The End of the Beginning

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~Chapter 26~

Previously with Sasusaku

Sasuke wiped his face and wrapped me into his arms tightly, "Sakura...let's be alone together"

I couldn't move. I was taken over by my feelings that I can't even answer. My eyes continue to water. My arms m, however, did not embrace Sasuke.

Just what am I doing?


Sakura's POV

Sasuke and I stayed together for a while. I still hadn't answered.

Sasuke then pulled away from me and gave me an apologetic look, "I'm sorry...I shouldn't do this"

I grabbed his arm to prevent him from leaving. I couldn't take it anymore. How could I not realize that I need him more than anyone else? I...I love him...I love Sasuke.

"Sasuke...-kun...", I wept as I looked at his feet, "I...I love you...and I'm sorry...I'm so sorry"

It was silent for a while and for a moment I regretted revealing my feelings.

Finally, Sasuke whispered, "'s not your fault...don't blame yourself. It's all me. I hurt you. I was the one who let you be that..."

Like that? Oh, I see. He was referring to the incident that happened with Gaara.

I shook my head as if I could shake the thought away and leaned my head against Sasuke's chest. It felt good to feel his warmth again.

He lightly kissed my head and whispered in my ear, "The sun's set...would you like me to take you home?"

I smiled a bit, "no thanks. I have my own car."

"I'll have my butler pick up your car"

I sighed in defeat and handed him my car keys, "Then...where are we going?"

He smiled wrapping his arm around my waist, "To my house"

I ended up in tears and he quickly wiped the tears from my face.

He smiled, "Let's go"

I smiled back, "Okay!"

He held my hand as he walked me to his luxurious car after calling his butler to come and pick my car up. I sat on the passenger seat and Sasuke sat on the drivers. The drive was pretty awkward; we didn't speak. Well, I was to busy realizing that Sasuke and I are together.

As expected, the luxurious vehicle parked into a beautiful mansion. I wonder how a single person long in such a large house? Sasuke...probably felt lonely. After he went out of his car, he opened the passenger door and held my hand as we walked together into his house.
My jaw hung with a slight gasp escaping my mouth. I looked up and see a big chandelier filled with bright lights.
At that moment, I felt arms around my waist, a warm body embracing me. Sasuke's warm breath reached my eyes as he said, "Sakura...", he kissed my earlobe, "Marry me"

I stood there in shock, "e-eh?" After a few moments of silence I turned to face the love of my life. He held a simple yet beautiful ring. The diamonds were placed evenly, which makes it look perfect.

I looked into his eyes and began feeling warm and felt tears in my eyes. "Yes...Yes, I'll marry you", I whispered excitedly.

Sasuke had an expression that looked relieved and embraced me tightly as he repeated the words, "I love you" into my ears.

"I-I love you too, Sasuke-kun", I slightly whimpered as I dug my head into his chest.

"Hn", I felt Sasuke smirk as his lips were on my shoulder.

Naruto's POV

"Huh? What do you have to say to me?", I asked Hinata's father.

"Hmm...", he placed his hand on his chin, "Make sure you make two babies!!"

"Name the boy Baruto!!!", Neji yelled from his room.

"Oh and name the cute daughter Himawari!!!", Hinata's father grinned.

I blushed deeply and bowed deeply, "Y-Yes, sir!"

"H-h-h-huh?!?", Hinata blushed deeply and hid her face.

I laughed and held her hand as I took her to her garden after waving to her father.

I held on to her hands tightly and looked into her eyes, "There's something I need to tell you-ttebayo"

Hinata slightly tilted her head, "Eh? What is it?"

"I've realized who I wanted to be with until the day I die. Well if it's possible, we could still be together in the afterlife heh! Ahem! Sorry...", I took a deep breath, "Hinata, will you marry me?"

Her eyes widened that whole time but out of nowhere she hugged me tightly as she cried, "Y-yes!"

I pumped my fists in the air, "Alright!!! Let's make babies!!"

"N-no! W-wait!"

I laughed, "I was joking. Joking"

~1 year later~

"Naruto-kun, hurry look!", Hinata exclaimed happily.

I sat by her side and looked I'm front of me. There he was. Our baby Baruto. Just 9 months old. His mouth quivered as he was trying to say something.

I gasped and smiled brightly, "C'mon say 'papa'!"

Hinata giggled by my side.

Baruto looked at me as he struggled with the word, "", but in an instant he looked away from me and looked at Hinata with his teeny arms wide open,"MAMA!!"

Sasuke's POV

God she's so annoying. She wouldn't eat food, "Sarada, if you don't eat, I will chidori you...GAH!", I yelped as I felt Sakura's arms tightly around my neck.

She yelled, "That's not how you speak to our baby!! cha!!"

I dropped a sweat, "Yeah yeah...annoying"

She peered at me, "did you say something?"

I smiled and laughed nervously, "I-I said that you look beautiful today!"

Sakura grinned in ease, "Now feed Sarada properly"

I nodded, "I'll try"

I nudged the spoon of baby food towards my baby's mouth. She was going to eat it until she looked at me and glared.

"Huh?" I was confused yet scared.

Sarada smacked the spoon towards my face and ends up that the food was all over me.

"Aww how cute!" Sakura smiled as she was looking at Sarada.

"Wha-" I stopped talking after hearing the laugh of my baby. My baby's laugh sounded like angels.

I smiled brightly and carried her, "Was that funny?"

Surprisingly, Sarada responded with a laugh before she wraps her arms around me in an embrace.

I was definitely the most happiest man in the world.


NARUTO ENDED....I know I'm so late, I should bury myself a hole. But my ships came true!!!! Except for Neji and Tenten....

Well anyways I want to thank my readers deeply for going on this high school journey full of romance. I hope the story was enough to entertain you. If you would like me to continue making stories of Sasusaku's and Naruhina's family please don't be shy to say so.
Again, thank you so much for your support.

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