Chapter 2 - History was wrong

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"Alright." Emma waves her hand, as a huge book, and I mean huge, it was the size of Izuku torso. The book floats in front of Izuku. "This is the Book of the Oracle; it documents all the events in history."

"Turn to the page that is about the dawn of time and see for yourself," Scott tells the book, as it starts to rapidly turn pages before coming to rest on the said page. "I'm sure you know how quirks came about right?" he asks Izuku, who nods.

"Good. Now I want you to forget that because what you have been taught at school was completely wrong." Colossus exclaims. "That lightbulb of a baby was not even close to the first quirk to be formed, it was just the first to be documented in a good light, quirks, or as they were called before Mutations. But long before the mutants, around the time when the universe was but an infant, the void gave rise to the phoenix force, which represented life and death and creation and destruction. Now you must be wondering how a force represented Life and death when life as a concept didn't exist, well, the phoenix force is the accumulation of the psionic energy that has ever existed, is existing and will ever exist. In simpler terms, it was a constant across all of time and is also a constant across the multiverse."

"W-wait. Multiverse as in- "Izuku says.

"Yes, multiverse as in parallel dimensions where things differ in varying quantities to our own." Emma explains. "Now back to the story, we can discuss the multiverse sometime later. The Phoenix force always needed a host for it to survive for a long time. It could survive without one, but with the help of a host, it is significantly stronger and able to interfere with events in the mortal realm. The force was originally formless, appearing as nothing more than energy to the host but when it came to earth, it met a magician, Feron, who worshipped the Phoenix, the two created the Lighthouse base of one of the current superhero teams, back when we were alive, it went by the name of Excalibur."

"What do you mean 'back when we were alive???" Izuku asked, shocked.

"Questions later, Izuku," Magik says. "The phoenix's first host that resembled human was about a million or so years ago when one of the celestials, The Fallen, lost control over its powers. That was the first 'superhero team-up' as you would call it, with members such as the sorcerer supreme, Agamotto, one of the first Black Panthers, the Ghost Rider, Iron fist, Odin, Star Brand and of course the Phoenix."

"The Phoenix also experienced its destructive impulses soon after, giving rise to what we started calling the Dark Phoenix, which leads to it being feared among humans." Scott continues. "The Phoenix would go on the inhabit the bodies of different people across time before it encountered my late wife, Jean Grey. The 2 bonded after Jean accidentally contacted the force via telepathy as she watched a childhood friend die. To keep her friend alive, Jean tried to keep her friend's soul from going to the afterlife but was also being pulled along with it. The Phoenix force broke the connection and kept a close eye on Jean as she grew."

"The Phoenix, would then finally inhabit the girl after she once again contacted it in a time of need as she and a few others in a shuttle succumbed to the effects of solar radiation, finally accepting the Phoenix force, jean was able to save her friends. This was however done at a cost as Jean was sent into a coma as her consciousness was combined with that force and the phoenix took on the form of the girl, taking up her memories and personality." Namor explains, continuing the history as the Book Of Origin showed images for the same. "After this, there are multiple events that take place, including jeans defection after she embraced the Dark Phoenix. But before that, you need to understand the origin of quirks."

"You see, before the world accepted quirks there was a section of the society called Mutants, they were humans born with what you call the quirk gene. They were regarded as outcasts and mistreated to the point that you had 2 factions one that wanted Mutant supremacy and the other that wanted nothing more than peace." Scott explained. "There was a time when some of the other heroes of the world decided that the Phoenix force was too dangerous, this would lead to an all-out war between those heroes, the Avengers and us the X-Men. There was a lot that happened to the force before this, there were many hosts between us and Jean but for the sake of your sanity, we are going to cut it short, just a bit actually."

"The phoenix force was split by iron man, to destroy it, creating 5 parts of the force that took up 5 separate hosts, who later went by the phoenix 5. That was us. And ever since the rise of All For One, we have been taking up different hosts that have been helping the 8 users of One For All." Emma explains. "Our last user passed away 6 years ago, in a fight against All For One, allowing the 8th user, the hero you call All Might, carry on the torch of One for All, but it was all in vain as All For One impaled the hero, damaging his lung and shoulder and reducing his time as a hero."

Izuku listens intently, his eyes widening at the mention of his idol. Izuku was about to ask a question when Emma spoke up once again.

"All for one is an ancient quirk, allowing its user to take quirks from other people. The person, All for One, wanted to help those who's quirk hurt them, but along the way, his path deviated, and he turned to the dark side, he created an empire based on power, even asked his brother to join him by giving him a quirk that stockpiled power. Unknown to him, the younger brother had a quirk, one that allowed him to transfer his quirk and store memories and abilities as it is passed down. this was the origin of One For All. And as we explained, it currently resides with All Might." The lady explains. "And now you can ask questions."

Izuku thinks for a bit before he finally decided to open his mouth. "Alright, I'll be honest that is a lot to take in, but one what does all this have to do with me and two, why are is all this not taught to the common public?" He asked the five.

"We'll answer your second question first, imagine knowing that there was a villain somewhere out there that could steal your quirk and leave you quirkless for the rest of your life, and now add that villain to a society whose entire structure is based on Quirks as a way of life. You can see the stigma and problems that would lead to, can't you?" Emma says.

"Yeah, I can see that." Izuku says.

"And as for your second question, this has everything to do with you, because we want you to inherit the Phoenix force from us." Namor says.

"Why me?" Izuku says shocked. "I mean, there are plenty of people in this world that are better than me, who are much stronger than me."

"That is exactly why we chose you; you know the true meaning of being a hero and that alone makes you more qualified than most. And your mind, it will help you control the Phoenix Force. You are right that there are people stronger than you but, being stronger makes one's will and mind easier to corrupt. If we were to give this power to someone like say, that Katsuki kid, then it wouldn't be long before he would have given in to the Dark Phoenix." Colossus says." What I'm trying to say is that you, the entirety of you, is basically the perfect host for us, pure, strong-willed and level-headed, in most situations." He says whispering the last part.

"So Izuku, do you accept the responsibility of being the vessel to the phoenix force and achieve your dream of being a hero?" Scott asks him.

Izuku simply nods as tears roll down his cheeks.

"Good, now, you're going to go back to the real world, right at the time you entered this place." Magik says. "We will be connected by your mindscape. All you must do to talk to us is focus a little. And as for your powers, I suggest you keep a low profile unless someone is in danger."

"Hey what about me receiving the power from you and how do I use it?" Izuku asks.

"You already have the power in you, we gave it to you the moment we started explaining the history of the power, and as for using it, you'll know what to do when the time comes." Namor says as the 5 vanish and Izuku jolts back into his body.

"Also, one last thing, Izuku." Magik's voice says in Izuku's head. "We will be locking most of your emotions as a way to prevent problems with the Dark Phoenix, but only till you are able to control the Phoenix force properly."

Izuku freaks out a bit before he hears Scott's voice in his head. "Calm down Izuku, we'll be staying in your head, we like it here, plus we will be helping you control and all that jazz. Plus, your mind is comfy, when you get time, meditate a bit and see what your sub-conscious looks like." Scott says, before he disappears. 

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