𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 5 : 𝐇𝐞'𝐬 𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐤

5K 231 6

⚠️ Sexual assault

ᵐⁱⁱᵃ - ᵈʸⁿᵃˢᵗʸ

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" Hyungie~~ Are you done or not? " Jungkook ask singing as he sat upside down on the couch in the older cabin.

Taehyung was working on his laptop as usual and Jungkook come to office like always, clingy to him. The older trying his best not to scold the younger.

" Hyungie! I'm hungry now! " The younger said as his stomach growling.

" You go ahead. I almost done " Taehyung said without looking at the younger as his eyes glued to the screen and fingers tapping the button.

The younger let out 'hmph' and stomping out from the older cabin. He was not in the mood but then someone bump into him making his ass kiss the floor.

He rub his ass. Slapping the dust from his dirty pants. Groan.

" Are you blind or what?! " Jungkook shout catching the employer attention.

The two feet just standing in front of him not helping him instead smirking to himself. Jungkook about to shout again but stop when he heard the same deep voice.

" Baby doll " He stop his movement as the blood drain from his face making his face went pale. The deep voice sent him shiver through his spine.

Looking up as he saw 'he' the guy who used him long time ago standing in front of him.

He back off stepping back as 'he' walk forward smirking as he saw the scared boy. Look down grab the brunette boy chin.

" You never change doll " He sniff the brunette neck as Jungkook look away, disgust. He pull back as he saw the employers look at them.

" Back to work! " He shout as the employees back to their work.

Jungkook about to run but was held by him. Tears brimming his eyes, held his tears and about to push him but stop when he heard similar voice calling his name.

He look and saw Taehyung calling his name and came to him.

" Koo! There you are " Taehyung said wrapping his arm to Jungkook.

He heard someone clear throat and he divert his gaze to the middle male.

" Yes- Oh Mr. Lee SooHyuk nice to meet you " Taehyung said as he handshake with Mr. Lee.

Jungkook just hung his head down not daring look at the man who ruin his life

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Jungkook just hung his head down not daring look at the man who ruin his life. Yes he the one who ruin his life from his childhood life.

" Kook, meet my partner " Jungkook still silent fiddle with his finger and playing with the hem his shirt.

" Kook? Are you okay? " The older ask as he pull Jungkook to his chest and the younger only cutely nod in respond.

" It's fine. Maybe he shy. Nice to meet you Jungkook " He said silently smirking seeing the younger scared of him.

" Shy? He is a brat I ever met " Taehyung said chuckle but stop when he saw the younger just keep silent because usually whenever he said that the younger already hit him but today is different.

Taehyung then excuse themselves to Mr. Lee as they about go have lunch but Mr. Lee stop them and instead having lunch together.

So now Jungkook in the middle, Taehyung on the right him and Mr. Lee on the left him. He felt uncomfortable as he felt someone hand rubbing his thighs.

Look down to see Mr. Lee hand on his thigh as Taehyung and Mr. Lee discuss about their work while eating. Jungkook tried to stop the hand but whine when he felt the hand grip harder to his thigh. Surely it will be bruised.

Taehyung notice and ask Jungkook if he okay.

" Are you okay bun? You look pale " Taehyung ask concern.

Jungkook nod in respond not believe his own voice. The brunette then excuse himself to go to the toilet. Taehyung noticed something off with Jungkook and he so... Different... Not like always with his brat attitude.

But he shrug off thinking that the younger don't feel well and of course too busy to notice the smirking Mr. Lee when he saw Jungkook run to the toilet.


Jungkook calling Y/N. He don't want to talk with his mom because he still sulk with her. He wait the phone ringing and finally she answer the call.

" Hello, baby bun? " Y/N ask but stop when she heard the younger sniff snort. Sobbing in the toilet.

" N-noona, p-please pick me up at Taehyungie company...  " Jungkook hiccups

" Why? " Y/N ask in worried tone.

" He's back "


741 words

Sorry for not update. I don't feel well recently...

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