The Cowboy Across the Hall

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    As I reached downstairs and ran into the kitchen I started to think about dad and when he died so that the tears would be real. Brad had been putting up the groceries, but when I ran in crying he stopped what he was doing and ran over to my wrapping his arms around me. I buried my face in his chest and wrapped my arms around his waist. By now I was really crying, but it wasn't because of the joke I was playing on the two was for my father. Sobs wracked my whole body as I cried into my brother. 

    The guys ran downstairs and looked at me with guilty eyes. A growl escaped from my brother as he looked at our roomies. "What did you do to my sister? I've never seen her cry like this...ever! What did you do?"He boomed. 

    I shook my head and looked up into my brother's eyes. I mouthed 'dad' to him and sympathy filled his eyes as he looked down at me. I knew that crying was a weakness and you aren't supposed to show weakness in front of people. I wiped my eyes and pushed away from my brother. I instantly stopped crying and turned to go up the stairs. "Skylar, don't do this again! Don't you dare shut off your emotions again! You need to talk about this to someone, please, just talk to me!" Brad pleaded after me. 

    "What am I supposed to say? I tried to talk about it for years, but I didn't have enough money to get a therapist or shrink and you were all the way out here. Mom was too busy drinking and hurting me to listen to me and I don't have friends and if I did they would be know very well that guys don't like talking about their feelings." I yell back at him and climb the rest of the stairs to my room. 

    As soon as I got in my room I slammed my door and went over to my bed and sat down. There was a knock on the door and I went over and opened it. There in my doorway stood the guy with the gray shirt on looking down at the ground. "Um, do you need something?" I asked. 

    "Oh, yeah, I just wanted to tell you that my room is just across the hall and I'm there if you need anything. Don't hesitate to ask...okay?" He asked. He pointed to behind him to the other side of the hallway. I leaned around him a little to see a lime green door and it looked absolutely amazing. 

    "Thanks, and nice door by the way. Oh and what's your name and the other guy that you were with, if you don't mind me asking?" I asked looking down at my feet. i tried not to look at people when I talk to them because my mother always told me that when I look at people they just see all of my ugliness.

    "Yeah, um, I'm Tyler and the other guy I was with is James. As for minding if you ask me I'll never mind you asking me something. Well, unless it's something really personal, you know?" Tyler asked smiling and laughing nervously. 

    "Um, I'm really tired and I just want to go to bed, but thank you for coming over here to talk to me. If I need something I'll come to you." I told him and he walked into his room. I closed my door and walked over to my closet. I got out my street fighting clothes which consisted of a black sports bra and some black and red boy athletic shorts. I opened my window after putting on a light jacket and jumped out of my two-storey window landing in a crouched position. I looked back at the house knowing that I had made my brother feel bad, but I would make it up to him somehow.

    I took off running down the sidewalk towards a street fighting club that I had found yesterday on my way from the airport to the house. I slowed as I approached the old, abandoned warehouse. It was all rusted on the outside and moldy. I opened the creaky door and entered a whole new world. I weaved in and out of people going to the stairs on the other side of the building. I took the stairs down to the underground fighting ring. 

    My blood started pumping faster through my body and I just kept bouncing from foot to foot to try and calm down my excitement of getting ready to fight. The manager, Bob, came up to me and smiled down at me warmly. I forced out a smile and started to ring my hands together nervously. "Are you nervous Cobra?" He asked. By the way Cobra is my street fighting name.

    "No, I'm just itching to fight." I said maliciously. He grinned down at me and I smiled back as he lead me over to the locker rooms. I went into the changing room and took my jacket off. I walked back out, stretched, and hit the punching bag a few times before I was pumped up and ready for a fight. Bob came over to me and lead me over to the ring and I climbed in.

    They announced me and some guy named JD. He came out and got into the ring and he looked me over and a smug smirk found its way onto his face. I just made my face indifferent, showing no emotion, and they called out to start the fight. He made the first move and it was to punch me in the face. I easily blocked it and kicked him in the stomach making him double over in pain. A smile spread across my face and he tried to kick me, but I caught his leg by his ankle and twisted it so that he hit the ground. While he was on the ground I started kicking him in the stomach until he was coughing up blood. 

    When I was finished I collected my money which was about 6,000. I got my jacket and went to watch the next fight. It was like a tradition that I've always had; I'll fight and after that I stay and watch one fight that goes on. I walked back out there and pushed my way to the front. The fighters came out and I gasped as the second one came out. The sight before was the most shocking thing that I've ever seen in my life. The second guy named Corpse lives with me as of today!

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