Chapter 20 - Class 1-A

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"Alright." Izuku said as he tightened the straps on his bag and pick Ochako up bridal style with the girl's bag in being held in front of her. "Welcome to Phoenix Airline. Today's pilot is me, Izuku. Today's destination is UA High. The journey will take 15 minutes. Keep your arms and legs and anything else you deem important inside at all times and hold on tight. This is for your safety and your safety only. Thank you for choosing us and have a great flight." Izuku playfully said as Ochako laughed a bit right before she screamed in shock as Izuku jumped up and flew towards the school.

While flying, Izuku and Ochako did encounter Hawks, for the second time. Izuku was rather nonchalant about meeting the hero while Ochako was sort of freaking out. Hawks was one of the youngest top 10 pro's in the country after all.

"Hey kid, fancy seeing you here." Hawks greeted. "I see this time the lady is awake."

"You've met Hawks before?" Ochako shouted.

"WE'VE met hawks before." Izuku corrected her. "It was right after the entrance exams, you were sleeping." He explained.

"So you gave any thought to what we discussed before?" Hawks asked.

"Yes, and the answer is still the same."

"Well, I tried. Anyway, what's your reason to fly today?"

"I was almost kidnapped by this group of people and because of that we were late." Ochako answered.

"You were almost kidnapped!!!" Hawks exclaimed. "You should file a report about it, get the people who tried behind bars and all, or tell me what they look like and I'll hunt them down."

"There's no need to do that Hawks. They were looking for me, wanting to warn me about losing control of my powers or something." Izuku explained trying to calm the pro down. "And there wouldn't be a point in reporting them, they were rather vague about who they were."

Calming down a bit, Hawks asked, "So what did they look like? Just so we can keep tabs on them or try to find some info on them for future reference."

"Uhhhh, the dude hat spoke to us was wearing this suit that had like a white lowers with a yellow, white and red top with like golden yellow armor pieces on the shoulders and forearms and a yellow helmet. The other men had a similar suit in terms of armor but they didn't have the helmet."

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