Chapter 4 - Awakening

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Izuku knew he had to do something to save the girl, he knew he had to try, so he did the only sane thing he could think of, he ran towards the villain, leaping across the barricade, and dodging the police that was there for the crowd control as well.

Izuku started to run towards the villain, not noticing the glow around his body. The villain tries to attack Izuku with a rock but the rock breaks as it reaches Izuku.

Izuku, who had now realized that his powers had finally manifested, decided to see what he could do. He puts his hands up in front of him, pointing at the girls, and tries to use one of his powers, Telekinesis to pull her towards him, remembering what he had seen in the Book Of Origins.

He succeeds but realizes that now the villain would target him.

"You damn brat, I will kill you here and now!!" the sludge villain exclaims as he grabs the rocks and tosses them at Izuku.

Izuku was forced to make a decision. If he moved, the rocks would hit the girl, but if he didn't the rocks would definitely hit him and do some serious damage. Internally Izuku started to panic a bit.

"Hey kid, mind giving us the wheels for a bit, we'll show you how to actually use this power." Scott's voice tells him. Izuku mentally nods, letting go of his body's control and allowing Scott and the others to take control.

Izuku, now cloaked in the fire of the phoenix, and wear a crest that a certain scrawny blonde immediately recognized, released a beam of fire at the villain, taking the rocks and the villain out in one blow.

Inside of Izuku's head, the boy looked out in amazement, at the ease with which the villain was taken out and the sheer power that was used. "that was what I call the Psionic Blast. We'll teach you a slightly weaker one-handed version of this and a few other moves. Also, you're back in control." Emma tells the boy.

Outside, in the real world, Izuku's fiery aura fades along with the phoenix crest as Izuku looks at the crowd that was staring at him before he faints from exhaustion.

He wakes up a few hours later in a white room, noticing his mom and a nurse talking with Izumi sitting in a corner, glaring at him.

"Looks like he's awake." The nurse says, getting everyone's attention to Izuku. "I suggest that you don't overwhelm him with questions scolding's, from our analysis, the manifestation of his quirk at his age lead to extreme mental and physical stress." The nurse then leaves the room.

"Izumi, why don't you go down and get your father to fill the discharge forms?" Inko asked her daughter who was not at all bothered for her brother's wellbeing. Once she left, Inko hugged Izuku. "I was so scared, Izuku, you jumped in to save that girl, you could have died. What were you thinking son!!!" She says as tears roll down her face, falling on Izuku's hospital gown.

"I'm fine mom, the heroes weren't doing anything to save her and I had to jump in. I'm sorry I scared you. But on the bright side, I got my quirk." Izuku says with a slight smile on his face. "About that girl is she alright?"

"The girl is fine, she was released some time ago, she left you this letter, I kept it hidden from your father, so he didn't destroy it." Inko says handing Izuku a neatly folded piece of paper. "Also, you won't believe who else came by. All Might himself, he wanted to thank you for saving the girl, apparently, he was pursuing the villain when it got out of his sights and took the girl hostage. He also said that you met earlier today. He told me to give this thank you card to you, from his side." Inko hands another card to him.

Izuku smiles at this as he gets off the bed.

Later that day.

Izuku was sitting in his room, being ignored by his father and sister as usual, as he went through All Might's card once more. The card looked like a simple thank you hero card but Izuku knew there was something All Might was trying to tell Izuku.

The message inside it was simple. 'Thank you for being a hero and defeating the villains of society.' It was something that was printed in all thank you hero cards. Izuku was trying to see if he had missed anything when an idea struck him.

He closes his eyes and tries to contact Emma and Scott, to Izuku they looked like the brains of the group.

"Need some help tiger?" Emma asks Izuku.

"Thank god that worked." Izuku sighs. "I've been trying to figure out what All Might's card means."

"It looks like a regular thank you card to me." Magik says confused.

"I can't be, All Might is the number one pro of Japan, he won't simply give a random kid a thank you card." Izuku explains.

"Have you tried looking at the cover or between the sheets of paper?" Emma asks.

Izuku, in the real world, pulls out an Exacto-knife from his drawer and carefully splits the card's first page into 2. Pulling at the 2 split ends, Izuku realizes that the card actually had a piece of paper stuck to it, the paper a number written on it.

"It worked, it actually worked." Izuku exclaims, rather quietly to not alert his father or sister. "Let's see what it says."

The paper actually had a pair of numbers on it, 2 numbers in particular that struck Izuku as being coordinates to a location. He types those numbers on his laptop before picking up his jacket and running downstairs.

"Mom, I'll be back before dinner, I'm going to the beach for a bit." Izuku tells his mom who was sitting on the sofa reading a book.

"Stay safe Izuku and don't overexert yourself!" Inko tells him as he leaves the house.

Izuku runs down, heading to the beach near his house.

"Izuku, a fair warning, I sense more than just All Might on the beach." Emma warns him.

"Alright, I'll be careful. Thanks for the warning Emma." Izuku tells her.

A/N:- There's another chapter for you guys. There won't be another chapter till the second or third week of February because exams are a piece of shit. 

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