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~Chapter 21~ .:Regret?:.

--Just a heads up, I'm probably going to stick with Sakura's and Hinata's POV for most of the chapters--


After I finally reached the door and took a deep breath I knocked on the door hesitantly.

A voice replied, "Come in"

I walked in slowly while looking at the manager's desk. I wasn't ready to look at the manager face to face. I was so nervous.

Before I could say anything, the manager sounded as if he was in shock, "Sakura..."

I looked up to meet his face. It was...him


Sakura's POV

His eyes, like before, we're still dark and lifeless. Actually, it was worse than lifeless. His eyes were simply indescribable.

Sasuke cleared his throat, "Have a seat"

I nodded and sat across from him. We were very far from each other since he had such a large office desk , which makes me feel a little comfortable.

While he interviewed me, I stare at his face. Noticing that he looks mature now. I even wonder how he went from a rapist to a manager of a famous hospital. His jaw looked as if it extended...which made him look so much hotter than he was! Wait! Stop it Sakura! Don't think like that!

"Alright, since you did very well in your medical school, your in", Sasuke said unemotionally.

I nodded, "Thank you. When should I start working?"

He collected my documents and placed them in a file, "Tomorrow morning, at least before eight"

I nodded again, stood up, and walked towards the door. But before I could walk out the door Sasuke spoke, "It's good seeing you again, Sakura...-chan"

I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to ease my pain into my self rather than taking my pain out and walked out of the door and closing it shut.

Out of nowhere, ridiculous tears swelled out of my wet eyes. As I strolled my out of the hospital a bunch of nurses chattered among themselves, "That pink haired girl looks like she's crying"

One giggled, "Probably because MY Sasuke-kun rejected her"

Another screeched, "Eh?! You can't just claim Sasuke-kun to be yours"

I couldn't take it any more so I forcefully walked through the group of nurses, pushing them to the sides as if they weighed like paper.

I ignored their rude remarks and stumbled my way into my car. Once I finally sat I cried. I cried as if it was the last thing I'd do.

I didn't expect to see Sasuke-kun here. But what was surprising, was that he became a manager of Konoha hospital. Wasn't he a guitarist for Akatsuki. Then it also reminded me of Itachi...I really missed him. As well as Sasuke's parents. They were both really kind, it was as if they were my second parents. My parents however, died when I was 5 of an accident.

I sighed and put my hands on my face. The tears couldn't stop flowing! It was embarrassing. I wanted to look strong. I mean, I never let a tear fall after these five years. My pain was hidden deep inside.

The bet was still on. In fact, me and Hinata are the only ones who are still in the bet. I figured that Tenten and Neji went back together after I nearly got...yeah. And, they're engaged! Ino and Shikamaru are also together after Shikamaru finally cleared his relationship with Temari to Ino a year after graduation.

Hinata, however, is struggling to forget Naruto. Naruto keeps contact with me and asks how Hinata is sometimes. He even asks me what she's wearing! *sigh* I really feel bad for those two. Hinata started to socialize more since she is a professor and I'm glad. Hopefully, that can distract her from being depressed. Naruto, on the other hand, is doing okay. He texted me yesterday, saying that he got accepted to a college, but he didn't tell me what college he was going to. I was hoping for him to get a class where Hinata teaches! That would be so nice, not that I want to get them together first so I could be the winner of the bet. No, of course not. Well, half of me is saying that.

But anyways, after feeling much better, I started driving away from Konoha Hospital to home.

Hinata's POV

Naruto wouldn't leave me alone. I was still in class cleaning up all of the student's trash because I didn't want the janitor to, and Naruto decided to help until it was dark.

"Hinata", Naruto said as he walked close to me, "Please".

I didn't know exactly what he wanted but right when he placed the palm of his hand on my cheek I understood and backed away, "Naruto-kun... I can' father", I looked up at him to meet his glossy eyes.

He was in tears. My chest felt like it was squeezed with pain.

Again, he comes close, "So you choose your father over me? Over the love of your life?"

I flinched and looked at my feet, "You don't understand-"

He abruptly grabbed my shoulders, "Of course I don't understand! I don't understand a damn thing why your father hates me! I've don't nothing wrong except loving you! Is loving you a sin?!"

I cried...I never cried after our breakup. I didn't want to look weak. Especially in front of Naruto.

Naruto sighed and wiped my tears with both of his hands. He cups my cheek and makes me look at him.

"Hinata-chan", he fluently says my name, "let's get ramen"

I blushed and stared at him in shock.

Is he asking me on!


I'm sorry you had to wait for so long! I had so much homework, I was literally stressing up on myself and was getting bad headaches. Well anyways, I hope you like this chappy! Oh and thanks for the 9K views! I really love you people T.T

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