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I'm kissing him!

His lips, body, just everything is amazing. I can't believe he pulled me in for another kiss. I thought for sure he would agree this was too fast.

Just everything felt so right with him in my arms. It's like a piece of me was finally returned.

I slowly pulled away from the kiss getting way more turned on than I intended.

"Um hahaha." I looked down at Jungkook who had such a confident smile on his face as he looked right back at me.



"Yep." So cute.

"Fine if you call me Joonie I get to call you Kookie." The moment I said that he froze for a moment. Did I say something wrong? "If you don-"

"Sorry hahaha I like it." Jungkook said as he looked down blushing.

"Would you like me to take you to dinner or do you want to stay here for a bit?" I did have a reservation at a restaurant tonight. I wanted this date to be the best he ever had.

"Oh um we could leave if you want....thank you for taking me here."

"There is no rush if you like it here."

Jungkook just gave me a big smile before he gave me his hand. Jungkook didn't say anything as we both started to walk back to where I parked my car.

Once the parking lot came more into sight I pulled Jungkook to a stop and pulled him behind me once I saw 3 guys standing near my car.


"It'll be alright just stay behind me." Of course the moment he spoke the 3 by my car all turned and looked at us.

"I knew someone with a car as nice as this had something worth steeling." The one that was leaning on my hood smirked as he tossed his cigarette to the side.

"I don't have anything so you should leave." I spoke out more as a warning than a coward.

"What about the one in that pretty dress." The second guy said as he looked right passed me.

"We don't have anything." I slowly took a step back thankfully Jungkook got the memo and slowly stepped back as well.

"We'll be the judge of that." Jungkook was quickly pulled away from me from behind. I froze once I saw the knife at his throat.

"Please don't hurt him." My eyes moved from the knife to Jungkook's eyes who looked surprisingly calm. "Please."

The one that once had a cigarette in his hand walked over towards Jungkook who didn't move. The other two who stayed near my car came closer and each one grabbed one of my arms.

"Don't Touch Him!" I looked up to the sound of Jungkook yelling. He didn't look scared he looked angry.

"Awww something as cute as you shouldn't yell nor give orders it doesn't suit you."

"Don't Touch Him!" I yelled this time once he touched Jungkook's cheek.

"I was expecting to get money from you I wasn't expecting for you to have such a gem with you."

"I can give you money! Just let us go!"

"Boss?" The one to my right spoke while I tried to get out of their grasp. "Let's just take his jewelry and this ones wallet and go."



"Not many people come here. The one time we do we find this. I don't know about you but I'm tired of petty theft and only getting scraps. If we bring in this one with I'm sure we will get good money for him."

"Noooo!" I was trying really hard to get out of their grasp. I looked at Jungkook who was no longer calm but trying to squirm away as well.

"Oh come on little one don't fuss you wouldn't want to get cut." The one that held the knife against Jungkook's throat said loud and clear.

I am not going to be taken by these asshats. I don't care if my neck gets sliced. I brought my foot up and kicked as hard as I could on the guys shin with the heels Jin basically forced me to wear.

He grunted and leaned us forward a bit because of the pain. I took that opportunity to flip him. I winced a bit when his knife cut me. I didn't waste a moment though as I snatched the knife out of his hand.

I held the knife out as I stood in my defense mode. I froze once I saw a knife against Namjoon's throat.

"Let.Him.Go." I slightly panted out but at the same time glaring at the one who I assume is the leader.

"Sorry little one it's not going to work like that. Now we won't hurt your friend if you put the knife down and be a good boy."

"Fuck you." I spat out as I threw the knife at his feet. They all looked at me as it was perfectly standing up between the leaders feet. My hands were quickly grabbed by the guy I flipped over just moments ago. I saw Namjoon try to fight making me scared for him immediately. "Namjoon Stop!" I yell as I was being pulled away from him and in the direction of their car. "I'll be okay.....don't come after me."

From inside the car I saw Namjoon pushed to the ground and kicked a few times. I wanted to jump out and protect him but I had the knife pressed against my abdomen.

I kept my head and body still as my eyes stayed on Namjoon who was trying to stand up. My hair was being stroked by the leader who was carefully holding the knife against Tae's mother's dress.

"You did the right thing....don't worry my friends didn't rough him up too bad."

"You ruined my first date." I said shaking his hand off my head. My fingers went to hold my wrist but then my hand was harshly grabbed making me wince a bit.

"What beautiful jewelry.....I guess you caught my attention I didn't even see what was around your body." I'm numb to people like him.

I turned to look at him once we got further down the street. He honestly looked like a low class druggy. They all smelled like gross cigarettes too. All their hair is greasy and unwashed.

"How about if you put that knife away we can have some fun to pass the time?" I smirked at him as I wiggled my eye brows.

He smirked right back placing his free hand on my cheek. I hid my disgust really well as he came closer.

"Sorry little one. I saw too much skill in you to let my guard down." He laughed as he pressed the knife closer to me where it actually made me a bit nervous to breathe.

During the long stupid drive the guy that originally held the knife to my throat started talking to the leader. This luckily caused him to release my wrist which I wasted no time to press the button that was on the bracelet.

Now all I have to do is wait.

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