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~Chapter 22~ .:Perhaps...:.


He abruptly grabbed my shoulders, "Of course I don't understand! I don't understand a damn thing why your father hates me! I've don't nothing wrong except loving you! Is loving you a sin?!"

I cried...I never cried after our breakup. I didn't want to look weak. Especially in front of Naruto.

Naruto sighed and wiped my tears with both of his hands. He cups my cheek and makes me look at him.

"Hinata-chan", he fluently says my name, "let's get ramen"

I blushed and stared at him in shock.

Is he asking me on!


Hinata's POV

It was so strange. I didn't expect Naruto to straight forwardly ask me on a date. After five years of suffrage, can I allow myself to go back to him? Can I allow myself to go against my father's will? No, of course not.

I locked the door of my classroom and stated at my foot. Naruto left five minutes earlier and suggested me to think about going to

On the other hand, laid the bet. Sakura and I are the only participants in the bet and I want to prove everyone that I am strong. I can live without Naruto...maybe.

I walked through the empty hallway. Hearing only my light footsteps. I walked towards my car as my mind repeated the scene where Naruto asked me on a date.

As I drove to my father's home, I kept wondering to myself if I could allow myself to go against my father and run away with Naruto. Running away with him would've sound so beautiful if only my father did not exist.

Finally reaching my father's home, I walked inside and greeted father politely.

He was sitting on the couch reading the newspaper, "good evening, Hinata. How was class today"

"It was great as usual, father", I smiled lightly.

He patted the space next to him, "sit"

My eyes widened a little as I obeyed and sat.

He took a deep breath and stared at me, "Look, about that Naruto boy..."

I flinched after hearing Naruto's name. Why was father bringing him up? After five years, what did Naruto do?

Father continued, "I'm sorry I took you away from him. I've realized...that I've done the same thing what your mother's father had done", he glanced at the picture of mother that's hung on to the wall before us.

My eyes widened in shock. My father just admit that he's guilty. Tears swell in my eyes and I looked down, "Father, you don't have to say sorry. I don't want to be with-"

BANG BANG BANG! The door bangs loudly.

Our servant rushed and opened the door. And outside was....NARUTO?!?

I started sweating. Surely, father will abandon Naruto from this city since he came in without an appointment

Naruto was sweating as well and was breathing hard as he leans against the doorway.

I blushed deeply and looked away quickly.

Naruto then ran up to me and grabbed my hand. My eyes widened and stared at my father to see his reaction.

He was...smiling.

"Let's go, Hinata-chan!", Naruto yelled as he had a huge smile on his face.

I blushed again as he pulled me out of my house and into his car.

I was breathing heavily, "N-Naruto-kun, where are we going?"

He smiled so brightly, that it hurt my chest, "To get ramen!"

My eyes widen as he started driving,"M-Matte, Naruto-kun! I don't want to go! I'm not ready-"

"Ready for what?", he asked sternly.

I looked down and played with my fingers, "I'm not ready to be with you"

Naruto pulled over to the right and turned off his car, "You're still not ready? After all this time without me? Even after your dad doesn't mind me being with you?"

I held my tears back as I choked, "You don't understand-"

"Then make me understand", he said sternly.

I stared at his deep blue orbs. They were shiny and had liquid flowing on his tan skin.

I couldn't resist but touched his face to gently wipe his tears. I quickly jolted back after realizing what I've just done and faced away from him, "Take me home Naruto-kun"

Naruto sighed in defeat and wiped his face before driving.

We were awkwardly silence during the drive until we were driving on a street that I don't know.

"Naruto-kun, where are we going?", I asked worriedly.

"Somewhere", he replied as his eyes were glued on to the road.

I looked at him in complete fear and shock. I started to fidget through my pocket to find my phone but I couldn't find it. I was doomed. I'm kidnapped by Naruto!

Out of nowhere I yelled, "Naruto-Kun, please don't hurt me! I'll give you all of my money and-"

He interrupted with a humorous laugh, "I don't want money and I'm never ever going to hurt you...all I want is you"

I stared at him in shock, "Then...where are we going?"

He gave me a cute grin, "To Ichiraku Ramen!"

My eyes widened immediately, "No! I don't want to go with you!"

"Too late", he stuck his tongue out.

I didn't bother arguing and simply sat there pouting.

Sakura's POV

The next morning I quickly woke up around six and took a quick warm shower.

After a good breakfast I walked to my car and went off to Konoha Hospital.

As I entered the hospital, a lot of the nurses glared at me. I flipped my hair off my shoulder and made my way into Sasuke's office.

I slowly knocked on the door as I tried to pretend that the owner was someone else rather than Sasuke.

Sasuke stood as he looked at me, "It seems that you're ready to start working"

I nod while I kept my eyes off of Sasuke's face.

He walked passed me and out the door saying, "Let's start. Shall we?"


Please please please please, with a cherry on the top, forgive me for not updating any sooner! 😭 I think it's been two weeks! I'm so so so so sorry! I hope you guys will forgive me! As I said before I had so much studying to do that I barely had the time to write! I hope this chapter is worth waiting for because god dammit I'm tired!

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