The Fight

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"Listen I don't know what your game is but don't play my friends." Tae spoke as he stood before my bed with his arms crossed glaring down at me.

"I'm not playing anyone." I said looking back at my book.

"Bull! The whole school already knows you were making out with Yoongi in the bathroom. Now you are going out on a date with Namjoon. Sounds a lot like fooling around to me!"

I sighed as I put my book down to look up at a pissed off Tae. "This is the first time you spoke to me since my first night staying here. You have been avoiding me for like the past week I have been here. Yes Yoongi and I kissed but nothing went beyond that. Yes Namjoon asked me out. He seems like a nice guy plus he is handsome what is so wrong with me going on a date with him?"

Honestly I don't know why I said yes to his date. Yes Yoongi and I have something between us we can't explain but I also have a pull towards Namjoon.

I stayed away from him because that was Yoongi's wish. He wanted me to stay away from him and his friends. That all changed though the moment we kissed. It was no longer fear that kept him distant. Now though Yoongi is mad at me for not telling him my secrets. I understand but I have my reasons and that is to keep him safe.

"It's very wrong! I'm not going to let some hoe come between my friends!" My father made me act like a hoe in every way possible but no way was I doing that to these guys.

I stood up from my bed and got right in front of Tae. I looked right into his pissed off eyes and glared right back.

"You don't know my life or what I've been through. You may not like me and I don't need you to like me. However I am not just going to just be still and let you call me something that I am not."

Tae stepped closer to me anger emanating off of him. The longer I stare at him the more I feel like we've fought before.

"If you need dick so bad go to Kenny I'll tell Namjoon that you changed your mind." He spoke through his gritted teeth before he pushed me backwards.

"What the Hell?! You can't do that!"

"Oh I can Leo Wing." I froze and his angered face turned into a stupid smirk. "Hahaha I wasn't sure if it was true or not but your reaction says it all."

"How long have you known?"

"Since last night. I heard my dad talking about you on the phone except he didn't say the Name Jungkook."

"How much do you know?"

"I confronted my dad about it after you went to bed. He told me part of the story."

"What part?"

"About how you used to sleep with people to gather information about them. Why do you think I don't want a Whore around my friends?"

I pulled my legs to my chest as I felt a few tears slide down my cheeks.

"Is that all you know?"

"Yep but it's fine as long as you stay away from my friends I won't share your secret."

"I'm sure Mr.Kim said if you told anyone your life would be in danger."

"Whatever you won't go against my rules anyway." Tae chuckled before he sat down on his bed still looking my way. "So tell me. Why don't you still do that stuff?"

Is he serious right now? This ass is blackmailing me with crap he doesn't understand. His life is in danger just for knowing my name. I regret telling Yoongi I just didn't want to keep my real name from him.

"You're an idiot." I whispered.

"Excuse me?" He once again spoke through gritted teeth.

"I said you're an idiot. You don't understand anything do you? I don't think Mr.Kim told you anything except my name. You probably listened in on the phone call and just happened to hear them discuss about that one thing. You probably gasped on the other end and Mr.Kim ended the call to make sure you don't say anything. Am I right?" That whole time I wasn't looking at him. I was more like looking passed him as if he wasn't truly there. Once I did look at him though he looked pale.

"Listen I understand me being here is a lot to handle. Most likely the thought of me coming in between your friends is a painful what if. Especially with what you found with Yoongi you have a lot of fears and Tae..." I looked at him but he turned to look somewhere else. I sighed as I got off my bed and moved over to sit beside him. I didn't turn to look at him though I grabbed his hand and put it on my chest. "Tae I understand those fears. I have many fears of my own but can't blackmail me with something you don't understand."

I tried to sound gentle so he understood I wasn't attacking him or getting defensive. Honestly I don't understand why Mr.Kim offered to take me in. He knows what kind of people are after me. He isn't an idiot to think his teenage son would try and find out my background. I mean they are not so smart to even look up the name I chose before creating me a fake identity. If they did that simple google search like Tae and Yoongi then I would of had a different name with less weird things happening.

"Can you be honest with me?" Great where is this going?

"What do you want to know?"

"How did you end up here? I mean what led you to knowing my dad?"

"I'm not going to go into details but that's a fair question." I released a big sigh before I turned my head that was leaning on his wall to look at him and he did the same. Honestly Tae is extremely handsome when he isn't trying. At school he always try's to basically look a part for the role he plays in school. This however suits him better. He is in sweat pants and a baggy white T-shirt. Much more relaxed with his slightly messy hair from the shower he took before he started yelling at me.

"So the part that you heard about me sleeping with people to get information was true. I was made to do it by Father in order for him to get the information he needed. My last mission however the info I gathered got Father and my brother killed. Agents that work with your father found me and interrogated me for information. Once they got what they needed I needed to be put in witness protection. I wasn't given many options growing up and that just continued here from my hair to the clothes I wear."

"So your Father made you sleep with people? That's disgusting what kind of parent was that?"

"No he wasn't my father....he told us to call him Father. My brother wasn't blood either but they took me in when my mother died."

"Wow." He breathed out. "Your life truly did suck."

"Yep. So are we okay now? Because you honestly can't say this to anyone."

"Listen I don't trust easily. The 5 of them are all I got. I don't want them hurt."

"I've lost everyone I knew....I don't want anyone else hurt so please are we good?" I asked as I rested my head on his shoulder. This is something I used to do with Luke after we made up after a fight.

"Promise you won't hurt Yoongi or Namjoon?" I couldn't help but release a little chuckle.

"Oh please haven't you realized I'd be the bottom if anything you should be asking them to not hurt me." I gave him the biggest teasing smile I could and he just looked disgusted before he pushed me away while chuckling.

"Okay don't ever put that image in my head again and we are fine." I just gave him a smile as an answer and he left the room smiling.

Honestly I'm glad we had this fight if not then it wouldn't of been resolved. The room feels a whole lot less suffocating and I feel a bit less on edge about living here.

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