Chapter 27 - The Calm

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Later that day, Izuku was sitting outside the Principal's Office. Yes, it was the second time in two days but this time he wasn't in trouble at all. This time he was waiting for Toshi to come out and take him and Ochako back home.

"I've got to say, after that stunt, you pulled in battle training, you were quite the talk among the girls. Save for you know those three." Ochako tells Izuku.

"Hmmm." Izuku mutters out, seemingly lost in thought.

Ochako sighs, knowing he had zoned out and was probably thinking about the battle training. To get his attention, Ochako decides to flick Izuku's forehead.

"Ow!" Izuku whines, rubbing the spot she hit.

"I was talking to you!" Ochako tells him.

"Sorry, it's just something from the battle training that had been bugging me." Izuku tells her. "It's not important anyway. So, what were you saying?"

"Well, I was saying that after the stunt you pulled today, you got quite a lot of attention among the girls, probably among some boys as well." Ochako tells him.

"And?" Izuku questions, not getting Ochako's point.

"Well, not that you have the attention of many girls and boys, you're probably going to get love letters left and right. Especially after the sports festival that's going to happen soon." Ochako explains.

"Let me guess, you're jealous?" Izuku teases.

"Jealous, who me? Hell no, I'd be happy if you got a girl/boyfriend." Ochako tells him.

"I'll be honest with you, Ochako. This stuff about love and all, I don't think it's for me, not right now at least. I've got other things I need to worry about. So even if I do get any love letters, I'd politely reject them." Izuku tells her.

"Liar!" Scott yells.

"I second Scott!" Namor says.

"I third it!" Magik continues.

"Well, then I fourth it!" Colossus continues.

Emma just sighs as their stupidity. "I wouldn't fifth it, but I do agree with Scott. You're lying to yourself kid."

"Believe what you want, but love and relationships come secondary to mastering the powers of the Phoenix Force and later on One for All." Izuku tells them with a straight face.

"He didn't stutter." Scott points out. "Neither did he blush. He's damn serious."

"Kid, take this from me, do not go down this route. You're going to hurt people unintentionally." Emma says. "You've seen our pasts; you know what I'm talking about."

"I know Emma, but all of you know that right now, bringing Blaze to justice for what he's been going to Mom and Izumi and then taking down All For One is more important." Izuku tells them.

"We'll talk about this later alright. With that blonde pro, you stay with. Understood?" Scott tells him.

"No, this is the ned of the conversation. We're not bringing this up anymore." Izuku says as he takes back control of his body from Namor.

Magik casts a quick spell for some privacy so they could talk.

"We fucked up, didn't we?" Scott asks.

"That's the understatement of the century." Namor says.

"Can't we call someone else to talk Izuku out of this mindset? You know someone like Captain America or Shang Chi or maybe T'chala? They might be able to help." Colossus suggests.

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