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    "I didn't want to get arrested for stealing a car." He admitted. I moved over and motioned for him to come into the house. He walked in hesitantly and stood in the hallway awkwardly.

    "You're going to have to sleep on the couch because there aren't anymore rooms. It isn't much, but it's better than the back seat of a car at least." I and led him to the living room so that he could see the couch.

    "Thank you so much; I probably shouldn't be here, but I didn't have anywhere else to go." He explained and sat down on the couch. I sat down beside him and stared blankly at the black television screen.

    "Oh, it's fine. I mean, it's not like we have anything to do here anyway. I'm probably going to have to move now. The 'program' found me and I don't know if I can stay here anymore. If they find me here then they could hurt the people that I really care about. However, they should know that if they hurt someone that I care about that I'm going to get revenge on them and make it the most painful and dragged out experience that they will ever encounter. The problem is that I can't take that chance with the people in this house. My mother just died, not that I care, and my father is MIA at this moment. My brother seems like he turned into a completely different person than I looked up to all of those years. Tyler doesn't talk to me anymore and James...James is the one person that knows and understands the most of what has happened to me." I whispered.

    "I'm really sorry about everything that happened to you and all of the things that I had to do to you. It's just that if we didn't do what the boss told us then we would get beaten and I needed all of my strength to try and escape. I couldn't afford to get beaten or killed for that matter." He apologized.

    "It's fine. I'm still alive and I'm going to get revenge on them somehow. If they're lucky I'll make it quick and painless, but if they hurt the people I'm close to they're going to suffer. I"m tired so I'm going to go to bed. I suggest that you get some sleep too because I'm going to teach you how to fight tomorrow." I said and stood up.

   He just nodded knowing not to argue with me and that I would win. I walked up to my room and laid down on my bed not bothering to get in the shower or into night clothes. Just as I was about to drift to sleep there was a knock on my door. I got up and opened it coming face to face with James. "What happened now? Did someone else stab you or something?" I asked.

    "No, I-I just wanted to say that I heard what you said downstairs and I thought that it was sweet that you would do that for the people that you care about. I also wanted to say that it's crazy for you to have to move. If we have to we can get together a large, and I mean large, group of friends and people that we trust and teach them how to fight. Once we do that then we can take on the 'program'. I mean, some of them we can teach to hack into their systems and we might have a chance at winning this thing." He said.

    I shook my head and laughed humorlessly. "It' sweet that you want to help, but I don't think that we will ever be able to pull that off. Even if we did how many people that we care about and trust will be lost in that fight? I don't think that I can handle more people that I care about dying." I said.

    I turned around and laid back down on my bed. My door closed and my bed dipped down beside me letting me know that James was lying down beside me now. Without opening my eyes I cuddled up next to him and savored the feeling.

    When I woke up in the morning James was still sleeping and I got up as carefully as I could without waking him up. I took a shower and put on work out clothes for the training session with the guard. Even after everything that has happened I haven't gotten his name. I put my hair in a ponytail and walked out of my room.

    As I entered the living room I noticed that the guard dude wasn't on the couch where he was supposed to be. I walked into the kitchen and saw that he was cooking breakfast. "You're still on their time too aren't you?" I asked.

    He jumped not realizing that I was standing there. "Yeah, I guess that I am." He said breathlessly and went back to cooking. I sat down at the table and stared at the wall across from me.

    My mind started to wonder to all of the things that could go wrong while the 'program' was focused on getting my back so that I would help them. Without me they can't do a lot of the things that they relied solely on me for. I was snapped out of my trance-like state when the guard set down a plate of food on the table in front of me.

   I looked from the plate to him and smiled. "Oh, thank you, but you didn't have to...really." I said.

   "Listen, you're letting me stay here and you haven't killed me yet so I wanted to thank you properly. People were never really nice to me, even before the boss recruited me." He said fixing three more plates.

    "It's not that I don't appreciate it and everything because I do, but I don't eat breakfast. Every time that I try to to eat breakfast I end up barfing it all back up. It was really nice of you though." I informed him.

    "Oh,I'm so sorry; I didn't know." He said. He snatched up the plate and placed it in the sink after dumping all of the food out.

    "It's fine, really." I said. He shook his head and started to mumble to himself and beating himself up over the whole thing.

    "So, I never caught your name." I mentioned.

    "Oh, well my name is Dakota." He mumbled.

    "Cool." I said. A few moments afterwards the three guys come walking downstairs and sit down at the table. They started to dig into all of the food that sat before them.

    When they finished they sat back and rubbed their stomachs. That's when they saw Dakota and they started to get up and beat the crap out of him.

    I stood up and blocked all three of them. "He's a...friend of mine and you aren't going to hurt him. If you lay one finger on him I'll cut your balls off and feed them to monkeys while you watch. Do I make myself clear?" I threatened.

   All three boys looked at me like I was bluffing, but I could see the uncertainty in their eyes. "Oh, so you think I won't do it do you? Why don't you try me? It's not like you'll get close enough to him to hurt him anyway. I could easily take all three of you at the same time. Couldn't I, Dakota?" I asked.

    He nodded and went to get the plates so that he could wash them. For working in the 'program' he sure is shy. All three of the boys watched me for any sign of backing down, but they weren't going to find any. The front door opened and the cops burst in.


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