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Disclaimer- I do not own Naruto

~Chapter 1~ .:Introduction:.

In the classroom of Konoha High, I walked to my seat. I've just became a senior and was receiving glares and bad comments on the first day of school. I tried my best to ignore them but I couldn't help but feel an aching pain somewhere in my chest.

I sat on my seat and played with my pencil.

"Hey it's 'that'", a girl with long blonde hair tied up in to a high ponytail whispered to a pink haired girl. I admitted, they were both hot but they were mean.

I rose from my seat and shouted at them,"I'm not 'that'! I'm Naruto Uzumaki!". The blonde girl with blue eyes stared at me while the pink haired one smiled at me heavenly.

"That's an interesting way to introduce yourself. I'm Sakura Haruno."

The blonde one whispered to me,"Be careful, she has a high temper so she tends to burst out of nowhere sometimes. By the way, I'm Ino".

Then the bell suddenly rung.

The two strange girls walked back to their seats as the homeroom teacher entered the classroom.

"Good morning and welcome to homeroom! My name is Iruka but call me Iruka-sensei or just sensei. Now I will be asking you to..."

'Ah god, this Iruka dude talks way too much maybe if I just sleep'.

I gently placed my head on the cool table until...

"Naruto!" Iruka sensei yelled.

I jerked my head up so fast I got a bit dizzy, "What do you want?!"

Iruka sensei's eyebrows twitched,"Don't give me that attitude or else I'll send you to the principal."

"Hmp" I glared in defeat.

My first period was math and what sucked was that I had the most weirdest teacher ever and already had our seat assigned.

Our teacher for some reason had silver hair and a mask that kept his mouth and nose hidden.

I prayed to sit by myself, but you know what? Life sucks.

I was assigned to sit next to this one chicken-butt haired dude who thinks he's all that!

I looked at the chicken butt haired dude and asked him," Oi! What's your name?"

"Sasuke Uchiha."

"Nice to meet you! I'm Naruto Uzumaki" I gave my big smile.

Sasuke glanced toward me and closed his eyes in annoyance,"I never asked."

I stared at him. What was his problem? Why did he have to be so cold? Bah! What a dick!

I shrugged it off and looked up to see our math teacher, Kakashi-sensei, reading porn. Of course, I made a disgusted face. I mean, who the hell reads porn in school?! More importantly, in front of their students?!

After trying to figure his face under Kakashi-sensei's mask I noticed a dude who was solving a math problem up on the chalkboard. His head looked like a pineapple and his eyes looked tired. Oh wait! I heard people talking about him. He's Shikamaru Nara! The smartest kid in school!

"Hi Shikamaru!" I stood and yelled across the room.

He looked at me and smiled awkwardly. Kakashi-sensei glared. I apologized and laughed nervously. Yup that's the typical dorky me.

Sasuke grabbed my shirt and pulled me down to my seat, "Shut up, dobe."

"Hey, don't call me that, teme!" I yelled as I stick my tongue out at him.

Sasuke glared and I glared back. 'My chest, well my heart feels a little this what friendship feels like?' I thought to myself and smiled inwardly.

Next period was art with Deidara sensei. As I walk in class, people continuously talked.

No one waved at me nor did they smile. Except one. She's this girl I keep on seeing since sophomore year. Yes, she was pretty actually beautiful. What confused me was that whenever I try to talk to her she would turn all red then faint.

There was an open seat besides her so I sat there and waved,"Hey Hinata! Long time no see!".

She looked at me and blushed.

'Please don't knock out on me', I thought repeatedly.

"H-hello, Naruto-kun." She smiled to what looked liked an angel's smile.

I opened my mouth in shock. She finally responded to me!

I felt myself go red because......ah she's just so cute!!!

First day of senior year does not seem bad after all...


This is my first fan fiction so sorry if it sucks XD

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