Chapter 33 - Blaze gets his ass kicked

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"So, what are you suggesting we do?" Endeavour asks.

"Simple, all of us will help you train the young heroes. Not just to face Izuku the day he loses power but to face threats like All For One as well." Rogers answers. "I would suggest that you all train with us as well but most of you have massive egos that might hinder our work, but if some of you are interested, you can join in as well."

"And why would we join your training, what can you teach us that we don't already know?" Blaze scoffs, causing the others to roll their eyes at his hubris.

"Sir, if I may, I'd like to challenge pro hero Blaze to a 1v1." Lieutenant Nighthawk asks, standing up from his seat.

"Not a bad idea, but I'll take this one on my own." Rogers says, looking at Blaze.

"The outdoor ground is ready to use." Nezu immediately says.

"Well then Blaze, after you." Roger says as he gives him a grin.

Blaze walk to the outdoor ground, huffing in annoyance as the rest of the UA staff (and Ochako) followed him. Nezu stayed with Rogers as the two talked about the future plans to help the students.

"I was thinking instead of allowing them to take part in a sports festival like you usually do, they should be allowed to train with us and we'll give them internships based on how well they do our training. We'd know how and where to improve them so they'd be better prepared." Rogers suggests.

"Maybe, but having the sports festival after giving them some form of general training might be good since it'll boost their want to do better in training and it'd help them know their own weaknesses and strengths." Nezu says.

"Fair enough. We can work the details later on." Rogers says as he stops to perform some basic stretches.

"Don't act like you've already won punk!" Blaze exclaims.

"That's enough Blaze, if you've got anything to say, do it in the battle. Now I believe this match has certain stakes that either side would like to raise. Blaze first them Mr. Rogers." Midnight says acting as the referee.

"If and when I win, I want you and your damn vigilante group booking the next bus to Tartarus. Simple as that." Blaze huffs out.

[How Blaze looks, I remembered that I haven't shown him so here you go

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[How Blaze looks, I remembered that I haven't shown him so here you go. I'll describe his costume in a later chapter.]

"Fair enough, our terms are the same as the ones I proposed in the meeting. If I win, we get the train your students and your faculty." Rogers says with a smile.

"The terms have been set. The fight is an anything goes between Pro Hero Blaze and Captain Rogers of the Shadow of the Phoenix." Midnight says.

"Captain, your shield." Lieutenant Nighthawk says tossing a round disc at Rogers. Rogers catches it and puts it on his arm.

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