Facing my problems head-on.

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    When I woke up I took a shower and got dressed in blue jean shorts and a tight fitting black t-shirt. I put on a pair of my converses and let my hair air dry. I walked downstairs to see the three boys sitting in the kitchen looking really worn out and sad. "Hey guys did you have a good time last night?" I asked them and they didn't even look up at me.

    "Well then, well I'm going to see a friend so...whatever." I said when they didn't even look up.  I just rolled my eyes and started walking towards the door. Suddenly I heard footsteps pounding on the floor behind me and then three boys were standing in front of me blocking the door. 

    "We're really sorry! We didn't mean to push you away!" They all screamed out to me at the same time. My eyes widened and I saw the sorrow on their faces and it made me feel really bad that I had treated them like that. 

    "No, it's all my fault. I shouldn't have treated you guys like that, but I really do have to go. I promised someone that I would come and see them today. Oh, and I'll be back later so that all of us can spend some time together." I said and walked out of the door towards Alexanders' house. 

    I approached the mansion and knocked on the door. A few minutes later the door opened to reveal Alexander smiling at me. "Wow, you actually came; I didn't think that you would really come." He said surprised, running a hand through his brown hair.

    "Of course I came, I told you that I would and I did. That's how I work; I say something and then I actually do it. So, what do you want to do?" I asked smiling at him as he let me inside the house.

    "Um, we could sit around and watch movies I guess. I mean, I've never had friends, let alone friends over, so I'm not really sure on what to do." He said nervously. He blushed and looked down at the ground making me laugh slightly and I messed his hair up a little making him freak out and smooth it back out and back away from me a little so that I couldn't touch his hair again. 

    "Don't touch my hair...so, about those movies?" Alexander asked. I nodded my head and he lead me up two flights of stairs, down a corridor, around a corner, and into the last door on the right. We walked into the room and I gasped. It was a home theater and there was couches everywhere and they were all different colors, the black one was all the way in the back and in the middle. I ran all the way to the back and sat down on the black couch. Alexander laughed and went to put a movie in. I watched as the HUGE screen lit up and then Alexander came up and sat beside me. 

    "What movie are we watching?" I asked as the previews started. He looked over at me and smiled. I just shook my head and looked back at the screen knowing that he wasn't going to tell me anytime soon. 

    When I saw the title I screamed and wrapped my arms around Alexander in a bear hug. "I absolutely love this movie! How did you know that I love Tekken?" I asked. 

    "Lucky guess." He replied. I smiled and unwrapped my arms from around him. I settled into the couch and was leaning into Alexander. I rested my head on his shoulder with his arm wrapped around me and my arms around his waist. 

    When the movie finished I was still smiling and I looked up at Alexander to see that he was sleeping. How could you fall asleep during that movie? That's just ridiculous, but I want to let him sleep. He looks so peaceful when he's sleeping. I can tell when he's awake and I'm looking into his eyes that something bad has happened to him earlier in his life. 

    I just laid my head back onto his shoulder and closed my eyes. I drifted off to sleep, but didn't dream. That's unusual but I didn't question it because when I do dream it's nightmares. 

    My eyes fluttered open and I noticed that Alexander wasn't beside me, but I had a pillow and a blanket. I got up and folded the blanket and set it on the pillow. I walked downstairs and found Alexander in the kitchen with his back to me. He was on the phone and I didn't want to interrupt him so I just stood outside the door and listened to him. 

    "Hey, I told you that I would take care of her, and I will. However, she doesn't seem like you make her out to be. I mean, she's so nice and she doesn't seem mean or evil like you said." He said. 

    "No, she's asleep right now, yeah I played the movie and pretended to fall asleep thinking that she was going to just leave or make a move on me like all of the other girls that you got, but she just let me sleep and went to sleep herself. I'm telling you, she isn't like the others." 

    "Fine, I'll kill her right now." He said and hung up the phone. My eyes widened and I felt so stupid. 

    He walked out of the kitchen with a knife in his hand and I glared at him. "So you were just planning to kill me this entire time? Was any of this even real?" I asked him. 

    "No, none of it was real. I just have to do my job and she always sends weak girls so that it makes my job easier." He replied with a smirk.

    "Well, she made a mistake this time. I'm not some little weak girl that's going to be easy to kill. I'm a professional street fighter and you're going to have your work cut out for you." I told him and hit his  wrist with my foot and knocked the knife out of his hand. It skidded across the floor and he just stared at me with wide eyes.

    He went to punch me, but I caught his fist and crushed all of the bones in his hand in a second. He screamed in pain and fell to his knees, I let go of his hand and kneed him in his face making his nose bleed. Alexander sneered up at me and I kicked him in his family jewels and he groaned in pain. I walked over and grabbed the knife off of the floor and walked back over to him. "Have a nice time in hell." I said calmly and stabbed him in his balls. Then I stabbed him in his stomach making sure that it was in his lung so that he would have a slow and painful death. 

    I walked out of his house and slowly made my way back home. When I opened the door I headed up to my room. "I thought we were going to spend time together?" My brother questioned. 

    "You know what, I'm just not feeling very well right now. How about we do that tomorrow?" I suggested. 

    He nodded and I closed my door when I got into my room. I took my shoes off and thought about going and talking to Tyler. I opened my door and walked across the hall to knock on his door. I knocked and he opened the door without a shirt on. "Oh, hey Sky. Your brother told me that you weren't feeling well. Are you okay?" He asked concerned.

    All I could do was shake my head no and he wrapped me in his arms. "What's wrong with me Tyler?" I asked. 

    Tyler pulled away from me a little so that he could look me in the eyes and said, "There is nothing wrong with you. Who in the world told you that, I'll kill them." He sneered. 

    "I already did, but seriously, there has to be something wrong with me. I mean, my mother never liked me, my ex only wanted one thing, and my new friend just wanted to kill me. I mean, this doesn't happen to everyone. It's just me and I don't know what's wrong with me." I sobbed. 

    Tyler wrapped my in his arms again and I hugged him back. He picked me up and laid me down on his bed after shutting the door. "Skylar, there is nothing wrong with you. It's just that all of those people are disgusting, vile people and if they didn't do it to you then they would've found someone else to do it to. The difference is that if it was any other person they wouldn't have been as strong as you and they probably would've died by now." He reassured me. 

    "Thank you." I whispered and looked into his eyes. He smiled and we both started to lean in and our lips met. We started kissing and things were starting to get heated. That's when I woke up for real cuddled up to Alexander! What the hell just happened to me!


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