𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 1 : 𝐁𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐞

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Café || Afternoon

In the afternoon the older waiting for his 'date' with long face. Leg cross, hands over against his chest as he kept take look his watch. It 2:16 p.m. His date late 10 minutes. He don't like wait. As he about to stand up suddenly the bell at the door ring.

He diverted his eyes at the door and he saw the prettier boy. His hair mess as wind blows his hair making it look mess and he fix his hair again. He realise that he staring him so long and he kept with his poker face.

Soon the pretty boy coming towards him. Standing in front him with his big doe eyes and red cheeks. Taehyung raise his eyes brow looking at the boy in confused. The brunette boy then pull the chair and sit on it.

Looking at Taehyung as he pull his hand out to handshake at the older. Taehyung take and shake their hands.

" You Taehyung right? I'm Jungkook. Your date " The brunette boy said as he give the older his famous bunny smile.

' Cute '

The older thought to himself without he realized what he just said to himself.

" You 11 minutes late. I don't like waiting " He said cold.

The brunette pout.

" My mama send me and I'm doing my makeup " He said without hesitation as he cross his arm over his chest and lean his back to his seat.

" I'm 25 years old "

The brunette boy raised his right eyesbrow in confused then realize that his date age.

" I'm 22 years old, my name is Jungkook and I'm younger than you! Should I call you hyung? Taetae hyungie? Hyungie? " The younger squeal in happy.

" Don't " He growl but it not affect the younger.

" I don't care " The younger said and he suddenly came to the older wrapping his hand to the older arm clinging on it.

" Hyungie... Can we go to the Zoo? " The younger ask giving the older puppy eyes making the older felt butterfly in his stomach.

" No " He refused.

" I will tell my mama " The younger threat as he about to pull out his phone dialing his mama numbers.

" Fine! " The older said giving up making the younger squeal and hugging him as the older tried to push him and the others people in the café give them weird look.

Not like he afraid of the younger mother. He just don't want to cause the scene. It only dive minutes and he already felt suffocate.

' Must be spoil brat '

The older scoffed himself at the thought.


They now at the Zoo. Jungkook happily running here and there looking at the animals with mouth hung open. The older look at the younger.

He look so beautiful when they are close. His big spark with small galaxy doe eyes. Small button nose. Red cheeks. Plump lips and bunny teeth as he smile.

But who know he can be a little brat too.

Milky skin. Collarbone look perfectly fine. Those tiny waist wrapping around his pants and those big ass-

He stop at the dirty thought, shaking his head and without he knowing the younger already pull him to other place. The tiger cage one.

" Look! The tiger like you! " The brunette boy said pointing at the tiger.

" Yeah the tiger will eat you soon " He mumbled and the younger heard that as he blush.

" What? " The younger ask shyly look at the older as he fiddle his fingers.

" What what? " The older said bluntly.

" Never mind " Jungkook said and pout.

' Not gentlemen. But I'll make him love me '

He said smirking to himself.


Taehyung send the younger home at 9:00 p.m. because the younger force him and he can't say no to those puppy eyes. Exchange their number, as the younger just pull the older phone from his pocket and put his number in the older phone.

The younger also planned to coming to the older office. Even tho they just know each other today. He really a brat, isn't he?

" Bye hyungie! " Jungkook happily bid him and kiss the older cheeks making the older shock a little.

Taehyung nod and let out 'hmm'. He left leaving pout Jungkook.

Jungkook get in his house seeing his mother cooking for him.

" How was your date baby? "

" It really amazing! I'm planing to go his office tomorrow! " Jungkook said as he running to his bedroom.


853 words

Boring chapter...

I remember when I was 16 years old back then, I'm so innocent that even my friend make sex joke I couldn't understand.

So one day the teacher and my classmate talking about 'condom' (stupid right? I know) then Im thinking like

' what the hell are they talking about? Condom? Condominium? How can condominium get into the room and get a baby? ' I was leaving dumbfounded

And my imagination like this 🏢+👦/👧=🏢 ??? Like how?

Soon I search what sex and condom is. Bij ahdvsndvnavdjhdbx. And my innocent eyes is gone~ 😂


And you know... Im trying to learning eng more so I can write better.

Is it good?

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