Falling Petals

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~Chapter 7~ .:Falling Petals:.


She gave me a serious face in return,"Who did it?"

I looked away,"It's okay, Sakura-chan. It's not important"

She yelled,"Of course it's important. Whenever you cry you never tell me what's wrong so I ignore you. Right now I'm not in the mood to ignore you! I want to help you! Tell me who made you cry!"

I flinched then I gave up. I told her everything.

She hugged me,"I won't let anyone bully you. I'll pay Naruto a visit"

"There's no need to" I then hear the voice I didn't want to hear.

"Naruto-kun..." I whispered.

Sakura's POV

Seeing Naruto really shocked me. I didn't expect him to come back to Hinata right after he bullies her.

Naruto looks at me sternly, "Sakura-chan, please leave"

I glared,"I'm not leaving Hinata alone! I wa-"

He the yelled,"I'm not going to hurt her! I want to speak to Hinata-chan alone"

I opened my jaw in shocked. Naruto was never like this, usually he would seem to be impossibly happy at the good and bad times.

I sighed in defeat,"Alright, you better not hurt her"

Hinata just stood there looking down as she plays with her fingers.

Naruto nodded and I nod back and walked off. The feeling of bursting in anger suddenly rises every step I go farther from Naruto and Hinata.

As I walk I see Sasuke in a classroom window. He seems to be looking at something...it was Naruto and Hinata! Why would he be watching them?

I went into the classroom and walked behind Sasuke without him knowing. And I yelled in his ear as loud as I could.

He jumped and screamed, "What the hell, Sakura?!"

I laughed so hard I rolled on to the floor.

Sasuke stood with an unpleasant face,"That's not funny..."

I felt bad at some point because I laughed for about five minutes until I could finally breath.

"You done yet?" Sasuke asked.

I took a deep breath and stood as I wiped my sweat,"Yes, I am. By the way, may I watch Hinata and Naruto with you? I want to know what Naruto is going to tell her."

He sighed,"Sure. I guess."

I smiled giddily and stood next to him and looked through the window. I saw Hinata who was about to burst into tears and Naruto immediately hugged her.

I raised an eyebrow,"Sasuke-kun, what's going on?"

He whispers,"A confession"

I slightly gasped. Did Hinata tell Naruto? Or perhaps Naruto told Hinata.

Ahh! I need to know!

After a few minutes I felt that god has answered my prayers. I just witnessed Hinata and Naruto kissing. I squealed and Sasuke shushed me,"Be quiet! They'll hear you"

"Sorry" I mumbled and looked down.

Sasuke sighed and took my hand surprisingly. I looked up at him in confusion.

He blushed and looked away," I want to talk to you. So let's go to someplace else and leave these two alone"

I slightly nodded in agreement and followed him as he guided me outside and under a cherry blossom tree. He sat down and I sat.

I looked at my feet,"So, what is it that you need to talk about?"

"Uh....I forgot", he blushed and stared at the blossom petals.

I watched with him. Rather than awkward, being with Sasuke seems to be...comforting. My memories of Sasuke start to flow in my mind. All I see is him. Damn...I fell for him pretty hard.

I looked at him and ended up staring at him.

Sasuke looked at me and raised his eyebrow,"What?"

I blushed and looked away,"N-nothing..."

"Something is w-"

A high pitched voice yelled from afar,"Suigetsu! Not here! Someone will hear us!"

Sasuke's eyes widened,"Karin?" He stood up and went where Karin was and left me under the cherry blossom tree.

Thank you for the votes! It kept me going on continuing my story. I really don't have anything to say but please post some comments or suggestions. Stay tuned for the next chapter XD

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