Chapter 29 - Flames of the Phoenix

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Right after Aizawa and Izuku jumped into the fray of villains. The students stood together with 13 guarding them.

They watched on as Izuku and Aizawa plowed through the villains standing in the center of USJ.

"Will they be alright?" Ochako asks, worried about Izuku.

"The villains aren't that strong, and with Aizawa's quirk, they should be quick work for the two of them. The real problem are those three." Thirteen says.

"I would say that is a perfect analysis, Rescue Hero 13." A voice says. "Greetings Class 1-A. I am Kurogiri of the League of Villains."

"Kids, stay back!" 13 says, holding her hand up.

"Now, now 13. We both know you don't have combat capabilities to deal with me." The villain says.

Thirteen activates her quirk, the metal caps on her forefinger pop open, sucking in everything in front of it. Kurogiri opens a portal in front of 13, warping the black hole she had created with her quirk.

He opens another portal, this time behind her, releasing her quirk on herself, the vacuum ruptures 13's suit, injuring her back and side.

"13!!" Ochako exclaims, running to her teacher's side.

"Ca-can't bl-blame a g-girl for t-trying." 13 says, as she passes out.

"Now to take care of you guys." Kurogiri says as he starts opening a massive portal.

"Iida, get your ass out of here. We'll make you a diversion." Ochako yells as the Todoroki twins hit the villain with fire and ice trying to make a diversion for the boy.

"Bu- I-" Iida tried to protest.

"Leave Iida, we'll take care of things here. Get to UA and tell them what's happening. Now!" Ochako orders, as Iida runs out the main door, heading towards UA.

"Pesky, insolent children!" Kurogiri exclaims as he expands his body, engulfing the students, scattering them across USJ.

"TSU!!!" Ochako yells as the frog girl falls into a portal. "Everyone stay close." Ochako tells them.

"I've done enough now, time for the real boss to take stage!" Kurogiri says as he warps away back to the center.

"Yaoyorozu, make me some bandages, we're going to patch 13 up!" Ochako says as she puts some pressure on the rescue heroine's wounds.

"On it. Sero, I'll need some tape from you. To hold everything together once Uraraka is done." Momo exclaims as she starts to create the required bandages.

The rest of the group watches Izuku and Aizawa fight the villains, only for them to suddenly stop as they talk to the leader of the villains.

"Shoji, what are they talking about?" Ashido asks.

"I-I don't know." Shoji says as he extends his tentacle arm after morphing it into an ear. "I'll need to get closer."

"Then get closer, we'll cover you." Sero shouts as he hands Momo some pieces of tape.

Shoji, Sero, and Mina walk in closer to the stage, keeping their distance.

"So, what's going on?" Mina asks.

"The leader, I think, is telling them his plan. And how it revolves around tha- SHIT!!! Ashido, Sero, get out of here. Fast. He just ordered that thing to kill you!" Shoji says as he tries to intercept the Nomu only to get backhanded by the Nomu.

 He just ordered that thing to kill you!" Shoji says as he tries to intercept the Nomu only to get backhanded by the Nomu

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