Chapter 34 - Her Parents Are Pissed Off

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Izuku and Ochako arrived at the Uraraka residence. Izuku had been given a UA sports shirt to wear by Recovery Girl Since his hero costume had been tattered while Ochako was wearing her regular school uniform.

Just as they got down from the car that UA had given to them, they were met by Ochako's parents were in the midst of locking their main door.

"Mom, Dad? You're home already?" Ochako asked going to hug them.

"Oh, we took a half-day after one of your teachers, Midnight I think, called us and told us what had happened." Her mom answered.

"We were so worried for you!!!!" Her dad added hugging her tighter. "We got to know you got injured, broken bones and all."

"As you can see, I'm fine Dad." Ochako answers.

"That's not the point here." Her mother answers. "Come inside, we'll talk then."

Ochako and Izuku follow Ochako's parents into their house, taking a seat on the sofa while the two adults sat on dining chairs.

"Now, we were told about what happened, in detail." Ochako's dad says. "And I just have one question."

"Honey, remember what I told you." Kurumi tells him.

"Yeah yeah, I'll be as gentle as I can." Maruki answers as he turns to Izuku. "What the fuck were you doing when MY daughter was being beaten to a bloody pulp!!!!" He shouts, with Izuku looking him dead in the eye, giving a 'Are you serious right now?' look.

"DAD!!!" Ochako shouts, standing up. "I don't know what all Ms. Midnight told you, but Izuku's the reason that I'm perfectly alright right now!"

"Do not use that tone with us Ochako." Kurumi scolds.

"I will, because that was way out of line, even for Dad." Ochako shouts. "You don't even know what actually happened-" Ochako is stopped by Izuku holding her arm.

"It's alright Ochako. In a way, they're right. Had I been faster back then and better at controlling my powers, I could have prevented any of you from getting hurt." Izuku answers. "And I accept that I was at fault. I've been told that after she got hurt I kinda went on a rampage, only stopping when I was tranquillized."

Maruki and Kurumi stood shocked.

"And for that, for not being able to protect Ochako, I apologise." Izuku says, bowing to the two adults. "And I promise that I'll try harder to keep Ochako safe, even if it means I'd have to fight for control against the stupid Dark Phoenix. I should also leave now; they're expecting me back at UA for some work." Izuku got up, getting ready to leave. "Thanks for having me." Izuku says before quickly exiting the house.

"What the hell dad!!! I'll be back in a bit, we'll talk about what the fuck ever happened right now, but I need to see if Izuku is Okay." Ochako says, as she dashes after Izuku.

Maruki and Kurumi stood in silence, confused as to what happened.

Izuku was about to sit in the car when Ochako caught up to him. "Izuku." She calls out, panting.

"Why are you here, Ochako? You should get some sleep!" Izuku tells her.

"Look, I'm sorry for what happened inside, it's just-"

Izuku cuts Ochako off, giving her a one-handed hug. "It's alright. Don't worry about it. Your father is right though. I should have done something when I saw that – that thing rushed towards you." Izuku sighs. "I should have been better. And intervened earlier and faster. I should have been better."


"As I've said, don't worry about it. I promise on my life, I'll train more and get better at controling this power." Izuku says, clenching his fists at his sides. "And I promise that I'll protect you. And everyone else."

Ochako hugs back, tears flowing down her cheeks, dampening Izuku's borrowed shirt. "C'mon Ochako, don't cry." He says patting her back.

Ochako separated herself from Izuku, wiping her tears, looking at the boy.

"Well, I think I should get going, it's getting late and I'm kinda wanted back at school. I'll see you tomorrow same time as usual?" Izuku tells her.

"Yeah..." Ochako answers. "T-Take care."

"Same to you, bye." Izuku said as he sat in the car and asked the driver to head to UA. Ochako stood in her spot for a while before going back to her home.

"Alright, what the hell was that about, do you even have any idea what happened?" Ochako shouted at her parents. "Look, I'm not sure what you guys were told but Izuku was the one that healed me to the point that it was hard for doctors to believe that I was ever hit, not just me, but 2 other classmates too. And it's because of Izuku that we were all saved. And for your information, Izuku got stabbed in the stomach while fighting that... that thing. That beast." She explains. "So, before you go and tell him that he should have done more, know the full story." She exhales, trying to calm down. "I'm going to rest; I'll wake up by dinner."

"Ochako-" Maruki tries to call Ochako back only for Kurumi to stop him.

"Let her be, for now, I already told you not to bring it up. She'll come back for dinner, apologise then. I know you meant well but give her some space and some time." Kurumi tells him. Maruki sighs, sitting on the chair.

Back with Izuku, he just reached the main campus of UA. "Thanks for the ride, Mister!" He thanks with his usual cold voice.

"No issues, Kiddo. You're a first-year hero course student, right?" The driver asks.

"Yeah, why?"

"I heard you guys had one hell of a day, you should rest instead of dropping off people and all." The driver says.

"Yeah, thanks for the concern." Izuku says with a small smile, as he closes the door.

The driver nods as he goes to park the car while Izuku goes up to the Principal's Office. "We're still in the conference room Young Shimura, take the next left and go up the stairs." Izuku hears Nezu's voice over the PA system.

Slightly shocked, Izuku shrugged his shoulder not questioning the logic before taking the left and going up the stairs heading to the conference room.

"Nice of you to join us Kiddo!" Toshi greets him. Izuku nods in response.

"Right, now that everybody is here, I'll get to the thing I wanted to discuss." Rogers says, putting down the cup of tea Nezu had offered him. 

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