Tag and Stick

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What assholes.

What stupid lowlife assholes.

Why can't I just have a normal first date? No my stupid luck I get kidnapped, my date gets kicked to the ground.

I've been told buy a lot of people including Father that my looks are hard to compare to others. Even still there are a lot of beautiful people in this world why is it that I always have to find the ones that want me just for my looks.

It would be different if they just robbed Namjoon and left us alone but no he wants to get higher up in the underground so he decides to take me for my body.


Currently I am sitting in a chair in an office of a loud strip club. The assholes that took me are behind me. One of the guards to the man that owns the club is to the side of me holding his gun in clear sight.

The man in front of me was greasy and disgusting. He had a big fat cigar in his mouth and that smoke was filling the room.

"Okay idiots." The owner in the chair started to speak as he blew out smoke. " did you even check to see if he has family or any crap like that? By the looks of your dumbfounded faces I'm going to say no."

"Well sir.....we...we thought that."

"Thought what? That you could just bring him here and I would make him just disappear? Well that's not how it works. 1 you left a witness who seen your faces. 2 and once again I'm saying this you didn't even check to see if he has family. Now you." The man in front of me sighed as he turned his attention to me. "How old are you?"


"Do you have a name?" I just nodded my head before I crossed my arms. "It doesn't matter you don't have to tell me now. However you are here now and I can't just let you go."

"I understand. Now can we just get this over with?" I scoffed but as I looked at his face he looked surprised by my words for a second before he started to laugh. His stupid goons started to laugh as well before he slammed his fist on the table making the room quiet.

"I like this one. You don't seem to be a druggy either and you look clean. Now answer this question honestly. Are you a Virgin?"

I rolled my eyes before I went to stand up and lean against his desk.

"Would you sell me for less? Or are you disappointed you weren't my first?" The one that had his gun out came over grabbing my shoulder and pulling me back into the chair. "Alright! No I'm not a dang Virgin okay?"

"Good to know. Sam!"

"Yes sir?"

"You and James take him to the 37 unit. Tag him and stick him."

"W-wait what?!" I yelled as the one with the gun firmly held my forearm. My heart was pounding as he started to pull me away with me using my free hand to try and release his grip.

This is not happening! Once I hit the button on the bracelet they should be here. I know I'm supposed to be hiding but do they really not care. Mr.Kim was supposed to keep me safe.

I know what tag and stick mean. I surrounded myself with the people who make money from the underground of the black market. Tag is self explanatory you put a mark claiming who that individual or shall I say property belongs to also a tracker. The tracker is more of an insurance to make sure your stuff doesn't get stolen.

Stick however means I'll have a needle in my arm every few hours keeping me drugged. It's a fuzzy state of mind but you can't fight or defend yourself. I've had the horrible misfortune to see countless individuals in that state. They knew what was happening but most become numb from the feeling.

I hated how I had to act like I was okay with what was happening. I guess now I have to pay for all the times I was forced to watch helpless to help them.

I was dragged down to the basement with myself struggling and fighting the whole way down. My make up was ruined by the amount of tears I shed.

Maybe the tracker never worked. Maybe I'm not worth saving.

"Please! P-please d-don't!" I cried while I was shoved on another chair. This one however had straps attached and I'm not an idiot. My wrists were the first to be secured then my ankles. The last strap went around my arms and torso making sure I couldn't move.

"This will hurt more if you struggle." The redhead spoke. I'm assuming he is James since he came with the one with a gun and brought me down here.

I gave a slight yelpish scream when my arm got injected. Almost instantly my head felt fuzzy as my body was starting to boil. Every vein in my body felt as if it was injected by hot liquid. I also felt as if I had to pee but at the same time I felt numb.

Keeping my eyes open was becoming such a difficult task. Muffled sounds filled my ears as I was no longer able to understand their words.

I wasn't sleeping. No the universe doesn't owe me kindness. Time however was no longer a factor. A minute could of gone by but so could a day and I would not be able to tell.

Even in this unknowing state that I am in I am unable to stop thinking.

Namjoon and Yoongi.

I can't shake their sad faces from my mind. Suga no longer comes to me and I know that was in my mind. However I don't want them to just be a memory.

I don't care if I never get free. I just don't want to be painfully reminded that I will never see them again.

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