Chapter 6 - Gran Torino

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"Izuku this is Gran Torino, my mentor, and father, well-adopted father, but he's loved me like I am his own." All Might explains. "He is also your grandmother's and my master's close friend."

"So, he's the open you told me about, isn't he?" Gran Torino asked.

"He's the one, alright, though he might not look like it yet." All Might told the older man.

"So why bring him here?" Gran Torino asked the man. "Shouldn't you have taken him to your house?"

"I don't think that would have been a good idea, I mean, All Might showing up with the son of the number 15 hero to his house doesn't seem like an appealing headline to me." All Might told Gran Torino.

"Hisashi had a son!!!" The older pro shouted in astonishment.

"Apparently because izuku didn't have a quirk when he was born, Hisashi decided to ignore his existence and keep him a secret, the only reason I got to know about him was because I encountered him while on patrol." All Might explained.

"I brought him here because I saw myself in him and thought I could tell him a bit about my own past. We're not that different, you and me, Izuku." All Might explains as he reverts to his small Might form.

"I don't understand, what do you mean?" Izuku asked the frail man.

"Being rejected by society and your family, I had to face that long ago." All might says, sitting on the bench. "Sit here, young Izuku." All might said patting on the empty seat. "Don't let this get to you, don't let any of this get to you. My master once told me, 'Ignore their words, they only use them to prevent you from seeing your true potential. Let your actions speak for you, that is all you need to shut them up for good.' I didn't understand these words till I got into UA. The people that once ridiculed me for being quirkless, praised me and wanted to spend time with me. people often ask why I chose to debut in America, I usually play it off by giving them some random statistics about crime rates in America. But in reality, I wanted to get away from all these fake friends and make a new identity for myself. And when I returned, people saw me as All Might and not Toshinori Yagi. The only ones that knew the true me back then were Endeavour, Hisashi, your mom, and Endeavour's wife, Rei."

"Wait, you knew mom!!" Izuku shouts.

"I mean, her mother was my mentor. Plus we were in UA at the same time, I was a final year student with Blaze, Endeavour was a second year and your mother was a first-year student." All Might said remembering his time at UA. "I'm not sure if she's told you about your grandmother, but she was the daughter of my master and the 7th user of One for All. But that is a story for another time. Normally I would have told you the story of my quirk but since you know about it, better than me to an extent, I'll get to the point, I'll be training you for One for All and the Phoenix Force along with Gran Torino." All Might then paused, scowling a bit as he sighs.

"What happened Toshi? It's rare to see you scowl." Gran Torino said, looking a bit worried.

"It's just Hisashi, I'm not sure what he would say if Izuku came home late every day, once or twice, I'm sure he'll not mind, I know for a fact that he doesn't care of what Izuku does but if he noticed gets to know that this is a daily occurrence, it might not be good for Izuku." All Might told his father.

"Well, then talk to his mother and have her let him stay here with me, or at your house with me. Hisashi won't mind knowing he's technically just spending time with someone who is like his grandfather." Gran Torino suggests.

"Not a bad idea, maybe you can go and ask Inko tomorrow, I'll drop Izuku off at the beach once we get you all caught up with his whole situation regarding the Phoenix force." All Might told the old man.

"But what about my sister?" Izuku asked, wondering about his sister.

"Knowing Hisashi, he probably won't let her go on a 'vacation' with her grandfather and have her train with him." All Might told the boy.

"Alright, then I'll go there tomorrow and meet Inko." Gran Torino told the 2. "Also I want to know more about this Phoenix force you mentioned earlier."

-------Cue explanation for the Phoenix Force by Izuku-------

"That is interesting to say the least. As much as I would like to see that in action, you need to get back before Hisashi gets too suspicious." Gran Torino told the two. "Well, I think it's time for me to take my nap." Gran Torino said as he yawned.

"Well, if that's the case, then we shall take your leave, dad." All Might said, walking out the door, followed closely by Izuku.

Just as Izuku and All Might were about to leave, All Might's phone rang.

"Go for Yagi." He answers. "Alright. I'll be at his agency in 10 minutes." All Might then cut the call, and turned to Izuku.

"I'll be fine, All Might. I'll take the train home and let you know when I reach." Izuku said, smiling at the pro. "Go do your job," Izuku said, giving the hero a thumbs up.

All Might smiled and went into the alley next to the house, flexed his buff form, and jumped away. Izuku watched the Pro jump away into the distance, as he turned and walked towards the train station.

"Ao kid. Wanna try something fun?" Cyclops asked the boy.

"Are you sure he will be able to handle it?" Emma asked Cyclops before Izuku could respond.

"You gotta learn to fly before you can walk, Emma," Scott said. "So kid you up for some aerial action?"

"Sure, I guess," Izuku responded, not having anything else to do to kill time. He knew his family won't notice him gone for a few more hours so it wouldn't be much of a problem. "What you got for me?"

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