Chapter 9 - Shifting (1/2)

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"Grandpa Sohariko is here." Izuku answered, making Inko wonder what Izuku's quirk was. The two leave the house. "Izumi, I'm going out I'll be back in a few hours." Inko shouted from the door and left before Izumi could respond.

They saw GT's car coming to a stop and walked towards it.

"H-How did you- "Inko stuttered.

"Know that he was coming, I'm guessing it has something to do with my powers. I'm not sure what really happened but we'll see about that later." Izuku said, in the same cold tone as before.

"So, what happened?" GT asked the mother-son duo.

"Hisashi kicked me out." Izuku told the old man calmly. "He tried to hurt mom, I used my quirk on him and he decided to kick me out because his ego was hurt."

"Alright. Get in. I'll call Toshinori, well sort this thing out." GT told the 2, opening the truck for Izuku's bag.

"I don't think there's much to sort here, he kicked me out, mom still fine. We both knew it was going to happened anyway." Izuku told the old man as he placed his bag and closed the trunk of the car.

"We still have to see about your living arrangements so im still calling that blonde buffoon." GT told them.

Izuku sat in the car with his mom as th older pro drove to a location different from before.

"Hey, GT, where are we going?" Izuku asked the man.

"The Yagi mansion." GT replied. "The buffoon is still sleeping."

"Wait who are you guys talking about?" Inko asked confused.

"You'll see in a bit; you've met him many times, but I believe this would be the first time you'll be seeing him." GT told his niece. "You know him, just by a different name, though I'm not surprised you don't remember his name. The last time you met him, or I should say interacted with him was before the death of your mother."

"You mean we're meeting him?" Inko asked him.

"Yeah, we're meeting him. It'll be better for you both for now." GT told her. "You can't just ignore him forever you know. Sure what happened was wrong but you know it wasn't his fault."

"I'm confused, did something happen between you and Mr. Yagi when you were younger?" Izuku asked, a slight bit at what the two adults were talking about.

"Well- "Inko started before GT cut in.

"You should tell him the truth. He should know all of it." GT told her. "We have time, Toshinori's house is still 20 minutes away."

"Alright, this starts all the way back when I was in first year" Inko started.


Kotaro and Inko can be seen walking with Toshinori, heading to UA. It had been a month since her mothers' death and neither of the two siblings nor Toshinori were over her death. Of the three, only Toshinori knew the real reason she died. All For One. To the rest of the world, and to the siblings, Nana had died saving the people from a building that had been compromised in a villain attack. She defeated the villain and while saving the civilians, was crushed under the building as it collapsed.

In contrast to public knowledge, Nana fought till her last breath, allowing GT to take Toshinori away. She knew the importance of having the Successor of One for All alive and sacrificed herself to keep him safe.

Toshinori blamed himself for her death, feeling responsible for it as she died in an effort to keep him safe, but what he had failed to realise was that she died making her contribution to the future generation's success, something he would learn in time.

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