The Wait

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It's been 4 weeks now since Yoongi told us that Leo called him. It was like time stood still. I hopped on the first flight back home and since I've been back I've felt stuck.

We've all felt stuck.

All we could do was wait.

We all put our lives on hold in hopes of possibly getting Leo back.

Jin actually set his wife and daughter in a small apartment close by to here so he didn't have to feel torn about being there for Yoongi and I. His wife was stressed but she understood. Actually in the end their daughter spent more time with all of us here in Tae's dads house than that small apartment. Sure she was stressed at first but now she has more help.

Jimin and Tae work on their musc in the basement but haven't been that inspired since now we are just waiting for Tae's dad to tell us the news.

"Boys!" And just like that we all shot up from the seats we were on or the rooms we were in. Tae's dad just came home and he advised that this would be the day that he gets the news of any kind.

We all sat down in the dining room all taking a seat. Jin's wife took her daughter back to the apartment so we could all focus. Yoongi sat beside me as we shared the same look.

"Okay I know this month has been stressful but they didn't want to tell me anything without giving me all the details." We all listened to the man who had a stack of white papers clutched in his fingers. "Okay so.....They tracked the number that Yoongi received the call from. A scrambler was used so it was hard for them to pin point where the signal came from. However they were finally able to find his location.

So as you know his tracker stopped giving a signal when he was first put in the mission. What we didn't tell you is his last known location. His last known location was Portugal." We were all silent before but now it felt like it got more silent.

"So Yoongi when Leo called you he was actually calling from England now. The agency over the past week have been in contact with the government from England explaining the situation. With their help we have been able to get information about those who have done illegal trades in the area that the call came from."

"I'm sorry I don't quite understand dad. Are you saying you guys still haven't seen him?"

"No. But that doesn't mean he isn't there! Remember Yoongi said he was good the past couple years. That must mean he hasn't been at all. So of course there won't be cameras catching him. And if they have been moving him around must be doing it so discreetly that there is no evidence of him. Please I know it's a big leap but that phone call could of saved his life."

"So what's the plan? Are we going to England?"

"I'm sorry guys but....but I can't go. Jasmine needs me here."

"Jin you don't have to worry none of us are going."

"Mr.Kim! Excuse me you can't do that! You finally gave hope to my best friends that someone they Love might be able to come back home to them! Like what the Fuck! We consoled them when Leo was presumed dead and now that we know he isn't you are telling us we can't go?!" Yoongi stood up from his chair and hugged Hobi who had tears streaming down his face from his emotions finally coming out.

It's true Yoongi and I had a really hard time when Mr.Kim said that his signal was lost. It would be one thing if they took the necklace off his body and it was just forgotten and dropped in water or something. This though this was different. His signal stopped so abruptly that a lot of different scenarios were brought into play.

That day was the toughest most heartbreaking day in my life. Hell it was still hard up till Yoongi called me and told me what happened.

"You guys don't work for any department in our government. You have no training whatsoever. There is no way in hell we would be sending civilians to go look for someone let alone in another country.

My old boss assigned someone to scope out the area and see if they find anything enough to get a warrant for the agency in England. His plane leaves in two days. Just please be patient."

"Okay are you ready to go?"

"Hell yeah." I answered Yoongi as I threw my bag on my back. Tae was zipping up his bag, Hobi was in the car getting it warmed up.

"I'm sorry guys."

"Jin stop. Jasmine needs we'll be fine. Also you can try and convince Mr.Kim once he finds out we are gone." Jimin answered with a reassuring smile towards our friend who was swirling his wedding ring around on his finger.

"Okay we should leave. We need to be there in time to pass all the security checks." Tae rushed getting his jacket on. "Okay Jin give Jasmine and Little Rosey our love." Jin gave us all a hug before we quietly left Tae's house.

The car ride was quiet but it was fine. It was 2:13 am and all of us were nervous about what was to come once we got off the plane. Tae stole the papers his father brought home so we could all read over every bit of information.

Mr. Kim didn't give us every detail but we don't hate him for it. He was just trying to protect us from the gory details. The Area that Leo was possibly in was basically the hot spot of the black market.

They had faces of people caught on camera with names and aliases. Their known crimes were sickening. Both men and women that had no soul to do such horrendous acts.

I remember Leo telling us that what he use to do helped gather information to put these people away. It's hard to picture him even walking side by side with monsters like this.

"Namjoon?" I looked at Yoongi who was sitting beside me on the plane. "We will find him...right?" I'm not used to hearing Yoongi so full of doubt.

"We have to."

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