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"Who is he?"

The question the world wants to know. If you look him up he is technically dead on paper. He stole his new identity by making someone else disappear. He changed his face even artificially changed his DNA.

I'm the only living person that knows this.

"He told me who he was so I'd be to scared to leave him. Honestly it almost worked." Namjoon pulled me to be between his legs as he hugged me from the back.

"Let us help you. Who is he?" Once again that question was asked but this time by Jin.

"You could try and torture me again but this is something I will never reveal."

"We weren't torturing-"

"Oh hush yes you were. It is sexual frustrating to be tortured and teased like that." I glared at Yoongi who tried to say what he did wasn't mean.

"We just wanted the truth!"

"And I just wanted you safe!"

"Guys! Let's calm down. Jung....I mean Leo has told us almost everything. We should be thankful not upset at each other." Namjoon declared as he held me tighter.

"So when do you start working for Mr.Kim?" Hobi asked trying to ease the heavy tension.

"No clue....soon I know that."

"Will you still be going to school?" Jimin asked.

"I have to. It's apart of my school boy persona."

"What do you have to do?" Tae questioned.

"Get kidnapped basically. I just have to lay low once I'm there again."

The next hour they kept asking me small questions about what it's like and what I had to expect. It's hard to witness it the way I did but it's terrifying being on the other side of the cage.

I won't have any control with what happens to me. I know I'll be drugged again but if something doesn't go to plan then I'll be officially lost.  Sure I have a chance of being sold quickly and not seen by the ones that are basically hunting me.

Once everyone left I disappeared into the shower once again trying to get rid of my memories. Sure I never forget but the horrible flashbacks I receive ore absolutely terrifying. Now however it's my turn to get what I've been made to witness.

"What a stupid plan."

"Shut up I know."

"Everything he lied about was to protect us."

"Namjoon I get it okay! I just hated being in the dark. The moment I saw him I felt drawn to him."

"I know....me too."

After we left Tae's house Namjoon and I thought it would be best if we just talked. Jimin, Jin, and Hobi all voiced their opinions on how upset they are and I agree. I already apologized for what I almost made them do.

Sure I could of been in Jimin's place instead but I needed to see his face. I needed to be sure that what he said was the truth.

I know Namjoon loved almost every moment of it besides the manipulation part. Jimin on the other hand took my place so I could stay focused on finding out the truth.

Hobi, Jin and Tae feel horrible but Jimin had to actually act upon it. He is probably having a whole war with himself right now and I feel so guilty to know this never would of happened if I didn't have such bad trust issues.

"So on our date I took Leo to this ballet." I stayed silent and gave him my full attention. He really only spoke about Leo being taken not the events before. "It's a play I've seen before and we talked about the people. He saw a view that I never thought of before. The way he described the son was like he lived through it. I never really looked at the hardships he grew up with I just focused on the pain his mother felt."

"I want to tell you something and it's going to sound crazy but it's something I feel you should know." This time it was Namjoon who stayed silent. "Since the day we met Leo I've been getting dreams....dreams of him but not him. I call him My Bunny and he calls me Suga Hyung. His hair and eyes are different but otherwise they could be the same person. I know it's silly but I've grown to love that person in my dreams. With all these secrets that Leo hid it made me not want to follow my feelings." I stopped staring at the ground to look at him. "With everything that he has confessed now I feel like I might lose him. Lose Leo, the real Jungkook....My Bunny."

"The moment I saw him I was instantly drawn to him. Though the moment we heard his name Jungkook well a voice inside me was dying to call him Kookie. I did on our date and it fit him so well he even called me Joonie which I thought was adorable. Listen Yoongi I don't understand why we feel such a pull to him but I know one things for sure.

We will Protect him."

"Before he leaves for one of those horrible missions can you help me with something?"


"Well remember how he chose his own name? Well when Tae and I looked up the name we saw pictures of Leo and I together but it wasn't us. I need answers with this and I feel like it's important."

"Of course but what kind of results are you looking for?" That's the thing I have no idea. But as soon as we left the house something in me told me to be curious about it. I'm going to be upset if we only find that one article about him.


"Bunny can you hear me?

"I'm sorry for leaving you."

My heart was pounding as I heard his voice. I couldn't see him but I could feel him. I was wrapped up in a tight loving back hug.

"Why did you leave?"

"I needed you to wake up."

"Wake up?"

"Suga Hyung?"

"Suga Hyung!"

Just like that he was gone again and I no longer feel his love around me.

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