Chapter 22 - A chat with Nezu (edited)

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While physically spending the rest of the day with his class, Izuku was mentally preparing himself to meet the principal on his first day of school. And yes, he did spend most of lunch with Mirio, Nejire, and Tamaki just as he had promised, and he did occasionally interact with them. But most of his attention span was being occupied by Emma and the others, who were busy scolding him for his actions in the previous chapter.

"This is bad, this is bad!!!" Izuku freaked as he paced in his mindscape. "Mom is so gonna kill me when she gets to know about this."

"You should have thought about this before losing yourself to your emotions." Scott exclaimed angrily. "Honestly, you can't keep losing your cool because of little things like that!"

"I know, I know. It was wrong and I shouldn't have done that." Izuku replied.

"That's not the issue here Izuku!" Emma shouted.

Izuku was shocked and confused. Mostly confused but there was a hint of shock there too.

"The issue is that even after all we did to keep your emotions in check, you lost control. Thankfully we were there to stop you from completely losing control. God knows what would have happened when you did lose control!" Emma told him.

Izuku stood in front of Emma dumbfounded. "Wh-what do y-you mean?"

"We've told you this before, the phoenix force derives power from raw emotions of the user. Currently, we're acting as filters for your emotions, so you don't accidentally lose control and cause hell to break lose." Namor explained.

"When Jean lost control of the phoenix and went all dark phoenix on us, she leveled cities with ease and that was just here on earth. Jean also wreaked havoc on planets, committing mass genocides for fun and causing supernovas to get more energy for herself." Colossus added.

Izuku was at a loss for words. Taking a deep breath, he looked at the 5. "I'll be more careful next time."

It was almost time for the final bell, in the real world and izuku was still out of it, his body was running on autopilot, aka Scott. Izuku had instead been reading about the Dark Phoenix and its history.

A few minutes after the bell rang, Izuku had still stuck in his daze, and it took a whole minute of Ochako poking his cheeks to 'wake him up'.

"What the ..." Izuku said as he 'woke up'.

"Class got over 5 minutes ago; don't you have to go to the principal's office?" Ochako questioned.

"Oh right." Izuku said. "I'm sorry that you'll have to walk home alone today..." He apologized.

"Who said that I'm going home alone." Ochako responded.

"What do you mean?"

"Just that I'll be waiting outside the principal's office, I mean, it's not like I've got something to do at home anyway." Ochako explained. "And before you use the 'parents' card on me, I've already told them."

Seeing no point in arguing any further, Izuku simply grabbed his bag and got up. Ochako followed his lead and the two made their way to the principal's office.

"I'll be waiting right here." Ochako said as she sat on a bench in the hallway.

"Alright, just uhm be careful. Male Bitch-ugo will be in there too which means that the male and female Todo-bitches, Female Baku-bitch and she will be outside as well." Izuku tells her. "IF they do stay here, promise me you'll stay somewhere safe."

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