Friend or foe

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    Sitting before me was a sight that I never thought I would see...or rather a person that I never thought I would see again. A guard from the 'program' that was assigned to guard me most of the time was sitting in the seat right in front of me. My whole body stiffened and I looked around for any sign of any more people. When I didn't see anyone I relaxed a little. "I'm here alone." He said.

    "Why in the world would I believe you?" I asked. He shrugged and leaned back in his chair. I chugged the rest of my beer and threw the bottle across the bar making it hit the wall and shatter into pieces before falling to the ground.

    "Well, how did you escape the 'program', well, I assume you escaped since you are here alone." I questioned him.

    "When you escaped the last time I followed you and you led me to freedom. Even the guards down there are treated horribly. I've been wanting to get out of there for a while, but I didn't know how and when you got out I knew that I had to follow you if I wanted to succeed. Since everyone in the 'program' is so keen on getting you I knew that they wouldn't try to come after me. They want you back a whole lot more than they want me." He explained.

    "So, you aren't trying to get me to go back or do something illegal for you?" I asked.

    "No, I would never ask you to go back to that disgusting and gory place ever. I wouldn't ask anyone to do anything that I wouldn't do." He said.

    "Where have you been staying since you got out?" I asked him.

    "Well, I've kinda been staying in a car that I stole." He replied sheepishly.

    "Why don't you come and stay with me. I mean, I live with my brother and two of his friends, but I'm sure that it'll be fine." I explained.

    "I don't think that it would be a good idea for me to stay with you considering what I've done to you in the past." He said.

    "Oh, that's all in the past and I'm over it. Plus, it wasn't the worst thing that happened to me while  was down there and you were the nicest person there." I told him.

    "Well, I still don't think that it is a good idea." He said.

    "If you change your mind go around the corner and down the street. The biggest white house on the left side of the street is mine. Just knock on the door and ask for Skylar." I told him as I stood up.

    He nodded and I walked out the door. When I reached the house there was a black SUV in the driveway. I walked up to the door and into the house. Right by the stairs were two cops talking to my brother. "What's going on?" I asked.

    My brother turned to me with tears in his eyes. "Mom overdosed on cocaine and died yesterday." He said.

    "Why are you crying? After everything that she did to us you still care about her? Newsflash she didn't care about us, so why should we care about her?" I asked him.

    "She was our mom." Brad said.

    "Yeah, when I was seven. Then when dad 'died' she changed into a completely different person." I said and ran upstairs into my room, slamming the door.

    I sat down on my bed and though about going back to the 'program' again. If I were to go back I wouldn't have to deal with emotions because I would need to turn my emotions off in order to get my job done. Maybe going back would be a good thing and then I wouldn't have to hurt the people that I care about. I grabbed the knife off of my nightstand beside my bed and put it against my stomach. I dragged the knife across my stomach and watched the blood pour out of the wound.

    The knife didn't go deep enough that it would scar, but it stung a little. However, it took my mind off of everything. I put the knife back on my nightstand and laid back on my bed. I closed my eyes and started to think about my brother. I just don't understand how he could defend the thing that I call a mother. He's my brother and he is supposed to be on my side no matter what. I mean, yeah we're supposed to fight with each other and everything, but when it comes down to serious matters like this he's supposed to be on my side.

    What happened to the brother that I grew up with and hated the thing we used to call mom just as much as I do? It's like he's a completely different person now. I stood up and walked into my bathroom. I cleaned off my wound on my stomach and walked downstairs. I headed outside and noticed that it was starting to get dark. Apparently I was thinking about my brother longer than I realized.

    Since I'm already dressed to fight why not go fight? I walked to the warehouse and into the building. "I want to go against the best." I told the manager.

    "You are the best." He said.

    "I"m not in the mood for this shit! Just give me one of the best fighters, I want too have a good fight!" I growled out.

    He nodded and I walked away to get warmed up. Once I got warmed up they called my name and I entered the ring with the crowed cheering for me. y opponent entered the ring and I took a few minutes to look him over. He had spiked up black hair, blue eyes, eight pack abs, he was wearing a pair of basketball shorts, and let me tell you he was absolutely hot.

    They announced that we could start fighting and he made the first move. He tried to punch me in the face, but I grabbed his hand and crushed his knuckles. He yelled out in pain and fell to his knees. While he was on his knees I kneed him in the face and kicked him in the balls. When it was clear that he wasn't going to get back up I walked out of the ring and collected my money. I left after putting my money in my bra and started my walk home.

    When I got home I put my money away and walked down to the in-house gym. I felt better in here than I did in my room. I just sat down against the wall and closed my eyes. I thought back to the guard that I met earlier today and wondered if he was really a friend or foe? Just as I was about to drift asleep the doorbell rang.

    I groaned as I got up and walked up the stairs to answer the door. I opened the door and smiled at the surprise I saw. "I knew that you would come...they always do." I said.



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