Close calls

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    I took a deep breath and looked between the two of them. Both of them were smirking and even though I really wanted to say something to both of them I gritted my teeth so I wouldn't. Neither one of them had on a shirt and both of them had a six pack. They both had black hair, but my old boss had blue eyes, whereas my new boss had green eyes.

    They announced that we could start fighting and my new boss charged at me. I had so much anger running through me at that point that with one punch he was knocked out. The medics came into the ring and took him out.

    It was just my old boss and me. He grinned at me and asked, "How's your scar doing?" I just masked all of my emotions.

    "How are all of the guards that I had an encounter with? Oh, that's right, most of them are dead." I replied.

    The grin fell off of his face and he walked towards me. His knee and fist came up at the same time. I blocked his knee with my leg and dodged his fist. I brought my fist towards his face at the same time that I dodged his fist catching him off guard. My knuckles made contact with his nose and it let out a sickening crack. Blood poured from in and he growled at me.

    While he was still distracted by his nose I brought my foot up and kicked him square in the chest. He stumbled back and gasped for breath. He was starting to get mad and charged at me. He tackled me to the ground. He straddled my waist and started pounding on my face.

    He landed a few punches which gave me a concussion before I flipped us so that I was on the top. I started pounding on his face letting all of my emotions fuel my punches. After a few he was out, but I kept pounding on his face. Soon they had to pull me off of him so that I didn't kill him. I collected my money before meeting my brother and leaving.

    The walk home was silent and really awkward. When we reached the house I turned to Brad and asked, "Why did you really let mother come here? When I first came here you hated her for hurting me and then you just let her come here and have my room." I said.

    "Honestly, I don't know. I still hate her for what she did to you, but for some reason that I can't explain I asked her to come. Then I snapped at you and I felt horrible. You left and I cried, I mean I don't cry. I'm really sorry by the way." He explained.

    "It's okay, I'm going to go clean up and go to bed." I said and headed upstairs. I took a shower, put on my night clothes, and got in my bed.

    My mind started to wonder to all of the bad things that I've done. I deserve to be punished, beaten, tortured, and much more for everything. I could've refused to do it, but I didn't. I thought that I didn't have a choice, but I actually did. If I refused and they killed me all of those people that had families would still be alive.

    It's not like I'm going anywhere in life. Those people could've done something and been good people. I'm not a good person and I don't deserve all of the things that I have. Maybe I should just kill myself and make the world a better place.

    I walked out of my room and down to the gym. I opened the wall that had all of the weapons on it and pulled a knife off of the wall. I don't deserve to have a fast and painless death. I took the knife and plunged it into the thigh of my right leg.

    My leg gave out under me and I fell to one of my knees while my left knee was still up. I pulled the knife out and plunged it into my left hand. I let all of the pain hit me so that I could feel all of the pain that I've experience over the years.

    I pulled the knife out and was about to plunge it into my stomach before I heard a voice behind me yell at me to stop. I let the knife slip out of my hand, making a clattering noise as it fell to the ground. I sat there staring down at it as my blood dripped onto the floor.

    A pair of arms picked me up and started carrying me upstairs. I looked up to see James and I frowned. "Why didn't you let me do it? I don't deserve to live...I've ruined so many peoples lives." I said.

    "Don't talk like that. You didn't have a choice. The boss whould've killed you if you didn't do it and I did the same thing. I didn't do it as much as you no, but I still did it. You don't see me trying to kill myself of bagging on myself all the time now do you? You deserve to live the life that you would have if the hadn't taken your life away from you." He replied.

    I blocked out the pain and closed my eyes. "Thank you, for everything." I whispered and blackness surrounded me.

    When I woke up my whole body was hurting, but I pushed it to the back of my mind and stood up. I was in my room and was in my clothes from when I went to sleep. My thigh and hand were bandaged though. I walked into my bathroom and looked in the mirror.

    My scar wasn't as raw, but I had bruises all over my face from my old boss. I took a shower and put on a pair of short blue jean shorts, a black shirt, and let my hair dry by itself. I walked downstairs to see Brad, James, and Tyler sitting on the couch watching Vampire Diaries. I walked in and looked at them.

    "Who would've guessed that you three watch and like Vampire Diaries?" I joked.

    All three of them blushed and looked away. I grabbed the remote and changed it to Leverage instead. "You've had a lot of close calls Skylar, maybe you should slow down." Brad suggested.

    I looked at him then back at the screen. I decided that I wouldn't respond so that we wouldn't get in a fight. The four of us hung out the rest of the day and I actually had a good time.


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