My way of copeing

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    When I woke up everything felt and seemed normal so I just thought that it was a dream. However, when I sat up in my bed and I noticed that I was in the form of a wolf I knew that it wasn't just a dream. My door opened and Brad walked in, closing the door behind him. "Skylar, in order for you to change back you need to picture your human form, okay?" He asked.

    I nodded my wolf head and closed my eyes. I thought about my dark blond hair and green eyes, my thin body thanks to fighting and all of the little details about myself that only I know about. Without any pain I transformed into my human form and thank goodness I still had my clothes on. I got up and walked over to my closet to get out my black sports bra and my black basketball shorts. I walked into the hallway and into the bathroom to get changed. Brad followed me out into the hallway trying to get me to talk to him, but I just ignored him. 

    After I changed I put my other clothes in the hamper in my room and went downstairs. As I reached the front door someone grabbed my arm and spun me around. I looked into my brother's green eyes and then looked down at the ground. "Where in the world do you think you're going?" He asked looking angry.

    "That really isn't any of your business now is it? You didn't tell me that I was a freaking werewolf for how many years and now you want to ask me where I'm going? No, I can't even believe you right now. I've told you everything and you tell me nothing! You don't get to ask me anything for a while, I-I just have to get out of here." I told him and ran out of the door. 

    I ran all the way to the warehouse and into the prep-room. I told the manager that I wanted to fight and he nodded. I went over to one of the punching bags and started to warm up and when I was done it was time for me to fight, once I got in the ring I was pumped. The guy I was up against was about twenty and a few inches taller than me with black hair in spikes. He had on only a pair of basketball shorts and he had a lip ring that I could definitely use to my advantage if need be. 

    He looked at me like he couldn't believe that I was even allowed in the warehouse just like every other guy that I fight, but in the end they lose and won't underestimate me again. He made the first move by charging at me and I just used his momentum against him by grabbing one of his arms and flipping him over making him land on his back. He took a moment to get his breath before he stood back up and looked at me with an angry expression and walked over to me. He pulled back his arm and made a fist and I stopped his fist a mere inch from my face with my hand. 

    His eyes widened in shock and I started to close my hand. With the pressure it started to crush all of the bones in his hand and he cried out in pain. I pushed him away and he fell back onto the concrete cradling his hand to his chest. I walked towards him and started to kick him in his stomach and he tapped the ground signaling that he couldn't take him anymore. The fight was over and I had won the six thousand dollars. 

    When I got to the prep-room I went to see the manager and told him that I wanted another fight. He agreed and I went to warm up again. When I got back in the ring the guy standing opposite of me looked exactly like the guy that I just went up against except he didn't have a lip ring and had his nose pierced. Again, he made the first move and I knocked him to the ground and he got back up. I decided to let him get in a few hits because I wanted the pain in my chest from my brother keeping secrets about me to himself to go away. 

    My ribs started to hurt from where he punched my in the side, but I didn't let it show on my face nor did my body on the outside crumble making it look as if it didn't affect me in any way, shape, or form. Just like the guy before him this guy widened his eyes. Then he kicked me in my shin causing me fall to my knees and then he punched me in the face. I decided that I had had enough and stopped his next punch just a few inches from my face and stood up. I kneed him in the family jewels then punched him a few times in his face. 

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