Family bonding my sweet country ass!

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    "How in the world are you even here right now? You're supposed to be dead. We got the call from the paramedics that you died in a car accident and that you were dead on impact. I-I don't understand." I said barely above a whisper.

    "Well it's good to see you too Skylar." My father said. When I didn't respond he sighed and walked a few steps closer causing me to take a few steps back.

    "Don't come any closer to me. You ruined my entire life! You knew that I had been in that program and when you 'died' they took me away again until I escaped again. The only reason that they found me again was because you supposedly died and I got sloppy. Oh and there is the fact that you didn't tell me that I'm a werewolf. Oh, and don't forget that when I got back from the 'program' mom would drug me and beat me. She would shoot me and then her little play toys would do the same thing and some of them would do unspeakable things to me. So you just stayed away all of these years while I was ruined? Who does that and apparently you faked your own death? I mean, really, you taught me most of what I know about fighting and weapons. I looked up to you for that knowledge, but now you're just scum." I said.

    Tears started streaming down my face as I looked at my father. He looked me in the eyes and I could tell that he had been drinking again. "Great you're drunk to top it all off." I said and threw my hands up in the air in exasperation.

    "Hey, I'm not drunk, I'm just a little buzzed. You know I faked my own death so that I could protect you, your mother, and your brother. You should be thanking me for everything that I did for you! People were coming after me and I was trying to lead them away from y'all so that you wouldn't get hurt!" He screamed taking a few more steps towards me and I took a few more back so that I was now standing in the doorway.

    "You could've at least told one of us. Mom went insane, she shot me more than once! How is letting them take me and mom beat me keeping me safe? How is letting mom get drugged up, letting her get drunk off her ass, and letting men just take advantage of her keeping her safe? Brad had to take care of all of us and he had to grow up way before he was ready, how is taking his life away from him keeping him safe?" I screamed back at him.

    "Would you rather y'all be dead? That was the alternative!" He bellowed stepping closer to me. I stayed put and my hands involuntarily made fists at my sides.

    "I don't know about mother and Brad, but personally I would rather be dead. I was tortured and every day I think of how all of it could've been prevented by just little things like me knowing more about the 'program' or if I knew when mother was going to drug me or not. It would've been easier to get through if you would've stayed." I told him.

    He closed the space between us and I took a step back, but he was already in front of me. "You don't get to make me fee bad about what I did! At the time it was the only option that saved y'all from being hurt or worse killed!" He hissed in my face.

    "You could've told us and we could've faced them together. You just ran away and figured out what to do without even telling us." I hissed back.

    "I just want to have some family bonding time with you kids." He said.

    "Yeah right, family bonding my sweet country ass!" I screamed and walked down the hall and out the front door.

    If I stayed in that house another minute I was going to end up doing something that I regretted and I didn't want that to happen. I walked down the street still in my dress clothes and walked to the warehouse. I needed to let out my anger on someone and I feel sorry for the person on the other end of it.

    I walked into the warehouse and took my shoes off and tied my hair back so that I could see. I told the manager that I was going to fight and I went to warm-up. They called my name and I walked into the ring with a scowl on my face. I sized up my opponent and he was going to be easy to take out. He was average height and pretty bulky, but bulky didn't necessarily mean that he was a good fighter. He could be really strong, however, if he didn't have the skill then the muscle was useless.

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