Being the idiot that I am

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    After James had been gone for a while I changed into my fighting clothes and jumped out of the window. It probably wasn't the best idea at the moment because of Kale, but I had to get everything out and I'm not getting a diary. Instead of going to the warehouse this time I went to an alley that I had found a little while ago. It was the only place that I could think of that one of the boys didn't know where it was.

    I got to the alley and there was a little circle formed around the two fighters. I approached the fight and walked into the center of the circle feeling frustrated. The guys that were fighting were twice my size and very muscular, but that didn't stop me. I broke them apart and the first one came at me trying to punch me, but I ducked and swiped his legs out from under him making him fall to the ground and look at me in surprise.

    While he was down the second one came after me trying to kick me, but I grabbed his ankle and twisted it making it snap and him to flip over and fall to the ground. The first guy had gotten up and came up behind me putting me in a choke hold. I leaned my head forward and brought it back hard so that he was just stunned enough so that I could make a move to get him off of me. However, he didn't let go and only stumbled back. The second guy got up and came at me while the first guy was still holding me. I grabbed onto the arm that was wrapped around my neck from the first guy and used it as an anchor to lift myself so that I could kick the second guy in the face.

    When the second guy fell to the ground from me kicking him in the face I flipped over the head of the first guy and landed on my feet, making him fall to the ground on his back. While he was on his back I kicked him in his face and in his stomach. The second guy came at me and tried to punch me, but I dodged and punched him in the face instead. His nose started to bleed and I smirked.

    His face started to turn red meaning that he was getting angry. When your opponent shows emotion it's easier to take them down. You just have to know how to use their weaknesses against them in the right way. He came at me throwing punches left and right with me dodging each of them. I could tell that he was starting to get tired so I made my move.

    My leg struck out and I kicked him in the face, and while his head flew back from the force I kicked him in the ribs. He groaned in pain and I punched him repeatedly in the ribs making a few of them let out a sickening crack letting me know that they were broken. I landed one last kick to his face and he was down.

    The first guy started walking towards me and grabbed me by the hair. I knew that he wanted to be in control so I had to let him get in a few hits so that he could believe that he was winning and let him get cocky so that I could make my move on him. He punched me in the face a few times and threw me to the ground.  Then, I pretended to scurry away a little and got up.

    Then, he grabbed my arm and punched me a few times in the ribs making one of them crack. I held back all emotions and didn't let the pain even register in my mind. He looked at me in shock as I just stood there and took it like nothing was happening. I smiled and punched him in the face and kicked his shin. Then I landed a roundhouse kick to his face and started landing blow after blow to his torso and face until he dropped like a sack of potatoes right next to his former opponent.

    I wiped blood from my lip and turned to face the crowd. "Anyone else want to fight me?" I asked. People started talking amongst themselves, but nobody stepped up. I just turned around and exited the alley to go home.

    When I arrived at home I went in through the front door and was faced with my brother. "Where in the world have you been and what the hell happened to you?" He asked.

    "Brad, you don't need to worry about me. I've had much worse, and fought more people than that at once and they were bigger. You know that I get into fights for my mouth sometimes." I replied.

    "Yeah, but somehow you still couldn't take on mother? How does that work? You fight these big dudes in the middle of the night, but you couldn't take on mom? Tell me how that works Sky, I'm serious, I want to know what's going on." Brad said.

    "You want to know why I couldn't go against mother? I couldn't because when I would go to sleep she would drug me and when I woke up she would stab me and sometimes she would shoot me. You try defending yourself from that while you're drugged. Plus, even after everything she did, she gave me somewhere to stay and that's better than some people in this world have." I screamed.

    Tears welled up in my eyes and I could see that tears were in Brad's eyes as well. He tried to say something, but I cut him off by putting my hand up and shaking my head. I went upstairs and took a shower, changing into shorts and a tank top. It was a warm night out so I went for a walk to try and clear my mind because I couldn't fight right now.

    As I was walking down the road I noticed that a van was following me so I sped up and started to run. Then guys jumped out of the van and they surrounded me. I tried to fight them, but I was starting to get dizzy and my ribs were starting to ache. They dragged me into the van and that's when I passed out.


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