𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 9 : 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐡

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⚠️ Child abuse & rape

ᵇᵉⁿ - ⁱᶠ ʷᵉ ʷᵉ'ʳᵉ ᵈᵉˢᵗⁱⁿᵉᵈ

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Taehyung we're cooking breakfast for him and Jungkook as the younger still asleep, tired of crying. When he done cooking he went call for the younger as the younger already woke up.

The younger wore the older big hoodie and short pants underneath reveal his thick thighs. Making the bunny boy smaller than usual.

Taehyung gulp seeing that as he staring it like a creep old man. Jungkook already blush madly and clear his throat.

" H-hyungie? "  Jungkook whispered and playing with the hem hoodie sleeve.

The older finally back to reality and clear his throat as he slap himself for staring Jungkook like a creep man. He literally blush and act cold.

" I already cook breakfast. Come down " Taehyung said with deep voice making Jungkook nod submissive then following the older like a lost puppy behind.

They were eating together. The awkward silence fulfill the kitchen then Jungkook suddenly speak.

" H-hyung? " The brunette ask as the older humming while chewing the food.

" You know about Mr. Lee right? " This time Taehyung titled his head looking at Jungkook as he nod.

" H-he is my step father back then and he the one who r-ruin m-my life... " Jungkook broke down crying making the older immediately stop eating and rush to the younger hugging him.

Whispering soft word and gently circle his hand to Jungkook back trying to soothing him.

" You don't have to tell me if you don't want to " Taehyung said.

" It's okay... I guess you must wondering why I always uncomfortable when he around me right? " Jungkook ask as he wipe his tear.

Taehyung nod.

" But... You would disgust me if I tell you my past... I'm dirty... " Jungkook said in low tone as tears spill from his eyes.

" Why would I disgust you? Also you're not dirty! Stop saying nonsense " Taehyung said as he hug Jungkook back.

Jungkook giggle softly and tell him his past.

☃ Flashback ☃

When Jungkook we're three years old. His father died due cancer disease stage four. Jungkook of course he don't know what happened and just playing around the ask his mother.

" Where papa? " He ask several times but his mother only cried whenever he ask the questions so he stop asking the questions and playing with his friends who same age as him.

Two years past. Jungkook already 6 years old. Jungkook's mother finally met someone and its Lee Soohyuk and they get married. Meanwhile Jungkook? Of course he happy that he finally get his father.

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