Blooming Hearts

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Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto

~Chapter 2~ .:Blooming Hearts:.

Naruto's POV


So far, my classes weren't that bad. After meeting some people, I felt...happy. No one is living in my home. It's just I, me, and myself.

I grabbed my lunch and went outside. I sat under a sakura tree, it's the usual place for me to sit around since freshmen year. I just enjoyed seeing the petals falling from the tree. Yeah, I know, I sound gay right?

I ignore the glances I get from people walking pass by and I start humming to myself.

Hinata's POV

Naruto-kun is sitting by himself. Should I talk to him? Hmm maybe not. I don't want to be a bother....but this is my only chance.

I felt myself going warm as I walked towards the cherry blossom tree.

'I'm almost there. Just a couple more steps' I thought.

Finally, I took a deep breath, closed my eyes, and tried to smile as sweetly as I could,"H-hello, Naruto-kun!"

I waited...there was no response.

I opened my eyes to meet Sakura, my best friend. I blushed furiously, "Gomen! I-I accidentally ran into you!"

The pink haired girl laughed,"it's alright! If you're looking for Naruto he's over there" she points to the tree across us.

"O-oh...thank you. Tell Ino and Tenten I said hello!" I said as I walked off to see Naruto.

Sakura, Ino, and Tenten were all my freshmen best friends. They always stood besides me when my cousin, Neji didn't have the time. From the rumors I've heard, Neji was in a gang in which the leader was Sasuke.

I confidently stood before Naruto, who had his eyes closed and was humming. I didn't know what to do so I gently poked his nose,"H-hello Naruto-kun"

His eyes opened and he smiled that big foxy smile, "Hinata-chan!"

I blushed and thought,'ch-chan?'

He for some reason grabbed my waist and pulled me down so I could sit next to him,"I'm so glad we could finally talk to each other!"

I blushed again,"M-me too". I wish I could stop stuttering but it's so natural when it comes to Naruto. >////<

I glanced at him and see him blushing."Eh? Naruto-kun? W-what's wrong are you okay?". I leaned a bit closer and see that he's also sweating.

He laughed nervously," I know this is kinda awkward to say but....u-uh.........I THINK YOU'RE CUTE!!"

I gasped and looked away,"a-arigato..." I started to play with my fingers. Putting my index finger over the other and doing it again with the finger below.

I heard Naruto sigh. I wish I was confident like Sakura so I could actually hug Naruto for that compliment.

Sasuke's POV

Spying is creepy, I know but I can't help but to see how that dobe gets a girl. He's such an idiot. I would give him lessons for going out with girls but I barely know him and he's a dobe.

I walked away from the window and to my locker to see Karin leaning on it.

She smiled,"You know that you have a date with me after school right?" She puts a hand on her hip.

I smirked,"Of course, lovely" I leaned in and kissed her passionately.

Karin was the richest in school, after me. My older brother is in a band called The Akatsuki. He is the vocalist while I'm the guitarist. So yeah that pretty much explains why I'm so rich. I used to get girls all around me everyday but since Karin is with me they probably got scared.

I broke the kiss,"I need to get some books from my locker"
Karin backed away from it and giggled,"You're such a nerd!"
I raised an eyebrow,"What was that?"
Karin smiles and hugged me from behind,"That you're a very hot nerd"
"Hn" I smirked.

I got the books needed for my next class and heard the bell rang in time. Me and Karin made our usual make out session (A/N: ik I hate sasukarin too) and went off to class.

Physics, from what I've heard, was just plain math. Doesn't seem all that difficult for me so maybe this class will give me an easy A.
I walked in the class and bumped into a pink haired girl. I've recognized her. She's one of the girls I thanked for not fan girling over me. Yeah she was pretty, but I got Karin to take care of. 'Maybe I'll plan on making this pink haired girl sleep with me' I thought.

I looked at those innocent green orbs and see her blush lightly.

"Sorry, Sasuke-kun" she mutters and was about to turn away when I grabbed her arm. She looked at me in shock.
I would never touch a girl besides Karin so this one is a first.

"How come you know my name and I don't know yours?" I asked.

'Stupid! What kind of question is that?! Only a dobe would ask that!' I thought angrily.

"'s because your famous" The pink haired girl looked away.

"What's your name?"

"Sakura. Haruno Sakura"


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