Fixing the relationship

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    "Skylar please just talk to me. It's killing me that you aren't even looking at me." James pleaded. I just sat there against the wall with my knees to my chest and my arms around my knees staring off into space. "Skylar, you haven't said a word in hours! Are you still in pain? Is there anything that I can do for you or anything that I can get you? Are you hungry? Skylar, please just answer me! I can't stand to see you like this! I would do anything for you and I was just trying to help you! You were in so much pain that you were crying and I couldn't stand to see you like that! Was I supposed to let you die or just suffer? If you were to die then none of us would even have a chance at surviving. I mean, you are the love of my life and you have your brother to think about not to mention your best friend. The 'program' would come after all of us and we would not know how to take them out even with two people that have been in there. You are our only chance the only thing that we have going for us is the fact that we are werewolves. Skylar, be mad at me all you want, but don't you think for even a minute that I regret what I did because I would rather have you alive and mad at me than dead and hating yourself for it without a way to deal with it!" He started out screaming but ended up whispering.

    I wanted to look over at him or really just tel him that he was right and that I was sorry, but I didn't have the energy so I just sat there and tears started welling up in my eyes. I couldn't do anything else except cry and let out little sobs. James came closer to me obviously hearing me cry and wrapped his arms around me. I dropped my head onto his shoulder and continued to cry. "I'm sorry that I forced you to get the shot, but I had to save you." He whispered into my ear.

    "Not...your...fault...I'm...being't...apologize." I gasped out. After telling him this I felt extremely exhausted. My eyes were shutting on their own and I was trying really hard to keep them open.

    "Let's get you upstairs to your bed. Chris said that you would be really tired and wouldn't be able to move by yourself for a while." Jame informed me. I nodded my head slightly in response because it was the only thing that I could manage at that moment.

    James lifted me in his arms in a bridal position and started heading upstairs trying to be gentle with me. My eyelids became so heavy that it was impossible for me to keep my eyes open. My head was leaning on his shoulder and once we got upstairs I heard him talking to someone, but I couldn't understand what they were saying.

    I must have dozed off because I woke up to James laying me down on my bed. He laid me down under my covers and pulled them over me. "Get some rest and I'll see you when you wake up." He whispered. He stood up straight to leave and turned toward the door, but I called after him.

    "James, will you stay?" I asked. He turned around and smiled down at me. He walked the short distance back to my bed and slid under the covers with me.

    "I would do anything for you Skylar. Of course I will stay." He said. He wrapped his arm around me and I moved a little, well what I was able to, in order to get closer and snuggle into him.

    "I'm sorry that I dragged all of you into this. You wouldn't be here or in this mess if it wasn't for me. I shouldn't have escaped that second time so that they wouldn't have come after you guys. I'm such a horrible person and I should have just let them kill me. You never would have met me and you would't be on their kill list and you would be safe." I muttered drowsily.

    "Don't ever say that you should have let them kill you. There is nobody in this house that would have anything any different except for the fact that you shouldn't have had to go there in the first place. You went through so much and saw so many things that you should never had seen. I wish that I could just erase all of the memories that those bastards put in your head. If I could I would torture every single one of them until they died from blood loss. They shouldn't have laid a finger on you." He growled. I forced my heavy eyes opened and looked up at him.

    His face was red and his body was shaking telling me that he was about to change into his wolf. "James look at me." I whispered. He looked down and I could see that his eyes had changed from his usual gray eyes to the bright yellow of his wolf. "I'm fine and I'm right here in your arms. We will have our time to hurt them...all of them, but right now you need to calm down." I whispered looking straight into his eyes.

    We looked in each others eyes and slowly his eyes started to change back to gray. He closed his eyes for a moment and sighed. "I jut don't like the thought of anyone touching you especially the fact that they hurt you so much. I just want to hold you and never let anything hurt you ever again. Get some rest and we will talk when you get up." He said quietly.

    "I love you James." I whispered before drifting off to sleep.


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