The unwelcomed visit

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    I woke up and strong arms were wrapped around my waist. I was about to freak out when I remembered what had happened last night. I let out a sigh and got up carefully making sure not to wake up James. I took a shower, got dressed, and put my hair into two braids on either side of my head. When I finished James was still asleep so I sat down on the be beside him and started to run my fingers through his hair while thinking about how I would tell him about me. There was a debate going on inside my head that was torn between telling him everything and only telling some of it.

    If we were going to be going on missions together I wanted him to know everything. He's my friend and he would understand if I told him. I mean, he's been in there before and he's seen the things that they can do. He is the only person that is likely to make any sense of it and not go insane.

    However, if he hasn't seen all of the things that they can do then he might not understand like I need him to. He wasn't in there for very long, but I hope that it was long enough for me to tell him and him to be sensible about it. If I tell him and he doesn't take it well then he could tell someone and I would be forced to do things that I will regret for the rest of my miserable life.

    James moaned and I snapped out of my thoughts to look down at him. He was still asleep, but he was smiling now and he snuggled closer to me. His arms were wrapped around my waist and his head was lying on my stomach. I smiled down at him and put my hand on his bare back. A shiver rippled through his body and he moaned again.

    Even though I know that he won't hurt me it's hard for me to be this close to him. Things have happened that I'm not proud of and I just want to forget, but I'm never going to forget. Tears came to my eyes and I looked up, blinking rapidly, trying to keep the tears in my eyes. I looked down at James again and decided that I needed to wake him up.

    Lying my hand on his shoulder I shook him slightly, but he didn't wake up. I shook him harder and he bolted up in the bed looking around like he was being attacked. He realized that there wasn't any danger and he rubbed his eyes to wake up more. He looked around again and when he saw me he smiled.

    "Are you okay?" He asked. I looked at him and saw that he was really concerned about me.

    "I'm fine James, I'm a big girl, you don't have to worry about me." I told him and stood up stretching a little.

    "Why do you always get up so early?" He asked me lying back down on the bed.

    "I was trained to get up early and I guess that I just haven't gotten over that yet. Let's just call it a bad habit." I suggested looking at the floor and trying to keep the memories at bay.

    "Okay, anyway, what do you want to do today?" He asked yawning.

    "I was wondering if we could train today. I mean, we're going to be going on missions and everything again soon and I have a feeling that we're both out of practice at least a little bit. I just want to be on top of my game. I learned a long time ago that it doesn't matter how good you are, you need to always do your best. You have to treat every job/mission like it's the hardest one. If you get too cocky and you mess up then if could cost you your life or an innocent person's life. I learned that the hard way and I don't plan on doing it again." I told him.

    All he did was nod his head and I sat back down on the bed. "You need to get up you lazy bum. We're going for a run, and I don't mean in the gym downstairs. We are going out and getting some fresh air while we run. It'll do us some good." I told him and went to my closet to get out some running clothes.

    He left to go get dressed and I changed into black spandex shorts, a tank-top, and stretched a little before I went out into the hallway. I stood by James's door for about five minutes before the door opened revealing James in basketball shorts and no shirt. We smiled at each other and I asked, "Are you ready to go?"

    "Oh, you know it!" He exclaimed.

    We headed downstairs, but before we got to the door someone knocked on it. James and I looked at each other and then at the door with confused looks. I walked to the door and opened it revealing someone that I wished I would never have to see ever again in my life.

    My mother smirked at me and stepped inside the house, dropping her suitcase on the hardwood floor with a thud. "So where's my room?" She asked.


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