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"Hello?" I answered the phone not even looking at the caller id. I almost dropped my phone hearing his voice again.


"L-Leo! Where are you? Where have you been? Have you called Namjoon?" I was no longer sitting in my desk chair no that was tipped over on the ground as I stood pleading for the other person to speak.

It's been 6 years since we last saw him. They were able to keep track of his location for 2 months after that his signal went dead. There was no trace of him on any surveillance cameras it was as if he vanished from the world. I myself thought that he was dead. Not even Bunny appeared in my dreams.

Mr.Kim left the agency after 3 years of trying to find Leo again but he just kept coming back with nothing. Blaming himself he couldn't even look or talk to us every time we were over. We didn't blame him we just blamed the agency itself he only followed orders.

"I....I never thought I would hear your voice again." He sounds so broken I can just see the tears in his eyes god I wish I was with him if not me then Namjoon.

"Where are you?"

"I don't have a long time to talk. I just wanted to hear your voice again....tell Namjoon I'm sorry I couldn't call him too."

"Wait! D-don't hang up! Please tell me where you are I'll come find you!"

"I love you I have to go now.....wait Anton stop! Hey!" Leo was yelling on the other end and a loud slap sound was heard before a thud. My blood boiled with thoughts about what he has been through these past 6 years.

"Hello?" This accent was European of some sort but I can't pin point from where. Also he was so unsure of the English word. Even though his voice was laced with venom.

"Where's Leo?" I spoke through gritted teeth.

"Leo Fine. You? Who are?" Yep definitely not English.

"Not important."

"Zum Teufel hasse ich Amerikaner! Liebe jetzt übersetzen! (I fucking hate Americans. Love you translate!)" He just yelled into the phone basically destroying my ear. Then I heard a small little whimper from non other than my Leo.

"Y-yoongi he he ah wants me to translate."

"Are you okay did he hurt you?!"

"wirst du aufhören! Ich versuche. (Will you Stop! I'm trying.)" I heard Leo yell but not at me. "Sorry um he wants to know who you are to me."

"Leo it's been 6 years but for Namjoon and I our feelings never changed."

"Sie lieben mich immer noch. (They still Love me.)"

"Leo please why are you asking this? We thought you were dead! Please just tell me where you are."

"Yoongi please just forget about me."

"Hell no! Now that I know you are alive I will find you!"

"Don't! I'm not the person you remember."

"Was zum Teufel sagst du zu ihm? willst du wieder bestraft werden? (What the fuck are you saying to him? Want to be punished again?)"

"Nein! bitte liebe ich werde gut sein! Ich möchte nur, dass du ihm sagst, er soll mich vergessen. Bitte, ich bin gut ... ich bin dein guter Junge. ( No! Please Love I'll be good! I only want you I'm telling him to forget about me. Please I'm good....I'm your good boy.)"

I don't know what they were arguing about but Leo was definitely pleading. His voice cracked and he was scared. I need to rescue him. I need to find out what happened to him these past 6 years. I will get you back baby just wait for me.

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