The warehouse

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    When I woke up my vision was blurry and my head was aching. I looked around the room that I was in and saw that it was a bare room with off white walls and red stains here and there. There was a door straight across from me and it was just a plain wooden door with a doorknob. I was still in my clothes which was good, but my shoes were gone.

    Suddenly the door opened and a guy who looked a few years older than me came walking in. I pushed myself against the wall and moved to push myself into the corner. I noticed that he had a pistol on his side and a knife in his jeans pocket. There was also a knife in his boot and a tazer on his other side. He had on a cowboy hat and there was a knife hooked onto the rim of it.

    I don't understand why he had so many weapons on him I'm not in any real position to fight him or go against him. I mean, I'm currently chained to a wall. Well, I could easily get out of the chains, but that isn't the point. I'm drugged and feel like I was just hit by a truck. He walked over to me and squatted down to my level. "You beat the crap out of my two best fighters." He said.

    "I'm sorry? I don't know what you're talking about. I've beaten up a lot of people you're going to have to be more specific." I replied looking into his gray eyes.

    For a moment he just stared back at me before he smiled. "You know what, instead of killing you I think that I'm going to keep you and you're going to work for me." He said while standing back up and leaning up against the wall right beside me.

    "As flattering as that is I don't think that I can do that. You see, I have this problem with authority figures, and I used to be in a...program per-say and that didn't turn out too well for the program." I replied looking straight ahead of me.

    "Well, you either work for me or I kill you, it's your choice." He offered. Little did he know that dying didn't bother me.

    "Yeah, then I guess that you're going to have to kill me." I replied nonchalantly. He looked at me with shock on his face, but quickly corrected himself.

    He awkwardly cleared his throat and pulled out his pistol then pointed it at my head, aiming directly between my eyes. I stared right into his eyes and I saw the hesitation on his face. "Don't hesitate." I whispered.

    His thumb came up and cocked the gun while he swallowed loudly. His finger that was on the trigger twitched just before he lowered the gun. I just sat there smiling as he holstered his gun. "You have some guts you know that?" He asked while leaning back up against the wall.

    "I knew that you couldn't do it. You have people to do that for you and I could see it in your eyes. I've met people like you and people that are the exact opposite of you. I'll work for you on a few conditions." I informed him.

    "What would these conditions be?" He questioned. I shook my head and motioned for him to unchain me and he did. When I stood up I looked at him and smiled again.

    "Why don't I tell you that over dinner tomorrow? All you need to do is take me home...and give me my shoes back." I said.

    He nodded and motioned for me to follow him. We walked out of the door and turned right then turned left down a hallway. He led me through a few more hallways with me memorizing it, before we entered a wide, open space. My shoes were in the middle of the room and had nothing surrounding them except for a few support beams here and there.

    "If you can get your shoes and put them on before you get beaten so bad thet you can't do anything and can't go on then I'll take you home. I just nodded and stepped up a little taking in everything in the room.

    I looked up into the ceiling where there were men scattered throughout the metal support beams and they had knives and only two of them had small caliber hand guns. I could so this, but I want a knife or two. I turned to the guy and said, "Give me the knife in your boot and the one on your hat."

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