Surfacing anger problems

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    "You aren't staying here!" I growled. My hands made fists at my sides and I gritted my teeth together.

    "Oh, Brad didn't tell you? I called him a few days ago and asked if I could stay for a few days and he gladly agreed. So, where's my room?" She asked again, grinning like an idiot.

    I turned on my heel and stomped up the stairs and into Brad's room. He was lying on his bed and I walked over to him, glaring at him. He sat up and looked at me worriedly. "Why in the hell did you say that mother could come and stay with us for a few days? What is wrong with you? Do you not understand that she isn't a nice person? Oh, and why didn't you even tell me that she was coming?" I asked.

    He stood up and looked straight into my eyes. "I think that maybe she can change. I mean, she didn't sound like she used to. I think that if she stays here for a little while that she can be changed back to what she used t be like before everything with father." Brad explained.

    "Have you completely lost your mind? She can't change, and even if she can she will never be like that in my eyes, ever again. She would drug me and beat me when I couldn't defend myself! Then she would stand there, watch, and laugh as he little boy toys beat me and touched me! I used to cry myself to sleep hoping that I wouldn't wake up in the morning!" I yelled at him.

    "Why can't you just give her a chance?" He asked running a hand through his hair.

    I just looked at him like he was insane and walked out of his room. I went back downstairs and walked right past my mother and James making my way out of the front door. James was calling after me, but I just kept going. I got up and planned on running today in order to get in shape, that's exactly what I plan on doing.

    My legs were starting to burn after just a few minutes because I was pushing myself more than I should. All of my anger was going into my running and I just couldn't seem to push the anger away. My while life I've had anger problems and I thought that I had them under control now, but they were surfacing again and I had to have a way to make them go away.

    A hand landed on my shoulder making my instincts kick in. I grabbed the person's arm and twisted it, pushing it up between their shoulder-blades making them cry out in pain. That's when I noticed that it was James, and released him.

    "I'm sorry, I just wasn't expecting you to touch me and I just reacted. I was kinda spaced out and I just didn't...I'm sorry." I apologized.

    "It's fine, I understand, do you want to run some more?" He asked. I smiled and we both started to run again.

    We ran for about three hours at a fast, steady pace before we started heading home. When we arrived I was sweaty and breathing just a little harder than normal. James, on the other hand, was dripping with sweat and breathing like he had asthma and had to run around the world.

    "I guess that I'm in better shape than you are." I said laughing. He just nodded and smiled slightly still trying to catch his breath.

    Both of us walked into the house and headed to our rooms to get cleaned up. I walked into my room to find my mother unpacking all of her stuff and putting in my closet and in my dresser. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" I asked her.

    "Well, Brad said that I could share a room with you." She said and just kept unpacking.

    I went to my closet and got out all of my stuff, making sure that all of my money and weapons were still there. When I found that they were I got clothes and everything that I knew that I would need for at least a week out of this house. I grabbed my phone, ipod, headphones, my laptop, and all of the chargers. I headed to the door, but my mother's voice stopped me, "Where are you going?"

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