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"Wow Jungkook you look beautiful.....I....I never thought that dress would see the light of day again."

"Thank you Mr.Kim......."

"Now do you remember the rules?"

Mr.Kim asked me to come into his little home office so Tae and Jin couldn't hear our conversation. The moment he saw me though it was like he saw a ghost. I felt weird wearing his late wife's clothes but Tae insisted.

"No pictures of any kind. If I spot anyone familiar leave Namjoon and hide until your men can track me down." Mr.Kim's agency gave me a bracelet with a tracker on it. They made it look like a matching set with my mother's necklace. It's always tracking my location but once I press it that's when they know I'm in danger.

" are you sure you can handle this?"

"Yeah......for once it's not a mission."

"Okay now remember you can talk about yourself but for other things."

"Trust me I know. I don't want to get you guys hurt." I've seen torture no way can I watch that again I'd rather die. The man that tortured Father and Luke didn't know I was hiding under the floor. It seemed that Father was giving me away but he wasn't. If they did enough research they would find out that information anyway.

Luke thankfully didn't survive long. It was heart wrenching watching my brother suffer like that. Father on the other hand acted like a weasel to his last breath. He played the part of a heartless boss to the t.

"Okay now Namjoon is a great boy I trust him."

"I know if anything happens to him I'll go right back to the agency."


It sucks but it's the truth. Since I gave them all the info they wanted they didn't see me as a threat. Unfortunately if I do anything that could cause anyone harm then I'm back in a cell. It's not a prison cell. It's a cell to keep me safe but either way I was still in a cage.

Since my age is still under 18 and since I was smart they wanted to put me in school. As long as I don't do anything to jeopardize myself or others.

Honestly if I was probably any body else then I wouldn't have this type of freedom. The agency just hopes I can create a new life with my new identity. That's why I'm allowed to make friends and why Mr.Kim got the all clear for me to go on a date with Namjoon.

The day Namjoon asked me out I went straight to the principal so he could call Mr.Kim for me. I'm not allowed to have a phone or any computer access so if I need anything I have to go to them. It's fine actually since I never had a phone and Luke was the one that handled the computer stuff.

As soon as Mr.Kim picked up the phone the Principal told him what I said happened. They hung up and the principal said he will get an answer from the agency by the time I came home.

That's most likely when Tae heard things he shouldn't of. Non the less though I got permission to live a normal life and go on dates as long as Mr.Kim is able to do background checks on the ones I go out with. Lucky for both of us he has known Namjoon the past 4 years he didn't have to do anything.

My heart started racing the moment the sound of the doorbell filled the decent sized house.

"Hahaha let's not leave that giant waiting." I came to find out through our multiple small talks that he has a nickname for all of his son's friends. Namjoon is just as tall as Mr.Kim so he easily fit that description.

"So are you going to play the big brother act?"

"Hell no I just wanted to see your face." Tae laughed at Namjoon.

"My fa-" Namjoon stopped talking as his eyes went wide once he saw me. I couldn't hide the blush that quickly came to my face from his reaction.

Tae could of at least given me a warning. I feel so unprepared and that rarely happens to me. Jungkook was standing there on the staircase in a beautiful dress that it looked like it was made for him.

His hair was adorably styled along with cut. He looked so fresh like he was ready to take on the world. I never noticed that he had his ears pierced before now. The earrings really make his blue eyes sparkle.

I don't know who did his makeup but I could kiss them right now. Jungkook didn't need makeup to be beautiful but what was on him was very subtle and only highlighted his beauty.

I'm really glad that we don't live in the early 2000's. If Jungkook went out like that then he would surly be harassed.

Jungkook was blushing as he made his way down the stairs. He looked up at me with a shy smile on his face.

"Hi." The sweetest sound I've ever heard.

"Hi......are you ready to go?" I asked with a smile as I raised my elbow for him to hold. He carefully brought his hand up to hold my arm. He was just too precious.

After I opened his side for the car door he smiled as he offered his hand for me to help him out. I watched as his smile only got bigger when we were finally in front of the auditorium.

"So what are we seeing?" He asked as his eyes kept wondering around for clues after I gave the valet my car keys.

"It's a surprise.....Now come on hold my hand tight I don't want to lose you in this crowd." Sure I wanted to see him blush again but what I said was true. We were at a big theater with a lot of people trying to get to their seats.

Jungkook couldn't take his eyes off the performance and I couldn't take my eyes off of him. Most people our age have no interest seeing a ballet. I wanted to see if his eyes would wonder in boredom or amazement. I've taken a few girls here and one other guy but they all looked bored out of their minds.

I quickly went to wipe a tear that went to slide down Jungkook's perfect cheek. He turned and looked at me off guard. Once he registered it was me he gave me the cutest smile.

I felt frozen in that moment though.

Have I......have I seen that smile before?

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