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I've been a wreck these past few nights. Every night I dream of him. It's not the Jungkook I met though it's the one from the pictures.

I hate that I love my dreams and the way they make me feel. I've honestly never felt love beyond family and friendship; but the way he looked at me I'd imagine that's what love is.

He'd call me "Suga Hyung" and I'd call him "Bunny... My Bunny". When he called me Suga the first time I couldn't keep my thoughts from drifting to Jungkook and when he whispered Suga the first time. At first I thought I was hearing things but now I know I wasn't.

We are connected in some way and I don't like it. Nothing makes sense. The worst part is knowing I'd have to wake up. Every time I do I feel like I've lost a bit of myself and I feel pain.

I've been dreading today though. Today is the day I see him again. Only this time it won't be the dream boy giving me feelings it will be his look a like who is hiding a lot of things.

This stupidly stunning blonde and red head with gorgeous blue eyes. I hate that I want to kiss him. Why is it he is the first person I want to kiss? Why did it have to be him?



I smiled as Tae got in my car.

"So how is everything?"

"So stupid! Dad yelled at me for not being a good host and he made me sleep in my bed last night I felt so awkward."

"Did he say anything?"

"I haven't heard him say a word. He cried a bit last night but that was all." I'm angry that he cried. I'm not angry at him I'm just angry they he was sad and I wasn't there. I don't know why though. "Dad is driving him to school."

We turned on the radio to wake us up a bit before school. Feeling a little bit more at ease.

The morning classes went by fine as usual I didn't see my friends but I also didn't see Jungkook which made me calmer.

Now I'm in the cafeteria looking at a table of 5. 4 of them I know who always sit at that table. Namjoon actually used to be close to them as well but stopped hanging out with them once he met us. The 4 of them were smiling and talking to the one I told to leave me alone.

Jungkook the one who smiled back at them but also looked uncomfortable. I noticed one of them kept trying to keep their hand on his back. Anger flooded through my veins as I noticed he kept inching himself away.

"He was in my classes but I don't think he even realized. Kenny was very touchy with him and kept him occupied." Namjoon spoke as he too was looking at who I had my eyes on.

"How was he in class?" Jimin questioned without looking at the younger's direction.

"Fine I guess but he wasn't taking any notes down. The teachers would ask him a question to see if he was paying attention and he kept getting them right." Namjoon answered with a shrug.

"So maybe he is a genius like you guys?" Jin asked.

"Not sure but even I write down notes."

"Whatever let's stop talking about him." Hobi said. I basically zoned my friends out all I could think about was Jungkook.

As the second half of the day went by it was brutal because Jungkook was in all my classes. I mean what the Hell!

I said for him to stay away from me and it's not his fault for being in my classes so I can't blame him. I don't get it either. I don't know any other student who is in 2 different programs.

Namjoon doesn't have any of my classes yet here is Jungkook doing Calculus in the morning and music study with me after lunch. Not only is he in the same piano class as me but the teacher assigned us the same desk.

Being desk mates meant basically every song, every discussion, every project you will have with your desk mate. This school year has been great I had no one to share my desk with and now it's super cliche that now we are stuck together.

So here I am halfway through Piano with this intoxicating beauty beside me. Once again he is close enough to be able to smell his sweet perfume.

Every time I glance at him he looks so sad. Of course he has every right to be sad. Not only did he loose his family I told him to stay away from me. I mean he could of been telling the truth when he said he never saw the pictures or articles before but it's still a lot.

Especially now that I've been having dreams about the original Jungkook. I hate this! I can't stop looking at him. I can't stop my stupid thoughts from comparing the two of them.

Here I am yelling at myself and I'm not even paying attention to the teacher. I looked over to Jungkook and he isn't even taking notes how the hell are we supposed to pass?

"Seriously? You're not even taking notes?" I scoffed in a hushed voice so the teacher wouldn't hear.

"I don't need to." He whispered back not even sparing me a glance. I don't know why I was hoping he would look at me. I wanted to see his blue doe eyes. "For someone that wants nothing to do with me you sure look at me a lot." I got taken back as he turned his head to look at me.


Jungkook's eyes went wide before he leaned backwards and fell out of his chair. The whole class turned to look at him but all he could do was stare at me shock still on his face.

"Jungkook are you okay?" The teacher came over and asked him before she looked at me for an answer.

I honestly don't know what came over me when I said that out loud. I guess part of me just wanted to see his reaction honestly I wasn't expecting this. If I'm being honest I just wanted to finally say it out loud. I've been calling his look alike Bunny in my dreams but just felt like it needed to be real outside of my dream world.

Honestly it felt really good calling him that. Bunny it fits him perfectly.

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