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All my life I knew what was going to happen. I'd wake up, gather intel then report to my father. Sadly events happened and my father and brother were taken from me.

Now here I am in an American grassy backyard next to a man around my father's age standing in front of 6 attractive guys. I hate this I probably look stupid.

They all look to be of Asian decent Korean if I had to take a guess. I've been there a couple times it was nice but rained a lot. I have Korean blood somewhere in me as well but I don't really look like it.

They all introduced themselves one by one. I felt like my heart stopped once I saw the last two. The second to last one was so tall and had such kind eyes. The last one though was starring so intently at me.

It took all my power to not pull him into a tight hug. Every part of me just wanted to be in his arms. I've seen his face almost every night of my existence in my dreams.

Without truly grasping what was happening I was in front of him and I whispered out the name that I called him in my dreams "Suga".

I wish I didn't say anything he looked so confused and that made my heart ache. I couldn't look at him when we were sitting down I felt like if I did I might cry.

Then I was asked about my family. Mr.Kim and the agency he works for doesn't want me telling the truth about who I am. I can understand that but they need something believable as to why I'm here.

I looked at all of their faces regretting looking at the one they call Yoongi. I couldn't look away. His feline eyes just pierce through my soul. These eyes I've looked into every night for years. The only difference is Suga looked at me with love, Yoongi looks at me with a hint of lust in his eyes.

I know what lust looks like. My father used my looks to his advantage. He didn't actually care what happened behind closed doors just as long as I got him the information he desired.

My older brother Luke was the only one that cared. Well the truth is neither of them were my blood. My train of thought came to a halt when Mr.Kim spoke to everyone saying we should get my stuff from the car. Honestly I don't really own things. Before my families death I really only had 3 sets of clothes, a toothbrush, toothpaste, and a necklace my mom gave me. Everything we are getting from the car I got from Mr.Kim's agency and the store we stopped at before coming here.

"Okay so this is my bed and that is your bed." The one called Taehyung spoke. Both beds were twins. I can tell he basically shoved everything either under his bed or on his side to make it look like half the room was empty for me.

"I hope you know you still have to clean your room." Mr.Kim spoke as he put down a box of books that he bought me.

"Duh dad." Taehyung rolled his eyes before he plopped himself down on his bed.

"Don't mind him he can be a brat." I instantly felt my cheeks flush with how close Yoongi whispered that into my ear. Taehyung's other friends already left and I came to learn Yoongi was spending the night.

"Such a mean Best Friend!"

"Whatever." Yoongi said making Mr.Kim laugh before he left the room. "So do you need any help with anything?"

" It's okay thank you." I turned to give him a small smile.

The 3 of us stayed in that room for the next hour. I unpacked while Taehyung and Yoongi talked. I kept feeling both of their glances and I know it would hurt less if this Yoongi guy didn't look like the literal identical twin of Suga.

The slightest difference is Suga has silky black hair and Yoongi has dark brown hair that reminds me of nature. But besides that everything is the same.

It didn't take long for me to finish. Once I felt satisfied I sat on my bed soon laying down. I can't remember the last time I was on a bed this soft. My body is used to floors and paper thin mattresses.


"Yes?" I asked keeping my eyes closed as I responded back to my new roommate.

"So your name it's very um Korean but-"

"But I don't look it right?"

"Yeah." They both said in unison. I decided to sit up and face them I just felt it would be a long night of questions.

"Jungkook is a family name. I do have Korean ancestors."

"So is it your dads name or something?" Yoongi asked.


"Uncle." I guess they actually want to hear. Or they won't stop guessing.

"No. It's my Great grandmother's Oppa's name."

"How the hell do you know that?" Taehyung scoffed.

"My great grandmother and her Oppa had a very hard life. She told her son who told my mom who told me. If I ever have kids I'll tell them."

"Tell them what?"

"That Jeon Jungkook was a Hero."

"What did he do?" Yoongi asked.

"He started a chain of events that saved a lot of people. He died when he was 18."

"How old were you when you were told this?" Yoongi asked as he leaned against the wall as he sat on his friends bed.

"I was 7."

"Lies. How the hell could you remember shit like that?" Taehyung scoffed again as he leaned against the wall next to Yoongi with his arms crossed.

"It's my gift."

"What?" They both questioned.

"It's my gift. I can't forget." I answered plainly before I stood up grabbed some clothes so I could shower.

I mainly wanted to get in the shower so I could cry. It's true I can't forget. I can't forget about the people I loved being murdered, I can't forget about the countless unwanted advances and touches I was forced to get information from.

The only thing I like about my gift is I'm able to talk with just about everyone. Languages came so easy to me and that's what my father used. He used my ability to speak to people all around the world and gave the information to some bad people.

Seriously this whole situation is messed up. What's worse is I'm in the stupid witness protection program and I have to act like I belong. I don't belong. I'm used to living on the streets in hiding. The last time I was in school was when I was 7 in the second grade. The moment father found me I've been working.

I got out of the shower and changed into my new clothes. My father forced me to wear stuff like this when I was with my targets. It drew the people to want me to be near them. Show skin, sit on their laps. Older woman loved to have me near them. Some called themselves cougars as others wanted me to call them mommy.

Men were the same always touching my exposed skin. Slapping my ass, always having a hand on my waist. All while I had to pretend I wanted to be there. Sometimes I'd be with them for months till my brother gave me the signal to run.

I can't even count how many bedroom windows I've snuck out of or restaurants I vanished from. It always ended the same. Once I left them we always left the country.

I had on the light blue short booty shorts that exposed my shaved legs and thighs. A loose tank top that exposed my belly button. Honestly I don't get why me dressing like this at night to bed is supposed to help me keep my identity safe.

As I entered back in the room their previous conversation went dead silent. I confidently walked back to my new bed and got under the covers.

I wonder if I'm going to dream of Suga tonight. I just hope he doesn't vanish now that his doppelgänger will be sleeping in the same room as me.

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