Chapter 3 - All Might

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Izuku was walking through a tunnel, going through his usual route home. He took this route even though it was longer so he could avoid his sister and her friends.

He was staring at his hands, wondering how he would use his new powers when the sewer lid is tossed aside all of a sudden, startling Izuku.

"AHHHHH a medium meat shield, perfect to escape from him!!" a voice says from behind Izuku. Izuku turns to see a sludge villain, towering over him. Izuku frantically tries to use his powers but can't do anything as the villain grabs a hold of him and starts to choke him. [that sounds really weird, I know.]

The last thing Izuku says before passing out was another sewer lid being opened, rather violently, and a buff man with yellow hair jumping out of it.

2 Minutes later.

Izuku felt a light slap on his face, followed by the words, "Young man, are you alright?"

Izuku sits up, looking around to see All Might in front of him. "A-A-A-ALLL MIIIGHT!!!!" Izuku exclaims looking at the pro.

"You got that right, kid." All Might says with a smile.

Izuku grabs his bag, pulling out a book. "Please sign this!!!" Izuku says opening a random page only to see All Might's signature on it. "ITS ALREADY SIGNED!!!!!" he shouts.

"No need to thank me, I was just doing my job, young..." All Might trails off looking at Izuku.

"Midoriya, Izuku Midoriya sir." Izuku responds.

"Wait, your Blaze's son?!! I didn't know he had a son, I've met his daughter though." All Might says, thinking out loud.

"Yeah, my dad's the pro hero Blaze," Izuku says in a defeated tone. "He doesn't like being seen with me, though." Izuku mumbles.

All Might catches on to this but says nothing. "Well I need to hand this villain in, I hope to meet you again young Midoriya." All Might says, getting ready to jump.

"All Might, wait I have something to ask!!" Izuku says, only for the plea to fall on deaf ears. In desperation, he grabs onto the pro's leg as he took off.

"My boy, I can understand that you're excited but I have work to do as a hero." All Might tells the boy. "Now, I'll be dropping you off at the next building and you can walk home from there. No, if's and but's, understood."

All Might lands on the closest structure, as Izuku lets go of All Might's leg. "I'm so sorry for doing that All Might, but I wanted to ask you something and from what I understand, it's something only you can answer."

This grabs the attention of the pro, but he soon realizes that he has reached his limit with his hero form. All Might starts to let steam off of him.

"Look kid, I really need to leave, whatever you wanted to talk about, can't that be done some other day?" All Might asks, trying to keep his hero form.

"I'm sorry All Might, but I need to hear this from you, 5 or 6 years ago, you fought a villain, but that fight was never aired, why?" Izuku asks, much to the shock of All Might. The shock was enough to for all might to lose concentration and revert to his civilian form.

Izuku looks at the pro, slightly shocked, but to his surprise, he doesn't react more showing a few facial expressions.

"You're not shocked by this?" All Might asks, confused.

"I am, trust me I am, but for some reason, I can't express it." Izuku tells the pro.

"I don't know how you found out about the un-aired fight, but you will have to explain yourself. Because that information is not public knowledge." All Might tells Izuku.

"I guess I should start from the beginning then." Izuku sighs before he starts to explain the events from the first 2 chapters of this book.

"So if I got this right, you are the host of an entity called the Phoenix Force. And this entity's previous host was the pro hero Firestar." All Might says, not believing Izuku. "yeah, unless you show me some proof, I don't think I can believe you. Sorry kid, I will leave now, and if I hear even the slightest rumor about my weakened form or that fight from back then, you will have some explaining to do and a punishment worse than hell."

All Might then leaves Izuku, who stays there for a few minutes before he walks to the ground floor and starts to head home. As he walks home, trying to figure out how to make all might believe that he was actually saying the truth, he comes across what looks like a villain attack. Or that is what Izuku could make out from the crowd. He makes his way to the front of the crowd only to see the sludge villain from earlier holding a girl hostage, with rocks floating around him and a raging fire in a building nearby.

He looked at the heroes that were standing nearby. Death Arms, Backdraft and Kamui Woods, all of them standing on the side-lines trying to do something to help the girl. Death Arms was stuck because he couldn't attack without harming the girl, Backdraft was busy with crowd management and Kamui woods was basically useless as his wood was weak to the fire that was near the villain.

Izuku knew he had to do something to save the girl, he knew he had to try, so he did the only sane thing he could think of, he ran towards the villain, leaping across the barricade, and dodging the police that were there for crowd control as well. 

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