Chapter 23 - The Cat learns the Truth

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"If you don't mind me asking, why hold back during the Physical Assessments?" Aizawa asked, cutting Izuku off.

"I wasn't holding back, it was more of me not having perfect control of my powers."

Aizawa was confused, but Toshi stepped in to clear his confusion. "Izuku's quirk appeared about 10 months ago out of the blue. I'm not sure if you remember this, but 10 months ago a sludge villain had taken a girl hostage and a boy that had some sort of an energy quirk had stepped in to save her."

"I remember that Backdraft, Deatharms, Mt. Lady, and Kamui Woods were all there at the incident and had claimed that they were not able to step in because the situation didn't fit their quirks. Mt Lady was stuck in a single lane street, the fire prevented Kamui from helping, Backdraft was stuck managing the crowds and Deatharms was stuck because of the hostage." Aizawa says.

"The one taken hostage back then was Ochako Uraraka and the boy that stepped in to save her was Izuku." Yagi answered.

"So his quirk appeared 10 years late? That's unheard of." Aizawa exclaimed. "And he was able to get where he is in 10 months?"

"More or less. Izuku why don't you go drop Uraraka home, I'll take care of things here." Toshi said tossing him a set of keys.

Izuku nodded as he got up. "Sorry for the trouble, Mr. Aizawa. I'll make sure to mover let it happen again." He apologized as he bowed.

"I don't believe in empty words. I believe in actions." Aizawa told him.

Izuku nodded as he left the three adults alone to discuss things.

"So, tell me the kid's whole story. I remember his original application that was take back for some reason, but back then he went by Izuku Midoriya." Aizawa told them.

"Don't use that last name in front of him." Yagi warned. "He doesn't like it."

"I understood that from earlier today." Aizawa said rolling his eyes. "What I don't understand is that why? He also seems to have this weird hatred for some of his classmates."

"It's not just his classmates." Yagi told them. "The thing is that he's the son of Blaze."

"He's Blaze's son??!!" Aizawa said, shocked. "I thought he only had a daughter. Izumi or something right? She's in class B."

"They, Blaze and Inko, had 2 children - Izuku and Izumi." Yagi explains. "Izumi got her quirk like most kids at the age of 4, but Izuku wasn't that fortunate, at least till about 10 months ago."

"Don't tell me he was- "

"Quirkless from 10 years? Yes." Toshi says.

"To add to the child misery, because of Blaze, he was neglected for 10 years." Nezu continued. "But that wasn't the worst part. Apparently, 10 months ago, the day after the Sludge Villain incident, Izuku overheard Hisashi talking to Yagi, and let's just say that he said somethings that basically broke him on the inside."

"After that, when I asked my mentor and Inko's godfather, Gran Torino to do a bit of digging about Izuku, you know go meet Inko and Hisashi and all that, that lead to Hisashi attacking his wife and Izuku stepping in to protect him with his newly awakened powers." Yagi explained as Aizawa got more agitated. "This lead to Izuku being kicked out of the house by Hisashi and moving in with me. And basically, I've been sort of helping him train his quirk."

"That was an oversimplification of the events but that was what basically happened." Nezu sighed.

"Let me guess, you knew about this Nezu?" Aizawa said.

"Yup. Yagi told this to me when I met the boy after the entrance exams." The chimera explains. "The girl, Ms. Uraraka, had fallen asleep in his arms after being healed by Miss Chiyo's quirk. He came to ask permission to fly home so she didn't wake up while they were in a train or whatever."

Aizawa sighs once again. "And you're still allowing Blaze to continue in the school?"

"Unfortunately, yes. Because as it stands there's nothing we can do."

"Lack of evidence" Aizawa questions.

"Yes." Nezu answered. "But I've been working on that and I need you to do me a favour."

Aizawa rolled his eyes as he heard what Nezu had to say. 

Back with Izuku, who had just reached Ochako's house.

"Is this going to be a regular thing between the two of you?" Maruki asked.

"You should ask her that." Izuku answered. "Personally though I don't mind carrying her, but it's better when she's awake, cuz the ride doesn't get boring with her awake."

Maruki smiled at Izuku's honesty. "Get in, you know where her room is." He said moving aside.

"You're not going to follow me?" Izuku questioned.

"Nah, you're good in my books." Maruki told him. "But no funny business." He warned.

Izuku nodded as he went to put Ochako on her bed and pulled up the covers on her and walked back down.

"So, what happened in class? Ochako was telling me something about you attacking someone in class because they said something. It wasn't that clear on the phone." Kurumi asked.

Izuku sighs. "Well, has Ochako told you anything about me, like before I met her?" Maruki and Kurumi nodded.

"She did tell us a bit, you being a late bloomer and being bullied and all that." Maruki stated.

"That makes this a bit easier then. So, Izumi, my sister, her boyfriend, Katsuki Bakugou or I like to call him, Male Baku-bitch among other names, was mad that he couldn't ogle my sister during normal classes because she ended up in the other class and because of that, he called Ochako something I don't want to repeat, not in front of you or ever." Izuku explains. "I ended up getting carried away with my emotions and attacking him and from there our homeroom teacher asked me to meet the principal after school." Izuku summarised the events of the morning.

"I'm really sorry for dragging Ochako into my problems and I'll make sure that this doesn't happen again." Izuku apologises, bowing to the two adults.

"Don't worry about it. As long as Ochako is safe and well, we're fine with her spending time with you." Kurumi answered.

Izuku gave them a small smile. "I should get going, I need to head home before Mr. Yagi arrives and is forced to wait because he doesn't have the keys to the house." Izuku said getting up.

"And here I was thinking that you'd stay for some more time." Kurumi sighed.

"I'm really sorry, but right now I have to go. I'll try and make it up to you two the next time." Izuku said as he left the two alone.

"He's a good kid, I'll give him that. Ochako chose well." Kurumi exclaimed.

"She did learn from the best." Maruki smiles, looking at Kurumi.

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