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~Chapter 19~ .:Alone:.


Hinata cried and she placed her hand over mines,"I love you too but", she took my hand off her cheek and placed it next to my body that was on the floor,"it won't work for us anymore"

In a matter of seconds, everything went completely dark


Naruto's POV


That beeping noise....


It's getting annoying!!

Beep beep beep

I yelled and opened my

As I jerked up I spotted Sasuke, Ino, Tenten and Neji..but not Hinata and Sakura.

Everyone stared at me dumbfounded. I guessed that I screamed too loud.

Neji first took a step forward and , surprisingly, bowed,"Forgive me, Naruto. I wasn't thinking clearly-"

I snarled,"yeah you weren't thinking clearly," I said in the matter of fact, "Now give me my Hinata back"

Neji sighed, "I'm afraid I cannot do that. You have to go against her father in order to get Hinata"

Sasuke spoke in,"It's alright. We can create another plan"

I raised my eyebrow,"That reminds me, your plan didn't work"

Sasuke rolled his eyes, "that's because this dumb ass here", nudging his head towards Neji, "ruined the plan"

Neji glared and Tenten walked toward Neji and ran her hand over Neji's arm to sooth him.

Ino raised her eyebrows and squealed, "Tenten! Your WEAK!"

Tenten frowned and looked away,"yeah..."

All of the guys, including me, raised their eyebrows in confusion and Ino falsely smiled, "It's a bet thingy"

Ino didn't look so well. She had dark circles under her eyes, showing that she hasn't slept for days. Looks like her relationship is not going well either.

Wait...why is everyone heartbroken?! Sasuke looked a little pissed off...I'm not sure why but it seemed like he got into a fight with Sakura.

Ino checked her phone for a quick second before she said, "I'm off guys. Feel better, Naruto"

"Thanks Ino", I replied while as everyone gave her a friendly nod.

Ino rushed off outside the room making me feel suspicious. Ahh! That's not something I have to worry about! I need to somehow find a way to get Hinata!

"Now that you feel better, I'll take my leave", Neji said.

"I'm going too!", Tenten chirped in and walked out.

Sasuke sighed after a few moments of awkward silence, "Sorry Naruto but I have my own problems to deal with"

I tried reaching my hand out to have Sasuke stay but the pain held me back. But Sasuke was already out of the door.

I sighed sadly and stared at the ceiling thinking of how depressing it can be to realize how alone you really are (A/N JOKER 🔪)

I winced, not because of my physical pain but the pain of being alone.

///4 months later\\\

Sakura's POV

It's been since that one night where I almost got raped when I stopped speaking to him. My heart sank and repeated to me saying that the choice I made was bad. But how was it bad when Sasuke was the leader of a gang member. That little innocent child he used to be cannot be Sasuke as of that time. I'm sort of satisfied that he dismissed the gang but that doesn't mean I'll come running back into his arms.

The bet Ino made about being a strong woman now included me. I want to be declared stronger than Ino. By that I'll be happy without Sasuke.

I walked on the pathway in school. Silently humming to the beat of my footsteps.

It was June, the last month of school...until I go to college then a medical university. Then become a doctor.

Can I survive without him? For 6 years? Can I really make it into a medical course? Can I love again? Can I forgive Sasuke?

I sighed as the bell rang ferociously. I rushed into Physics class and covered my pained and dark face with a fake smile.

"Hey, Hidan-sensei!", I said as happily as I could.

He raised an eyebrow unamused, "Yo Sakura. Wanna see something?"

"Sure", I replied unenthusiastically.

He grinned and grabbed a bass from under his table, "I CAN PLAY THE BASS!", he then started to play, admittingly, some good tunes.

I sighed and walked towards my seat, "That's great, Hidan sensei"

He pouted, "it's been months and your still no fun"

Everyone rushed in and Sasuke came in right before the bell rang. Without him noticing, I scooted my chair over so I would sit far from him.

He silently sat next to me, without a greeting. But that's not surprising. We've ignored each other for so long it seemed like we didn't even realize each other's existence.

Hidan rose from his chair and stood in the front of the classroom, "Since school will be over in a couple of days, I want to review. Now tell me the reason why", he cut the palm of his the first day of school, "the drop of blood fell?"

No one answered. Even though The whole class knew the answer, they were too shocked to see that scene again. However, Sasuke and I didn't answer because we stopped talking whenever we were in each other's presence. I'm grateful that he doesn't speak. It makes me feel less uncomfortable.

But surprisingly, Sasuke rose his hand and I bluntly stared at him in shock.

Hidan smiled brightly, "ah, Sasuke! Answer for the class, if you may."

"The force of gravity", Sasuke muttered.

Hidan rose an eyebrow and cupped one ear with his hand, "I can't hear you"

"Gravity", Sasuke said a little louder.

"Still can't hear you!"

Sasuke growled, "GRAVITY, god dammit!", he emerged from his table, grabbing his backpack and ran outside of the classroom.

I didn't move. I stayed on my seat. That was the loudest he spoke since we've broken up. I kept my tears in my heart. I wanted to stay strong. Strong without Sasuke.

Hidan sighed and muttered, "damn it, he's still not feeling better"

I rose my eyebrows. Did Hidan knew about our breakup? Whatever it doesn't matter.

It's been soooo long and I'm so very sorry! I just had some big tests that I had to take yesterday and the day before. I hope this chapter was enjoyable and worth it. Again thank you soo much for the comments and views. I'm thinking of making a sequel to this story but maybe just have the whole story in one fanfic. What do you think? Anyways bye! :)

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