmish you had before the exam." Yagi told him.

"I'm not sorry for that." Izuku responded. "They had it coming, and you know it."

"That's not the point, Izuku. If Blaze were to take it up with Nezu, you would probably lose your seat. It is a matter of concern for you." Yagi said.

"Oh, so they can call Ochako a slut and a whore that I hired to be my friend and freaking get away with it, but if I try to stand up for her, then I can get into trouble, what an amazing system." Izuku retorted, internally his anger increasing as his power flared up slightly.

"Calm down Izuku." Yagi told the boy. "You don't have to worry, I just wanted your side of the story and wanted to see if it matched the recordings."

"You should also know, they tried to come after me after the exam as well, while I was coming to talk to you." Izuku told him. "I did that weird voice thing from back then, probably made them shit their pants." He said, smiling slightly.

"As hilarious as that would have been, you should probably go change, we're going to meet someone soon." Yagi told the boy.

"I'll be down in 15 minutes." Izuku said as he went to his room for a shower.

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