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I'm so stupid.

I don't know why I showed them my birthmarks. Maybe I was hoping for a connection if I did.

No. What I really wanted was him to be Suga.

When they came up and saw me crying they asked me why. What was I supposed to say?

I had a dream that the person that loved me was murdered?

I know it's just a nightmare but with all my dreams of Suga they have never been bad. There were no bad people in my dreams. When I heard him say "he can have you in the next life" I felt my world crumble.

When Yoongi had me in his arms I felt so safe. His touch was like something I yearned for my whole life. I don't know how to explain the feelings I had when I could hear his heartbeat.

Now I feel like I lost both of them. I was honest when I said I didn't know. Father never let me use any technology.

My body began to shake though when I saw Suga in the photos. He looked so happy and in Love. It hurt to see him with that boy though. The boy that I shared a name with.

I don't understand why someone I don't know has been in my dreams for as long as I can remember. I don't get why I resemble him either we aren't related. Just nothing makes sense.

I can understand why Yoongi wants nothing to do with me. I'm freaking out too.

The weekend went by with Tae ignoring me. Mr.Kim forced him to sleep in his room again on Sunday night and I hated it. This was his room if anything I should sleep on the floor somewhere.

So here we are Monday morning. My first time going to school since I was in second grade. Here I am wearing clothes that are way too tight but go with my new identity.

Tae didn't speak to me he just got changed in the bathroom then left. Mr.Kim kept apologizing for his son's behavior while he was driving me to the school. I kept telling him I'm fine and he is fine. If I'm honest though I'm truly not. I'm breaking.

Not once did Suga appear in my dreams.

"Okay here we are. Now if anything happens I want you to go to the principal. He used to work with me and knows your situation. You can trust him okay?" I just gave him nod and in return he gave me a worried smile. "You can do this Leo."

Yes Leo. The name my mother gave me. The name Father continued to call me. When asked if I had any thoughts to change it to;well I chose the name of the person my mother told me about. If I had known how Yoongi would of reacted though I would of chose an American name.

I left Mr.Kim's car and ignored the stares I got as I made my way inside the large building. It was so clean which is surprising since how many dirty feet come walking in the halls.

I freeze once I see the oh so familiar feline eyes that I fell in love with. I quickly turn away though once I felt the disgusted glare behind them.

The first few classes were dull. Some things I've never learned before so that was interesting for like a minute. The teachers got upset with me and kept rolling their eyes when they both kept looking to see if I was taking notes; which I wasn't.

The halls were so crowded and there were so many clicks. Of course I don't expect to be here forever but it would be nice to make at least one friend. I've never had a friend before so it would be nice to have one.

"Hey!" I turned around when someone put their hand on my shoulder. Oh he was in my Algebra class from last period.

"Um Hi?"

"Hey so um I was wondering if you wanted to eat lunch with my friends and I?" He asked as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"No it's okay...I don't want to be a bother."

"You won't be. Plus I feel like we will be in most of the same classes anyway."

"Why is that?"

"Well I don't exactly know your Skill but you seem smart."

"Is smart a talent?" I asked as we started to make our way down the hall.

"Hahaha not exactly. My skill is Chemistry but my friends are talented in different fields like Physics and mathematics. We actually shared a class with one of them in our first class together."


"So what do you say? Want to sit with me at lunch?"

"Um okay."

"Great!" He smiled I feel bad though I don't even know his name. It seems like he doesn't even know mine either.

As it turned out he was right. We did end up having more classes together. It was uncomfortable at times though I felt like he would keep moving his seat over so we were closer. He would unnecessarily touch my arm or hand in some way. In the hall after our last class together before lunch he placed his hand on my lower back. I'm used to unwanted touches but I didn't think I would feel like this at a school.

"Hey guys this is......." I looked at the boy next to me and he looked so pale.

"Hello I'm Jungkook and I'm 17 I hope we get along." I smiled at the table of boys who just stared at me. Then the silence dropped to laughter.

"Hahaha! You forgot his name!" One said pointing to his friend as he hit the table.

"Got so many texts about how cute he was and you never got a name....priceless!" Another one laughed out. I turned to the one next to me and he was glaring daggers at him.

"Haha sorry about my friends."

"It's okay.....I don't know your name either." I answered with a straight face before I sat down at the table with my food. With my comment though his friends just laughed louder.

"That's perfect hahaha. Well his name is Kenny. I'm Alex and those two over there are Sarab and Jose." The one that mentioned the text messages gleamed.

Sarab had a nice smile and you could tell he was of Indian decent. I've been to India it was very beautiful but very hot. Very nice people though well the ones that had nothing to do with my target.

Jose had gorgeous caramel skin and light brown hair. His clothes were very prim and proper along with some glasses to put his whole look together.

Kenny and Alex though both had dark as night skin. Nice curly hair at the top of their heads. Both dressed in jeans and a simple designed top.

All 4 of them were very attractive. Yes my target were women too but I am 100% gay. My heart however belonged to someone that wasn't real. He was only alive in my dreams. That was until just a few days ago. When my heart broke. They aren't the same people and I have to live with that reality.

Reality that I may never again see my Suga again.

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