Chapter 18 - Acceptance letters

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Two weeks later, UA's acceptance letters had made their way to their recipients, one of which was a particular Izuku Shimura, who had been spending his time working on his powers, he had recently discovered that he could enter people's minds, read their thoughts and do a bunch of rather screwed up things to their minds. He had been practicing this on some of the prisoners at Tartarus who were set for execution, so technically no harm done. Plus, he hadn't screwed them up so bad that they were at the point of no return.

Izuku had been trying to use that ability for quite some time now but had only succeeded a few days after the entrance exam. He knew that there was a high probability that the ability would not be of use, so he didn't even try it till the entrance exams.

Anyway, back to UA's acceptance letters. Izuku sat in his room with his letter in his hand, not ready to open it just yet when his mom entered his room.

"Izuku. Have you opened the letter yet?" She asked.

"Not yet, I'm not sure if I should open it." He said, staring at the letter.

"Go ahead kid. You've earned it." Toshi said, standing at the door. "We'll go have some ice cream after if you want." He said unsure of what he could do to help.

"How old do you think I am?" Izuku asked, tilting his head in confusion.

"What? I think an ice cream always helps." Toshi said, shrugging. "So, what do you say?"

"Sure." Izuku said, looking back at the small envelope. "Well, here goes nothing." HE said as he opened the letter and a small device fell out onto the bed.

"Press the button in the middle, Izuku. It's a projector." Toshi told him.

"Oh." Izuku said as he mentally face-palmed only to realize that he shared his mental space with 5 other people.

"Nice going kid." Scott said, laughing at him.

"Cut him some slack, Scott. All that mental training probably has him tired." Emma responded.

"Yeah, I must say that training was pretty tough." Magik told them.

"It's easier than what Charles had Jean do though." Colossus told them. "Now that was brutal."

"I mean he does have us so there isn't a need to worry about it, not like we're going anywhere, right?" Scott told them as they saw the hologram projection through Izuku's eyes.

"Shimura Izuku, quite a score you racked up in the exam and you figured out the secret point-scoring mechanism, the Hero Points. Though I wouldn't call it a secret, we are a hero school after all." A man dressed in all black clothing, yellow goggles, and a grey scarf told him. "But you managed to score 90 villain points and 40 hero points. I'd say decent performance. You'll be in Class 1-A, headed by me. And if you haven't guessed already, I'm Shouta Aizawa, and all those that can guess my hero name get 2 bonus credits for homeroom for the first semester. I'll see you in 2 weeks, you'll get a list of things you'll need for school, books, and such by email the day after you receive this letter."

And just like that, the video ended.

Inko immediately hugged Izuku, with tears in her eyes.

"You did it, Izuku. You're on your way to becoming a hero!!" She exclaimed.

"I know mom." Izuku said, with a faint trace of a smile.

Toshi stood behind, watching the mother and son duo watching as they celebrated the moment. In the back of his mind, a warning from a certain man played on repeat. His thoughts going back to the day he woke up after his battle against All For One.

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